(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Should Christian parents give their children the HPV vaccine? Whether or not to vaccinate one's children can be a controversial subject among Christian parents. And the controversy has only increased when it comes to the HPV vaccine. See, the HPV vaccine is a vaccine for a virus that is transferred from person to person through skin to skin contact, usually sexual contact. Most parents object to the vaccine because they believe their child is not at risk of contracting an STD, and I would have to agree. They conclude by saying parents should certainly teach their children a biblical view of sexual ethics. They say we often cannot control our children's choices as they grow up, or especially the choices their potential spouse may have made. Therefore, they argue giving one's child the HPV vaccine may be a wise decision. Oh, really? Well, what did Jesus say about vaccines? That's really all that matters, right? What does the Bible say about vaccines? Jesus said, they that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. So if you are perfectly healthy, you have absolutely no need to go see the physician and get chemicals pumped into your body. That is absolutely ridiculous. So, as far as me and my house, you know, we're going to stick with what Jesus said. They that be whole need not a physician. If you are well, there's no need to put a vaccine in your body. It's stupid. I mean, look at the vaccine schedule. Birthday, 15 months. Look at all this crap. They want you to pump into your perfectly healthy newborn. And it shouldn't be a surprise that now, autism cases in the United States jump to 1 in 45. 1 in 45. Well, I wonder what could be the problem here. Look at this. There's definitely a connection, but, you know, if we stick with the Bible and what Jesus said, they that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick, then this problem will go away. Should Christian parents give their children? No, absolutely not. If you're not sick, there's no need to go to the doctor and get a shot. I mean, that's stupid. So let me know what you think about this in the comments below. And if you're new, be sure to subscribe to the channel and stay tuned for more videos. Thanks for watching.