(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Has anybody in here ever heard of the Hebrew Roots movement? It's a fairly new group of people. It's a lot like Jehovah's Witness, a lot like Mormonism. Now a lot of you may not know this about me, but I was in the Hebrew Roots movement, observing the Sabbath, keeping the kosher laws of the Old Testament. I believed wholeheartedly that every single Christian was supposed to keep the Sabbath. And I believe that every single Christian was supposed to observe the feasts. Eventually you're going to meet somebody that's in this movement and they go into homeschool groups. I was homeschooled all my life and that's how I got involved in it. I'd like to start off first with the Passover. They say, we've got to go back to the Old Testament. We've got to observe the Passover. Well, if you look in the Old Testament, the requirements of the Passover was that an animal was to be killed. A lamb was to be slain. So if somebody says, I'm keeping Passover, I'm observing the feast, but they're not offering a lamb, are they actually keeping the Passover? They're not keeping it. They're keeping their own made up version of it. They're adding to and taking away from God's commandments. The reason we don't keep the Passover anymore is because Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice. And it's a slap in the face to God to say that we have to observe something that Jesus has already fulfilled. Here we have a painting of the priest giving a wave offering. They say, we got to keep the feast of first fruits. Well, during first fruits, you had to bring a wave offering to the priest, a sheave offering, and the priest would act as a proxy and wave it before the Lord, okay? We don't do that anymore. So does the feast of first fruits still apply in the New Testament? Do we need a priest to go before us behind the veil of the temple? No. The requirement of the feast is that you do that. And if you're not fulfilling the requirements, you're not actually keeping the feasts. This is a requirement. And so the Bible says, these are the feasts of the Lord, which he shall proclaim to be holy convocations. And then he defines what the feasts are, to offer an offering made by fire unto the Lord. Are we supposed to do that anymore? So the Bible defines keeping the feasts as offering a burnt offering before God. And a meat offering, a sacrifice and drink offerings, everything upon his day. During the Old Testament, they would have to put their hands on the head of the animal that they were slaying. And basically what that represented is that this animal is going on your behalf to atone for, or to put a covering over your sins. But the Bible says the blood of bulls and goats could not fully atone for sin. The only thing that could atone for sin was the blood of Christ. This is simply just a picture of the fact that when we commit sin, what's the result? Death. Something has to die. And so that's during the day of atonement. Do we have to make atonement for our souls now, during the day of atonement, when Jesus already died on the cross and atoned for all sins, past, present and future? We don't have to observe these things anymore, folks. There's coming a day where you'll meet somebody that will say, well, if you're a real Christian, you'll keep the Passover. You'll observe the new moon. Look, I'm not concerned about what phase the moon is in anymore. I'm concerned about souls that are dying and going to a Christless hell. I'm concerned about the things that matter. Bible tells us which stood only in meats and drinks and divers washings and carnal ordinances imposed on them until the time of reformation. So the Bible tells us that at the time of reformation, that's when the requirements to keep the Sabbath, the feasts, the new moons, no longer was in effect. And if you go to the Hebrew roots assembly and you go to a feast, it's nothing like what it was in the Old Testament. In the Old Testament, they were slaying animals. It was solemn, it was serious. But if you go there, they got a rock concert. Their requirement for the feast is that we get together and we jam and we play rock music and we drink alcohol. That's what they do at these feasts. And they declare that they're remembering and they're keeping, they're observing it, and many will go as far as to say that this is part of our salvation. This is how I'm getting to heaven. What, by adding to God's commandments and taking away from them, saying that you're not gonna offer a sacrifice? Look, either Jesus did not fulfill the sacrifices and we're still gonna keep the feasts with the sacrifices, or he was a perfect sacrifice and then the sacrificial system, with being the feasts, ceased from being required. One of the two, you can't have both ways. And let me say this, there's no perfect calendar. And this is one of the things that convinced me of the truth. Because every single Hebrew roots assembly that you go to, half the time, they're all using different calendars because they don't know when the actual feast was on. They don't know. But God is very clear. He says there's a specific time where you observe these feasts and the Hebrew roots movement can't even agree on it. They're all keeping Passover at different times. It's nothing but confusion. God is not the author of confusion, folks. Let's dive into something more serious, the name of Jesus Christ. Now, if you believe in the name of Jesus Christ, say amen. Amen. I believe in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. But what many will say is that Jesus' name is pagan. What the Bible says, though, is that neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. So