(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) my problem is with the free will side of it and so well that's the that's the con side of my argument the upside is we get more IQ the downside is you're telling people what to do and people don't especially people in America we don't really like that and you have to have some reason to have that authority because you say well if she was at home putting her IQ towards something else then we would really benefit from that more but that's your opinion and you don't get to make other people live by your opinions so you have a you kind of take offense to someone telling what to do does the university here give you any instructions or tell you what to do at all they certainly do what about if you do have a job yes does your boss tell you what to do yes college is considered an institution of higher learning where students are supposed to be challenged their ideas are questioned and to become the best future leaders of our nation I decided to go to the University of Texas in Austin to find out what the best and brightest of our state had to offer we hear that our institutions are being infiltrated with feminism communism liberalism atheism but maybe they have better ideas I put them to the challenge to see if anyone could prove me wrong what's your name Danny Danny nice to meet you Jonathan so real quick I'm just curious because your statement on here is meant to get people to come and look at it and I want to make sure that you mean what you say right there so I just wanted to have an investigation into what do you mean by women should stay home the devil's kind of in the details with something like that how are you gonna instantiate that sure so the basic premise is that I think that women should not go out into the workplace and get a career except there is some few exceptions to that just in the sense that perhaps maybe she has no husband or anybody to provide for her so so this is the basic premise a woman should get married and stay home instead of going into the workplace that's basically the premise of what I believe and there is no exceptions to that I thought you said there were exceptions I'm saying just generally the statement I think women should stay home generally there's exceptions to that but in the context of her howdy having a husband she should not go out into the workplace okay so the benefits of having women stay home outweigh the costs in your estimation I believe it's it's God's instructions number one and number two I believe it is superior God made both men and women in the image of himself meaning they both have capacity to shape chaos or order out of chaos correct that is false the Bible does not say that God created man and women in his image it says that it created man in God's image women are created in the image of the man so the Bible says in 1st Corinthians chapter 11 it says for in a man indeed ought not to cover his head for as much as he is the image and glory of God but the woman is the glory of the man so according to the Bible men look like God women do not women are a separate creation and they're the glory of the man so there is a distinction between men and women okay so your state system is there is a distinction they're not there aren't capable of shaping chaos or order from chaos do you believe they are or they aren't we can you re-read your question I'll just make sure I understand it okay give me a moment okay humans what are we essentially we're fighters on either good or evil correct chaos or order good evil although those aren't the same thing I believe man has free will so he can choose to do good or bad okay that's decent but I'm saying I'm saying that they have the same capacity to act on the world men and women have the same capacity to do good or evil I agree okay now I think that the benefits of women's action in the world vis-a-vis doubling the workforce which also doubles our possible pool of IQ outweighs the cost there's definitely a GDP argument to be made if you have women into the workforce then you increase the output from a labor perspective but that is a short-sighted view because what will happen is you'll have a reduction in population because women will be less likely to give birth and because of that reduction in population you're not gonna have an exponential growth of the population so if you actually have women staying home you're gonna have more children birth so the population will grow faster and because your population is growing faster you'll actually have more laborers in the workforce additionally since women are in the workforce they're causing more adultery in the workforce they're causing more problems in the workforce because they're not always on the same level as men physically and so what's happening as a result of that is the week the workforce is becoming weakened the workforce has more problems more divorce and we have a lower birth rate if you look in the 1800s the birth rate was close to eight children per family today it's under two per family so that exponential growth over a period of time would be would would outweigh by and large the labor force or the workforce you just conflated two separate issues of women going into the workforce versus the emergence of the birth control pill the birth control pill is what caused people to have a different or cause birth rates to plummet as well the birth control women being educated turned out to be the quickest thing that would cause birth rates to plummet so and I heard you say to the other guy that you're pro women getting educated so that downside that you just referred to would be there regardless of whether or not you push them out of the workforce I believe that women can be educated from home reading the Bible reading online I'm not against a woman coming to a university or being educated but the premise in my opinion and I think most people agree is the reason to go to college is usually get a job get a career or to further their career advancement and if that's the premise for a woman coming to the university then I I whole hell wholesale disagree with that I believe that if she was just coming to learn and there was education opportunities for her and it's not neglecting her responsibilities then go for it I'm not against education at all what I am against is the idea of women having this this push that they have to get a job they need to get a career that we need double the workforce and sure there's a multiplicity of reasons why certain things are true so the reason why birth birth rates are declining has many different facets to it it's mostly coming from a feminist communist and Marxist ideology and we could say that it's from birth we could say from birth control that's true it's also coming from a lot of other factors such as public education and it's correlated not necessarily causation there's also other reasons of just increased promiscuity reduction and morality generally speaking and so all of these things are related and I would say it's not one issue it's multiple issues that cause a lowering in the birth rates but you also have increase mince and technology the Industrial Revolution is also a major reason why we have the reduction in birth rate specifically it's affords women the opportunity even do so in prior times without the Industrial Revolution without technology without of these advancements that we've had as a society this wouldn't even really be a discussion I mean in previous generations everybody's having a lot of kids just because that's how life works yeah but that was because 99% of the