(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The hardest part and the best part. You're the hardest part. To me, the hardest part is the fact that you're serving other people, because a good pastor's hard is just to take burdens off of other people and helping people, but it's also the best part. To me, it's kind of like a parent. Having kids, it's the hardest thing you'll ever do, but it's so rewarding because you're a kid and you love them and you want to see them and enjoy their life. I think if you're doing it right, to me it's kind of almost the same thing. I think the hardest part about being a pastor is just the fact that you just have this target on you. You're just being assaulted all the time, just by the devil, just spiritually. People are trying to infiltrate my family, my church. Everybody wants to hurt me. You know what I mean? I'm serious. People just want to hurt me, so they'll try to do anything that they can. It's a constant assault. Then there's just the internal battle. It's just hard. It's just hard to survive and just keep doing it. I would say the best part to me is just the fact that I just kind of get to eat, breathe, and sleep the things of God. When I had a full-time job, I liked having a full-time job, but I kind of have these other segments of my life where it's kind of like, okay, I've got to do all this secular stuff. Then it's like, okay, then let's do the spiritual stuff. It's nice to just be able to really just eat, breathe, and sleep the things of God. If we didn't love God and love the Bible, we wouldn't be pastors. We get to basically do what we love and spend time on what we love.