there's a name that you have to call upon to be saved, and that's the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. It's not the name of Yeshua, and I'm gonna prove that to you here in a minute. Yeshua, you could say, is a translation of the name of Jesus into the Hebrew language. But guess what? We're speaking English. You try to go preach to somebody and tell them about Yeshua, they're gonna look at you like you have a third eye. They don't even know who he is. They'll say, well, did you know the real name of the Messiah isn't Jesus? Jesus is a pagan name. What it actually is is Yeshua. But get this, Hebrew was a dead language for over 1,000 years. Nobody spoke it. A lot of people don't know this. So you're gonna tell me that the original name of the Messiah was lost for 1,000 years? Nobody knew his name? That's a lie. They'll say, well, his name is not Jesus. And then you ask them, well, what is his real name? Some will say it's Yeshua. Some will say it's Yahashua. Some will say it's Yeshu. Some even say it's Yahwahashi. They don't even know what his name is. They don't even know how to pronounce it. You know why? Because modern Hebrew was a dead language and they have to resurrect some dialect. They have to try to figure out what it was so they don't even know what his name is. They're all just concluding that the name of Jesus is inferior. But what's the only name that's a cuss word in the entire culture? The name of Jesus. My dad worked in the public school system and he said that whenever somebody came in with the name Jesus on their shirt, the school system forced the student to turn the shirt inside out. Why? Because there's power in the name of Jesus, because the name of Jesus is authentic. The original name of Jesus in the Greek New Testament, which is what the Lord has given us to base the foundation of our faith upon in the new covenant was written in Greek. It wasn't written in Hebrew. Think of this. In Greek, it's spelled I-E-S-O-U-S. Jesus. My wife is Romanian. She says that it's translated in her language, Isus. In Spanish, it's Jesus. In English, it's Jesus. Jesus is the name above all names. When somebody says Jesus is a pagan name, I question if they're even saved, because the Bible literally says, no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed. The sacred names movement goes as far as to say that you have to renounce the name of Jesus to be saved. They said to go to heaven, you have to deny the name of Jesus to be saved. Make no mistake. This cult is satanic. What's the first thing you have to do when you're converting to Judaism? Renounce the name of Jesus. What's the first thing you gotta do when you're converting to Satanism? Renounce the name of Jesus. Why? Why is it the only word that's a cuss word in the culture of the entire world? Because it's legitimate, because it's the original authentic name. Don't let YouTube teachers confuse you on basic Bible history. The Greek New Testament was written in Greek and 22 of the New Testament books were written to Greek people in Greek places. But the Hebrew roots movement says, there's a Hebrew New Testament somewhere. Because they think that the Hebrew language is literally inspired of God. Well, if it was inspired of God, it wouldn't have been dead for 1000 years, where nobody knows it. Nobody's speaking it. And even their modern dialect, nobody knows how to pronounce the name of Yeshua. Now, here's what they say. Well, did you know that the letter J didn't exist until 1524? And that's true. So how could his name have been Jesus, if it's spelled I-E-S-O-U-S before 1524? That's a valid question. But if you Google, and this is taken from many historical documents, the letter I was actually pronounced the way we pronounce the letter J today. When it says before 1524, I-E-S-O-U-S, it's still pronounced Jesus, because that is his name. In fact, look at this, it says in Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross, and the writing was Jesus of Nazareth, the king of the Jews. The title then read many of the Jews, for the place where Jesus was crucified was night of the city, and it was written in what? Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. So the Greek name, I-E-S-O-U-S, is legitimate. They teach that you have to be circumcised. The Bible says in the New Testament, is any man called being circumcised? Let him not become uncircumcised. Is any called an uncircumcision? Let him not be circumcised. So what does the New Testament specifically say not to do? You're not supposed to be circumcised. Now some people do it for health reasons, that's fine, but circumcision is not something that's required of us. Now the Hebrew Roots movement, what they say is, well did you know God's law never changed? They say this to people. Did you know God's law has never changed? Well I actually agree that the transcendent moral commandments of God are eternal. But the Old Covenant, and then specifically the Abrahamic Covenant, because remember circumcision wasn't even given until Abraham came into existence, was part of a covenant. It wasn't part of the eternal moral law of God. If it was, then Noah would have been circumcised. And let me say this, why did they make a big deal out of the name of Jesus, being pagan, they want to attack the name of Jesus, so you can't use an English translation, but then they don't do the same thing for any other name. What about Adam and Eve? What about John the Baptist? But let me say, circumcision's part of the Abrahamic Covenant. It's not part of the eternal moral law of God. It wasn't implemented till later on. But Zach Bower from New DeTora, says no one will enter the kingdom unless they are