labor was physical labor and I am de facto better at physical labor than the average woman because I am large and 200 pounds so there was no need for them however now it's the information era all of the work all the work that gets done or 90% of it at this point is cognitive and women have the same roughly the same IQ as men meaning they have the same amount of to bring to the table and on the technological revolution edge you can say there's multiple causes of birth rates depleting and of course there is because this massive issue however you made it the problem of communists and feminists when that's you're gonna have to give me something to make that to make that move I'm saying it's the birth to birth pill which was a technological revolution have you read the communist manifesto god well if the communist manifesto where Karl Marx literally said that you have to bring in feminism and you have to employ women in the workforce in order to bring in communism if that's what he literally said that's not my opinion that's what he's saying in his own manifesto that's not what I'm saying I'm not saying he isn't saying that he can say that all he wants I'm saying that that I'll give it 10% of the reason I'm gonna give 78% to the fact that women could control their reproductive rights with the birth control pill let me ask this question do you think children are important I'm the only person who thinks children aren't of course I think children are important so do you think that the people that raise those children should be very educated very smart very capable individuals yes they should probably go to college so you think that women have to go to college to be able to raise children successfully no they don't have to however if you want to be able to inform your kids about what's happening in the world how to think how to read how to speak those skills they're difficult to pick up on your own especially writing writing you need constant someone looking at your work and going wrong wrong wrong do this better do I think it would be great if they could I just don't think that those skill sets happen without well I actually don't like how this place does it either but somebody needs to be teaching these and colleges we're supposed to now you said you want to learn how to think is that what you believe or you should you learn how to critically think no you learn how to think a lot of what we're taught for critical thinking is questioning other people's ideas and not letting us question theirs so you learn how to think by reading you learn how to think by writing you learn how to think by putting an idea on paper and then battling it with another idea in your mind and we're not taught that which is a failure of this kind of this place however that's what I think is important for them to know well I agree that the best ideas will show themselves true and so that's why I'm here today to advocate you know what I believe and what I think is true I think that women staying home is going to be superior for the children's sake because if if we look at our current society children are mostly being sent to public school by and large and they're still being taught many times by a woman why does a stranger a strange woman is that woman better at raising my children than my wife I would never say that she's been although maybe she is you don't know that she isn't or is but that's not my argument my argument fundamentally is having a higher IQ pool of people to work is good that's the benefit that's the upside and the downside is your problem doesn't do well against free will so you say it's they should they should what if they don't want to well of course I'm not I'm not saying that we don't have free will of course women can do whatever they want but if children are important even if my wife had a higher IQ than me why would I not want to still invest her IQ into my children rather than in the workforce especially if I can make more money than her if I would argue this if I can make more money than her and she has an IR IQ and I can put that to the use of my children that that would be far superior hey they're both good investments of in IQ and capital but once again my problem is with the free will side of it and so well that's the that's the con side of my argument the upside is we get more IQ the downside is you're telling people what to do and people don't especially people in America we don't really like that and you have to have some reason to have that authority because you say well if she was at home putting her IQ towards something else then we would really benefit from that more but that's your opinion and you don't get to make other people live by your opinions so you have a you kind of take offense to someone telling what to do does the university here give you any instructions or tell you what to do at all they certainly do what about if you have a job yes does your boss tell you what to do yes so is there a problem with someone being told what to do they educate me my boss pays me you don't do either that's why they have the authority to tell me what to do if a husband is providing a hundred percent for his wife he pays all of the bills and he takes care of all the responsibility in that regard does he not have the right to tell his wife what to do oh you can try but that's a terrible idea if you want to dominate the one person in your life that you're going to be attached to all they're gonna do is stab you in the back the moment you turn around every time so you could say he has that authority but it's not gonna work out that way for humans humans don't get dominated so I have a question when are you gonna stab your boss in the back for telling what to do depends on how good of a leader they are people stab their bosses in the back all the times they undermine them they do less work you know people often go to work eight hours a day they're only working like two that's because their boss is a prick now if their boss inspired them and gave them a vision I'm learning about leadership by the way here if they inspire them and give them a vision they work for them a hundred percent and so people absolutely stab their bosses but they don't have to bosses can be better what is your opinion on the Bible itself just curious a very interesting text at the root of our culture with a great deal of wisdom and a lot of wisdom in it really it's a good I prefer it psychological analysis to its actual literate analysis okay so the Bible does tell well we're talking about I would ask the question first what you thought about the Bible then get your thoughts on a few Bible verses okay so the Bible does tell wives to submit under their husbands and to obey them and everything the Bible also tells us that the husband is the head of the wife the Bible tells us that women are supposed to be keepers at home so would you say that you agree with with any of those premises or you just think that women and men should be on an equal playing level I think like with just about every piece of information you can nitpick sources within it to prove your point I think that's what you're doing I think you'll probably find some contradiction in there as well but regardless of that I hold the Bible in some respect but not enough respect to follow every single word from it verbatim especially when it's being quoted by somebody who is selecting things for their argument okay I'm just curious is there a single verse you think you could show me that would contradict what I just said you're gonna put a 1600 page book in front of me and tell me to find