(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I think that as the new IFB grows and there's more churches, there's going to be a lot of splits. It's just going to keep factioning and splitting. That's true. I mean, obviously the Bible kind of has that. Also, it's like all bases turn against me, and you see... Obviously, not everybody's going to be friends. Think about Paul and Barnabas. They literally have a split. There's nothing wrong with Paul or Barnabas necessarily. They just don't want to be friends per se. But a lot of our splits have been just like gamble heretics. So that's a different issue. But I believe there's probably going to be times where we have, quote-unquote, United churches where two guys, they're friendly, but they're just not going to really associate. Well, there are guys that I'm friends with both of them, but they won't be friends with each other. That's just the way... I don't ever see a time where there's just this united front of 400 new IFB churches. Because it's just we're cutting edge, is what we are. And when you're cutting edge, there's going to be a lot of just... Collateral damage or something. No, I mean, there's just going to be a lot of opposition. There's going to be a lot of... I don't know how to describe it, but I'm just saying if you look in the Bible, the Apostle Paul, there's a lot of drama there. People are like, oh, too much drama. Well, the book of Acts, a lot of drama in Paul's life. Read the book of 2 Corinthians and talk to me about drama. That was some serious drama. So I foresee that, yeah, we're going to keep multiplying and we're going to keep splitting. Multiplying, splitting, multiplying, splitting. And it doesn't matter because even if somebody... Let's say somebody breaks with me and somebody is like, I'm not fellowshiping with Pastor Anderson anymore. I don't want anything to do with Pastor Anderson anymore. If they're still soul winning and doing stuff that I taught, well, who cares? I don't really need more friends in my life. I've got enough friends. But here's what I think a lot of people miss in this movement. This is I think the biggest thing that a lot of you guys might be missing is that I don't judge our success by how many new IFB churches there are because if I can influence the old IFB, even if they never come over to my side, if I can get them doing more soul winning and if I can get them to preach a little harder against the homos, even if they're not going to come all the way to my side, then my work is done. So I don't feel like I have to have this network of loyal new IFB churches all over America. Because what if I can just influence thousands of churches even though maybe they're just listening secretly. They don't want their wife to know so they're doing it on the headphones so that their wife doesn't know that they're listening to Pastor Anderson. But hey, isn't that just as good? Why do they need to be openly my friend or whatever? If I've influenced them, then I've done something. And by the way, our influence goes way beyond the old IFB. And a lot of people give me crap about this, but I influence a lot of Reform Baptists, Presbyterians. People listen to my sermons from all denominations. And so I'm actually influencing people in other denominations too. And here's the thing. You say, well, those denominations are so doctrinally screwed up. So is the old IFB. The old IFB has got some squirrely doctrine too. But here's the thing. If we're influencing churches, even if they never become new IFB, whatever that means, if we're influencing churches, we're influencing churches. If the soul winning is happening, if people are knocking doors, what if somebody who hates me knocks a bunch of doors and gets a bunch of people saved? Well, great. Because I'm not Christ, so I don't matter. It's Christ that matters.