circumcised of heart and of flesh. He's saying to be saved, you've got to be circumcised. Bible says, but neither Titus who was with me being a Greek was compelled to be circumcised. Titus started many churches, but guess what? He wasn't circumcised. But Hebrew roots will insist you can't be part of the fellowship unless you're a male that's circumcised. You have to get circumcised. They also teach that you have to not eat pork. In Genesis nine, when Noah got off the ark with all the animals, God said, every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you. They say, well, we're going back to what's original. Oh, well, I'll take you all the way back to the very beginning. This was pretty original, the book of Genesis. The New Testament says the same thing, folks. For every creature of God is good and nothing to be refused if it be received with thanksgiving. The Bible says, for the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law. So let me ask you a question, is God's law unchanged? The Hebrew roots says, no, it's always been the same. Well, then we should still offer sacrifices then. And they'll agree, oh, sacrifices were fulfilled. Well, if sacrifices were fulfilled, that means that there are other changes associated with the sacrifices. It's an all or none. The Bible says, blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross. Let no man therefore judge you in meat. Don't let people judge you for having a ham sandwich, or in drink, or in respect of in holy day, or of the new moon or of the Sabbath days. These ordinances of the Old Testament were parts of the law that were given as temporary. They were not given as eternal, but everybody says, this is part of the eternal law of God. Well, guess what? The Sabbath wasn't made known to man until Mount Sinai. That's what the Bible says. But if you talk to the Hebrew roots people, you know what they always say? Noah kept the Sabbath. Adam kept the Sabbath. But it's nowhere in the Bible. In fact, the Bible says it wasn't made known until Mount Sinai. So is the Sabbath part of the eternal moral law? No, it was given as part of a covenant. Tzitzit. Now, I had these when I was in the movement. We would wear them on our sides. Basically what it is is you're trying to put God's commandments on your sides, right? The sides of your garments. And this is kind of how Jews do it today. You look upon these tzitzit, is what they're called, to remember God's commandments. That's what the Bible says. But in the New Covenant it says behold, but in the Old Testament it says, behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. This shall be the covenant. All right, so God's gonna describe what the change is. That I will make with the house of Israel after those days saith the Lord, I will put my law in where? Inward parts and write it upon their what? So when you say I gotta wear it on the outside, it's all about the outward appearance. Are they following what Jeremiah, the Old Testament, says about the New Testament? The Bible is crystal clear that with the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law. And I wanna talk about the most important thing. And this is what burdens me the most about this movement, this cult that's coming to Christians. They don't go to lost people. We as Christians, we go knock doors. We tell lost people about Jesus. Red, yellow, black, and white. We tell them all. They don't ever talk to lost people. They talk to saved Christians to try to get them in. Just like Mormons. Just like Jehovah's Witness. Just like all of the other false religions of the world. They try to get Christians that are already saved. Why? Because the devil knows that he's gotta attack the people who are capable of sharing the gospel with others. He's gotta shut that down. Now this is from their teachers. You can see them on TV. They're very popular. This man, Alan Mansager, from Yahweh's Restoration Ministry says, Being saved is a process that is not completed until the end. At any time in your life, you could fall and lose out on everlasting life. Here's from Steve Burksen. He says, okay, so I'm here to tell you, I hate to get everybody mad at me. None of you are saved. You're in the process of being saved. But what does the Bible say? The Bible says, for the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness, but unto us which what? Are saved. It is the power of God. The Bible tells us whosoever believe it that Jesus is the Christ is born of God. We are saved. The Bible says we are saved by hope. We are saved, not we are being saved. And if you talk to a Jehovah's Witness, oh yeah, we're being saved. If you talk to a Mormon, yeah, I'm being saved. It's probation. That's not salvation the Hebrew roots teaches. It's probation. It's constant reformation. Hoping that I can be good enough to obtain God's mercy. The only way to obtain God's mercy is by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, looking to him and him alone to save you from your sin. The penalty of it. This is from Lex Meyer. He says some people argue that we've already been born of the spirit. If you believe you've been born of the spirit, say amen. Amen. Jesus said that which is born of the spirit is spirit. Amen. We are currently in labor pains indicating we have not been born again yet. Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God. Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible by the word of God which liveth and abideth forever. You know what we're born again by? The word of God and it's incorruptible. You know what that means? Once saved, always saved. Once you've trusted in Christ, you're in his hands forever. And every single pagan religion hates the doctrine of once saved, always saved. They all do. Every single amen, brother Chip. They all hate the doctrine of once saved, always saved. They think it's preaching a license to sin. Well, the Bible says God will scourge every son whom he receiveth. So God's children can't get away with sin. Even if I tried to get away with sin. Bible says whoso cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out. That's what God actually says. Nobody is born again. We have not been saved. Your believing action is the salvation of your souls. Hang in there. Bible says, but to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. Bible says, and behold, a woman which was diseased with an issue of blood. She had blood problems for 12 years, probably some sort of leukemia. And she came to Jesus and she said in herself, she says, if I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole. What did Jesus say? He said unto her, daughter, be of good comfort. Thy faith hath made the whole. Go in peace. Notice the last words, he says, go in peace. Not, hang in there, sister, hang in there. That's not what the Bible says. And notice he says, daughter, what is he calling her? Saved, you're my child. Be of good cheer. Your what? Your reformation? Your good works? Your faith hath made you whole. Looking to me has made you whole. That's what the feasts were all about. That's what the Sabbath is all about. Do you understand that in the Sabbath, they were killed in the Old Testament for working on the Sabbath. There was a death penalty on it. There was a man caught picking up sticks. They slew him. Because God said, nobody can work on the Sabbath. If they were really being consistent, they would be doing that to us, right? I don't wanna observe the Sabbath anymore. But they say, well, you gotta observe these things. Well, even if we look at the requirements, the requirement is that you die if you don't keep it. But do you know what the Sabbath means? When you're working for your salvation, when you're supposed to be resting in Christ, and you're supposed to be just simply trusting him to take your soul to eternity, you're gonna face the second death. That's what the Sabbath means, is if you're working, when you're supposed to be resting. The Bible says that all the law and the prophets, they are written of me, Jesus said. He said, the law and the prophets were till John. It's all written about me. Thy faith hath made thee whole. Go in peace. Bible says, for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is what? Eternal life. Now, when somebody says, I've been temporarily saved, and this is, I hear this from 90% of people who profess faith in Christ, 90%. I'm talking also about Mormons, Jehovah's Witness, anybody who would identify as a Christian. Pretty much all other denominations even, teach you can lose it. They've bought into paganism. Jesus said, if one of my sheep leaves, I'm done with it. No, he said that if one of my sheep leaves, that I'll do what? Leave the 90 and nine. Amen, brother Chip. Go leave the 90 and nine, to go look for the one sheep that went astray, because he loves us so much, that he says, I will never leave thee or forsake thee. I will never let you go. That's the love that God has for his children. The gift of God is eternal life. So when somebody says, well, I got the gift of God, but it wasn't really eternal. They're not believing in the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. Bible says, but Christ being more come and high priest of good things to come by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, better than the feast of tabernacles, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building, neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood entered in once into the holy place, having obtained what? Eternal redemption. God gave us eternal life. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have what? Everlasting life. And anything else other than that is paganism. Anything other than that is satanic, it's evil. It's telling people that they can go to heaven because I'm a good person. Not of works, lest any man should boast. And if I got to heaven by keeping the Torah, by doing what these televangelists of this popular growing movement tell me to do, then I could boast about my salvation. I could say, well, I'm going to heaven because I'm a good person. I've reformed. No, Jesus was perfect. Jesus endured the cross. Oh, I gotta endure till the very end. No, Jesus endured the cross, despising the shame. It sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. And you can't lose out on everlasting life, Mr. Allen. Everlasting is forever. Think about it, if I give you a light bulb and I say that this is an everlasting light bulb, it'll never die. And then it dies. I lied. Jesus said, if you believe on me, you'll have everlasting life in that moment. What if that's not true? Look at this. Jesus said, barely, barely I say unto you, he that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me hath what? Everlasting life. And notice Jesus prophesies, he says, shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life. You know what Jesus is saying? In the moment that you trust him to take you to heaven, you are passed from death unto life. You will never be condemned no matter what, because he loves you so much and because his blood is so powerful. If I couldn't do good works to get my salvation, I can't do enough bad works to un-get my salvation, if you will. Monte Judah, another famous TV televangelist from the Hebrew Roots movement, I used to look up to him. I thought he was a man of God. He made false prophecies. He said 1993, that is the beginning of