(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Stuckey here and I want to give you another trait of psychopaths and in this video I want to talk to you about callous or lack of empathy and this is the third out of the affective characteristics of being a psychopath and what it says of a lack of empathy is psychopaths struggle to understand how someone else might feel afraid sad or anxious. It just doesn't make sense to them as they are not able to read people. They're completely indifferent to people who are suffering even when it's a close friend or family member and so it says to the psychopaths that when someone else is going through a very terrible situation it just doesn't affect them at all they just don't understand they can't empathize with that other person because you have to remember once again that they believe that the world revolves around them you know they don't think anybody else matters only they matter so when someone else is struggling they don't feel this natural empathy that other people have. Now many of these characteristics are closely related and the affective characteristics they kind of go hand in hand with one another the first one we looked at is a lack of remorse or guilt and so they don't feel guilty when they do bad but I talked about in the last video the shallow affect where basically some terrible event might take place and their emotional reaction to it is a very blunted reaction it's a very small reaction and it's known as the shallow affect that is very closely related to when we're saying a callous or lack of empathy because when they're showing the shallow affect where they're not showing the proper emotional reaction it's an indication that they are callous and they lack empathy when people are struggling. So I am going to use the same verse that I referenced in the last video sometimes it's good to be just reminded of things and maybe will help you understand 2nd Samuel 13 a little bit better with Jonah Dabb and maybe slowly when you're reading the Bible just slowly look at these stories and really think and put yourself in that position but it says in 2nd Samuel 13 verse 30 this is after David has just found out that his son is dead and he gets the wrong information he believes all of his children all of his sons have been killed it's actually the wrong information only his son Amnon was killed and so it says in 2nd Samuel 13 verse 30 and it came to pass while they were in the way that tidings came to David saying Absalom hath slain all the king's son and there's not one of them left so the news report it comes out on Google News it's front page of YouTube or whatever that all of David's sons are dead this is the information that comes out but somehow Jonah Dabb has the inside story that it's just one of the sons and he was right in the middle of that cheese meezer gossip he knew what was going on verse 31 then the king of rose and tears garments and lay on the earth and all the servants stood by with their clothes rent so all of the servants they rent their clothes and see there's a natural part of you that when someone is going through some terrible event you're going to have an emotional reaction to that and you're going to try to empathize with that person you know when people have tragedies going on in their lives obviously it's going to affect them more than it affects you but the natural person that is not a psychopath is going to feel some empathy for that person and this is how all of the servants of David are like they feel some empathy for David but not Jonah Dabb verse 32 and Jonah Dabb the son of Shimei David's brother answered and said let not my Lord suppose that they have slain all the young men the king's son for only Amnon is dead for by the appointment of Absalom this hath been determined from the day that he forced his sister Tamar and so Jonah Dabb is basically saying hey don't feel bad David you know don't think that all of your sons are dead only Amnon is dead now therefore let not my Lord the king take the thing to his heart to think that all the king's sons are dead for Amnon only is dead so what Jonah Dabb says to King David is don't let this go to your heart because only one of your sons is dead in reality this should have gone to Jonah Dabb's heart as well and he should empathize with David who's going through a terrible experience however he does not feel this way because he is callous he lacks empathy because he is a psychopath he is a reprobate he is twice dead as the Bible says he is a child of the devil and so he does not feel the natural empathy he is just completely callous to someone going through tough and difficult situations this is something you see with psychopaths out in the world where you know what they'll have one of the family members in a courtroom whose you know brother or sister or mom or dad or son has been murdered and they're very emotional and they're crying about it and they're basically speaking to the person who committed the murder and then sometimes you see these murderers that just are completely callous they lack empathy there's even times where you see these psychopaths that murdered someone's husband or wife and they're laughing in court they think it's funny they have no natural empathy not only do they not show any guilt whatsoever but they just have no empathizing with that person you know you would normally think that if you had accidentally done something tragic you would feel empathy for that person I'll just give you an example let's say for example that you're driving in a car and let's say for example you know you're driving and you're 100% sober you have had nothing to drink but let's say you just make a mistake driving maybe your mind loses focus for a second or maybe you're on your cell phone maybe you're doing something kind of stupid maybe you run through a yellow light and it just turns to red and then you hit somebody and somebody ends up dying from a car crash and you are at least partially responsible or even if you did nothing wrong you're driving and somebody happened to die you went naturally inside of you you're gonna feel guilty even if you did nothing wrong and you're gonna empathize with that family and feel bad for them and if you know that you took the life of someone you know accidentally you're gonna empathize with that family even doing nothing wrong but see with the psychopath even if they do wrong even if they're responsible they're completely callous to it they feel no empathy for it and as I said this is very closely related to the shallow affect and lack of remorse or guilt all these things go hand in hand where if you have one of the affective characteristics you're probably gonna have all of them but this is a trait of psychopaths where they are callous and they lack empathy and this is something people notice sometimes when there's a highly publicized murder trial and they'll notice someone who is maybe the husband of the victim and he's denying guilt he says he did not do it but then when you listen to him people listen and say man it seems like he lacks empathy it seems like he doesn't really care and he doesn't care about other people and the reality is if he is a psychopath they're right he is callous he does lack empathy because he has no conscience so anyways thank you and God bless