(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) My name is Marcel Lugo. I'm a member of Steadfast Baptist Church after the 6900 Denton Highway. I just came from Florida. I just kind of wanted to give a little quick personal testimony. I came from Florida to come to Steadfast Baptist Church. And the sole purpose was I just wanted to attend a church whose mission is to fulfill the great commission. And what that entails is evangelizing, preaching the gospel, getting people baptized, and also preaching all the council of God. Unfortunately, there are some things in the Bible that is very offensive to some people. There are some things in the Bible that's not popular today, but it's not our job to preach the things that are popular or not popular. It's our job to preach all the word of God. And that's what our pastor is doing. And there is a verse in the Bible, Leviticus 2013, that says, if a man also lie with mankind as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed abomination. They shall be surely put to death. Their blood shall be upon them. So the Bible clearly states that the government should put homosexuals to death. That's not our words. We didn't pen that down. That's what the Bible teaches. That's what we're going to preach. Today, tomorrow, for the rest of our existence. Now, I will submit to you today that the uprising that's being caused in the city is not from steadfast Baptist church, but it's actually from these homosexual protesters. Every time we come to church, I have five children and a wife, these people are speaking the most profane, derogatory remarks, saying that they want to kill us. They want to rape our children. They're saying the most vile things. I will say that the Bible only says, only by pride cometh contention. So these people profess that they're proud. We're not professing that we're proud. We're just trying to be humble servants and serving the Lord Jesus Christ. And the Bible says, only by pride cometh contention. And God hates pride. The Bible says, these things does the Lord hate. Yea, he's 16th and seven is abomination. Pride, a proud look, right? So I will ask you today, if you guys want peace in the city of Watagua, I would just ask today that you guys just let Steadfast Baptist Church serve God peacefully. Let us keep doing what we're doing. We're just preaching the Bible. And the Bible says that if you cast out the scorner, contention shall cease. So if you cast out these homosexual protesters, the contention from the city of Watagua would cease and you would have peace in the city. But if you actually cast out the men of God, then actually there will be a curse upon the city. That'll be all. In Jesus' name, Jesus Christ. Amen. God bless you. Amen. Amen. Amen. In Jesus' name, Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen. Amen. Bye.