the tribulation. He claimed that the abomination of desolation would be set up in 1997, that Prince Charles was the anti-Christ. And then he also claimed that the book of Hebrews should not be in the Bible. Listen, if you're in the Hebrew Roots movement, or if you're on the fence, you're considering the writings and the teachings of those who don't even believe in the New Testament. When Adam and Eve, and I gotta move very quick, about five minutes here. Adam and Eve, when they had committed sin, what's the first thing they tried to do? Cover themselves. But what did God have to do? He had to slay an animal and cover them with the animal skins. You know what that means? There is a requirement of death for sin. And only by the blood of Christ can we be forgiven. God made them coats of skins and clothed them. What about Cain and Abel? They say, you don't believe in the Old Testament, Matt. No, I believe in the Old Testament more now than I ever did in the Hebrew Roots movement. Because the Old Testament tells us about Cain and Abel. Cain brought the works of the ground. Abel brought a substitute. The Tower of Babel, what did they try to do? They tried to build their way up to heaven. The same thing is going on today. People are trying to work their way to heaven. What did God do? He scattered them. When the children of Israel had turned their back on God, God told Moses that he was gonna send fiery serpents in the camp, anybody familiar with this? The serpents bit people. God told Moses three words. He said, tell the people to look unto me and live. Moses said, look and live. Whenever somebody beheld the serpent of brass, he lived. God said in the Old Testament, look unto me and be saved all the ends of the earth. And for I am God and there is none else. He says, if you wanna be saved, look. That's all it takes, look in faith. Amen. Now this is in the Old Testament. This is a great proof of eternal security. Because what they will say, and I'll end here, they will say, well, how can you say that you're saved, but all these other people aren't, that all these other people are saved too, that they're committing all these sins? They're sleeping around, they're doing drugs, they're doing alcohol, they're smoking joints. How can you say that they're saved? Well, let me say this, even if this is the case, even if you get somebody that gets saved and does sin, here's a verse about that, a few verse about that. It says, if his children forsake my law, walking out of my judgments, if they break my statutes and keep not my commandments, then they're gonna lose their salvation. Is that what this says? No. Amen, I'll visit their transgression with the rod. Why, because God is a loving father. Once you're born into God's family, you can never be unborn. That's why they attack being born again. They wanna say, well, we're not really born again yet. They wanna attack the book of Hebrews. God says this, nevertheless, my loving kindness will I not utterly take from him nor suffer my faithfulness to fail. My covenant will I not break. So guess what? God's saying that he made an eternal covenant. Salvation is an eternal covenant. The Mosaic covenant was not eternal. Otherwise there would have been no need for a New Testament. But this is an eternal covenant. God will never break. He'll never leave you or forsake you. But Steve Burksen, the Hebrews movement says, salvation is a process and until you hear the words, well done, a good and trustworthy servant, you're not saved. Jesus said this about the many who will be damned on judgment day. He says, many will say into me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils. And in thy name have done many wonderful, what's the last word? Words. What are they trusting? All these people, the many who are gonna go to hell. You know what they're trusting? Themselves. I kept it, Lord. I kept my own salvation. Jesus keeps you saved. He doesn't just save you. He keeps you saved. Otherwise it's probation and not salvation. He says, then while I profess unto them, I never knew you. Now notice those four words. What if I said, Chip, I never knew you? Be lying, right? We kind of made a friendship, you know? If I said I never knew Chip, I'd be lying. What if Jesus says, I never knew you to someone? Do you know what that means? They were never his child. The many who will go to hell are never, they were never saved to begin with. And not only that, the Passover proved eternal security, it proved eternal salvation. How many times do they have to apply the blood to the door of the house? One time. How many times have they crossed through the Red Sea? Once. How many times are you born? Once. How many times do you get circumcised? Do you think God's trying to say that he gets the glory? Amen, he gets the glory. So I just wanted to share that with you guys. Don't be deceived. I'm telling you, this movement is growing like gangbusters and I have a burden for my friends, my brothers in the flesh who still believe all that. And we've seen a lot of them come to know Jesus and they've also been ostracized. But if you know of anybody that believes in that, just open the Bible and simply have a conversation with them. And educate them on biblical history, educate them a little bit on, and if they get mad at you, that's okay. The Bible says, shake the dust off your feet because that's all right because most people aren't gonna listen to us. I've come to realize most people, especially on the internet, are always gonna think I'm a terrible person. Most people thought Jesus was a horrible man. They nailed him to the cross. The Bible says, these things have I written that you may know that you have eternal life.