(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) what what made you decide you wanted to get into ministry well here's the thing is i'm assuming you're referring to pastoring but if you're not if you're just referring to ministry in general um ministry is what everyone's called to do right that's what god wants everyone to do to serve him but i when i got saved i got saved under some leather lung preaching a fundamental baptist preacher and i was just inspired by it and i thought to myself man i want to do that one day i want to preach god's word with authority and um luckily i was in a church where there were strong male leaders and more specifically a strong pastor who inspired me to want to be like him and so you know whose faith followed so he was the one who had the rule and and i learned from him i learned ministry from him and i just wanted to be a pastor and so i i kind of had that dream to be a pastor and that desire and and you know i don't feel like i was called that was terminology that they used to use in the old ifb and i probably used that when i first got saved just just because that was what i was taught but the reality is is that i just had a desire and the bible says you know it talks about if any man desire the office of a bishop he desires the good work so it talks about having a desire to do that and um i love what i do i love preaching god's word you know i enjoy preaching the word of god studying the word of god i enjoy soul winning and preaching the gospel i enjoy dedicating my life just to expounding god's word and spreading it to the masses you know i enjoy i take pleasure in persecution you know i take pleasure in standing for truth and you know um being persecuted for it um and so and i enjoy turning people to righteousness even whether it's from for salvation or just people who are already saved who get right with god because i preach to them a sermon and help them to get right with god i love turning people to righteousness