something I've never read this before of course not well you told me that you believe there's contradictions but you've never read the book so why do you believe that because it's made by people we all have contradictions within us well the Bible proclaims to be it's God's Word so it claims that there is no contradiction that it's the truth it's without error I believe that with all my heart I believe in fact the King James Bible that I hold right here is God's literal words in English preserved for us today and that there is no error whatsoever and as the instructions from the one who's created all of us so if I'm going to live life most successfully I'm gonna follow the instructions of the operator the Creator which I believe is the Lord Jesus Christ so that is where that's my presupposition right that's my how I look at the world and I like the lens that I come from right except that we have hundreds thousands of people that argue about religious texts every day citing contradictions and they find them so I don't know and also if there's no contradiction if this is the one true Word of God when it shine forth is the thing that we all listen to instead of having Judaism Hinduism Islam we have all these other things because some people somewhere just as smart as you looked at that and went mmm something's missing let me ask this question what do you think the most popular book in human history Bible bar none okay what do you think is the most read book in human history I'm guessing you're gonna ask me about three questions that are all saved Bible okay now you said that you think if this was the Word of God it would shine forth do you think the most popular book the most published book of all of human history and arguably probably the most studied book of all human history might outshine the other literature in our society yeah like I said I have great respect for the Bible however there are other people with other ideas that I have the same amount of respect for that goes to free will right if you want it to okay well the Bible does have at the beginning the devil said yea have God said so the devil wants to put doubt on God's Word he wants us to not trust and what he said yes someone get him water I want to give you a few verses I know that we I don't know that we've really made a lot of progress in this conversation but I at least want to yeah that's good the Bible does say this and 1st Peter chapter 3 verse 1 likewise ye wives being subjection to your own husbands that have any obey not the word they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives while they behold your chase conversation coupled with fear who's adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plenty of the hair of wearing of gold or putting on of apparel but let it be the hidden men of the heart and that which is not corruptible even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of God of great price so according to the Bible women should obey their husbands no matter what and that actually the most godly attribute woman could have is being meek and quiet what do you think about that I think that's an improvisation or improper definition of the word meek meek does not mean to be small and weak and hurtable weak means those who have swords but shield them and do not use them those who have the ability to fight back but choose peace so I do believe that if a woman is with you and she can argue with you and she can be the feedback that you have not through necessarily only argument but a certain degree of that kind of meekness that is a winning combination that usually it makes people more powerful together well I greatly value women's opinions I believe though that the men should make the decisions so every decision made in my household is made by the man every direction of the family and so it's important for there to be leadership and there's important to know who's in charge right if we go to the workplace we don't wonder who the boss is we don't wonder who the CEO is we already know so that we can actually move forward as a company move forward in the right direction similarly a family unit we need leadership we need someone to make the decisions and God ordained it that men should be in charge here's the thing you make the decisions okay yes you're pretty and I'm this isn't to you this is to everybody we're all pretty dumb and we have a lot of blindsides and we make a lot of mistakes however if you put two people working together they do a lot better and so if you have somebody to bounce your ideas off of and work with the solution is almost always better and then you also have the free will issue of if you tell your wife everything to do and she cannot act on her own she will resent you because she's a human being and we don't like being dominated and when that happens we stab you in the back I would argue that women actually are the happiest when they're being told what to do by their husband and they submit to his authority and his leadership the Bible does say that it's not good for the man to be alone and that's why God created him a help meet which is the woman and she's the perfect counterpart to God's creation and so I do believe it's important for men to have that companionship of a woman women give great advice women have I think unique abilities and talents that God has given them but I believe that their talents are best used in raising children guiding the house and being a subservient wife to their husband I'm gonna kind of give you one last thought because I feel like we've been talking in circles a little bit here but based on the premise of our argument what it you know you kind of disagree with me what's your best argument based on what we talked about today what is your best argument as to why you think women should go out and get a career and not stay home and raise the children first of all one percent of people have a career can I hold this or do you want to hold it I'm not gonna throw it anybody I promise all right one percent of people have a career most people have jobs and that's perfectly fine my argument is you have a downside that you're not looking very closely at which is you're telling them what to do they have free will they're not going to like that you're dominating them therefore they're going to stab you in the back the second you're done the upside of my argument is that we get a larger IQ pool and a better workforce in our new information era spaces that we no longer we didn't have at any point in time that is my argument well that's one side of each part of the argument and what's yours yeah I fundamentally disagree I think that women even using the resources we better at home than in the workforce we we would have a better output and I explained to you earlier how we'd have a greater growth potential over a long period of time so I don't think that we're gonna I don't think we're gonna agree my wife has never stabbed me in the back nor do I believe that she ever would and there's plenty of women that are very faithful and loyal to their husbands and I believe that most women want to be faithful and loyal to the husbands I don't think that a caring and loving husband would cause a woman to want to stab him in the back that's kind of a cynical view on women to say that women would just want to stab men in the back no it's a view on people so we can call it a fundamental disagreement on human nature all right well I appreciate you talking with me today maybe we can get a woman to give us her perspective on this one is it we have any ladies here that want to talk to us for a second