(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, so today I want to answer the question, what is a reprobate? Basically a reprobate is a group of people who have lost their chance to go to heaven. Just like people who are in hell right now have lost their chance, there are some people on this earth who have also lost their chance. Hopefully by the end of this you understand why. All right, on the board here I have three different groups of people. I have the unsaved, I have the saved, and I have the reprobate. And everyone starts out as unsaved and these other two groups, if they go to them, they're permanent changes. They can't go back once they go. And also the unsaved and the reprobate are essentially opposites of each other. So how does someone get saved? Well, of course they accept and believe. The Bible just says believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. So the opposite of that, how does someone become a reprobate? They would reject and replace. So instead of accepting the gospel, would they reject it? Instead of believing on Jesus, would they replace him with something else? There's a few examples of this in the Bible. For instance, Romans 1 says, who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshiped and served a creature, instead of the creator who is blessed forever, amen. So basically they've rejected God and they've replaced him with a lie. So they became a reprobate. Another example would be to take the mark of the beast, which would be to reject God and replace him with the antichrist. So they'll also become a reprobate. Another example is to blaspheme the Holy Spirit, which would be to reject the Holy Spirit and replace him with an unclean spirit. It will also make you a reprobate. And finally is to change the Bible, which would be to reject the Bible and to replace it with your own Bible, which will also make you a reprobate. Like I said, these are permanent groups. Once you're saved, you're always saved. There are many reasons you can never lose your salvation. But in the same way, once you're a reprobate, you're always a reprobate. There are many reasons you can never gain your salvation if you're a reprobate. The most famous one is here in John 12 39. It says, therefore, they could not believe because that Isaiah said again, he has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart that they should not see with their eyes nor understand with their heart and be converted and I should heal them. So what would a reprobate need to do to be saved? Well, he would need to accept and believe, right? But according to this, they could not believe or in present tense, they cannot believe. It's impossible for a reprobate to believe in the gospel, which means they never will, which means that they'll never get saved. That's why they can never gain their salvation because they will never believe on Jesus because that's the only way to anyone get saved. So the first point is that an unsaved person has been blinded by Satan. If they get saved, they can see by the light of the gospel. But if they become a reprobate, they're not just blinded by Satan, they become blinded by God. And at that point, God will never give them their sight back. Because he's blind to them, they will never believe in Jesus, which means they will never get saved. The second point is that spiritually, an unsaved person is an orphan in the world. When you get saved, you become a child of God, you become born again. And once you're a child of God, you're always a child of God. Well, a reprobate, they become a child of Satan. And in the same way, they're always a child of Satan, they can never go back. Finally, an unsaved person is spiritually dead. When he gets saved, our spirit is quickened, it's brought back to life. But when you become a reprobate, your spirit becomes twice dead. And at that point, it can never be brought back to life again. So where does everyone go when they die? Well, of course, the saved, they go to heaven because they believe in Jesus. The unsaved, they go to hell because they don't believe in Jesus. And the reprobates, they also go to hell because they don't believe in Jesus, but actually they go to the lowest hell, because these are the wickedest people on the earth. You see, an unsaved person starts off with the carnal mind. When we get saved, we also receive the new man, which is basically a perfect conscience that we can tap into. And of course, these two are going to fight against each other. But when you become a reprobate, not only do you have a carnal mind, you also receive a reprobate mind, which instead of being perfect, is actually full of all unrighteousness. It's filthy, has all sorts of perversions, and it's going to lead you into all these disgusting things at the bottom of the list here. So at the bottom here, I have a few examples of what the reprobate mind manifests itself into. And again, these things aren't what made someone a reprobate. This is the effect of them rejecting and replacing God. Because when they reject and replace God, well God rejects them, and God replaces their mind with the mind of a beast. So that can manifest itself into being a psychopath. The Bible says that the reprobate's conscience has been seared with a hot iron, so they have no conscience anymore. It also can manifest itself as someone being a false prophet, like a Catholic priest. And it also can manifest itself into a bunch of perversions, going after strange flesh. For instance, homos, pedos, beastos, necros, you know, so if there's a man going after another man, or a child, or an animal, or a dead person, take it to the bank. This person's a reprobate. Also if someone's a serial killer or a cannibal, they are also a reprobate. These things are not normal. These are only manifestations of a reprobate mind. And again, the reason they got there is because they rejected God, so God rejected them. Alright, so often we might say that all homos are going to hell, or homos cannot be saved. And the reason we can say that is because, well, homos are reprobates, and reprobates cannot be saved, and reprobates are going to hell. And of course the reason why is because they don't believe. So if a homo says that he believes in Jesus, either he's not a homo, or he's lying. It can't be both. Consider Jeffrey Dahmer. He was a known serial killer, cannibal, he was a pedo, homo, you name it. But at the end of his life, he said he believed in Jesus. Either he's lying, or the Bible's lying, because the Bible says he cannot believe in Jesus. It's impossible. These are the worst type of people. They lie to you. Don't believe them. And these people at any moment can do any of these things. Yeah, they might just be a homo right now, but at the drop of a hat, they can become a pedo. At the drop of a hat, they can become a serial killer. Don't trust your kids with them. Don't invite them into church. Don't invite them into your house. You need to avoid these people. So I hope this helps clear this up. If you just remember one thing, remember this. Reprobates will never get saved because they will never believe in Jesus. If you have any other questions, leave them in the comments below. Otherwise, God bless you. Have a great day.