(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Real quickly. We're to distance ourself. Well, hey, we're to detest it. We're to denounce it. Hey, man Man stands up against seeing at the bone brethren of crucify I'm long-lived Charles Worley and the Providence Road Baptist Church are made in North Carolina and stand against sodomites. Somebody say man Everybody. Okay, you watch the liberal, but he could he shit me said that hey, but press God preach on bless call sin sin Ain't nothing normal about two men kissing one another in the mouth, ma'am I've been all my life to the hospital. They got a blue crib for the boys. I Said blue for the boys and pink for the and blue for the and it's still blue for the boys and Mams got on a pink sweater. That's a lady right there. She's got on a pink sweater cuz she's a lady Pink's not for boys. I Don't look at me you a feminine looking thing pink ain't for boys Next thing you'll have on here Bob's in a dress somebody say man blue is for and Pink is for hey, man. I'm checking this platform up here for Blue is for and pink is for it's supposed to be that way I've never been to the hospital as a rainbow crib for the sodomite, baby Well Look at look at Steve he gonna be a sweet little thing. Yes. He means Stevie you the sweet little something It's me something sweetie Sammy They've stolen the sign of God's Justice and the sign of God's promise and and and I'm talking about they've desecrated it For The sign of diversity. Hey, I ain't standing with that junk Man, I don't care what your granddaughter who it is. It's not right and never will be right. I Never do want to marry a woman wearing steel-toed boots and a metal lunch box and a hard hat. Somebody say man Yeah, man It's not Adam and Steve Yeah, man, I'm craving chick-fil-a right now praise God Thank you