(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) What Bible should I use? I think this is a really important question to start off the podcast with, because since we're gonna be using the Bible itself to answer all of these questions, it makes sense that we would use this question to answer which Bible are we gonna use, which sword are we going to use? Now, for those of you that know me, I am King James only. That means that I only use a King James Bible for my study, it is my final authority. Now, there's nothing wrong with using a Bible in a foreign language, but for the sake of this question, I'm focusing in on an English perspective. For those who speak English, which Bible should they use? And that should be the King James Bible. And there's a lot of reasons why you should use a King James Bible, but I'm gonna explain just a few quick verses and why I do. But Psalm 12, six, and seven is a really great passage of scripture to explain this particular position. And I'm gonna turn there in my Bible with you. But in Psalms chapter number 12, the Bible is talking about this struggle between the evil and the wicked and God and His word. And it gives us some really encouraging verses here. In verse six, the Bible says, the words of the Lord are pure words, as silver tried in the furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever. So according to the Bible, God is going to preserve His words from this generation forever. And I believe that Psalms 12 is also talking about how God is gonna preserve the humble, He's gonna preserve the poor, He's gonna preserve those that are putting faith in Him and trusting in Him. That's mostly what this section of Psalms is even about. But at the same time, He uses another example. He uses a picture here of something that's going to be preserved for every generation, such as the word of God, to illustrate how He's also gonna preserve the poor and mankind. And God often uses earthly examples or uses other spiritual examples to illustrate for us what He means or have a better understanding, or He is really just efficient in the sense that He can describe how He's gonna preserve both of them from every generation. Now, when it comes to which Bible to use, this really is a big subject with a lot of information. And I've already put a lot of information together. You can go to GodResource.com slash KJV, as in King James Version. Just go to GodResource.com slash KJV. And I have all kinds of different information on here. Now, I would love to update this page in the future and add even more information. We've even put together a documentary film. Pure Words Baptist Church put a film together called The Preserved Bible. And you can go to preservedbible.com or thepreservedbible.com, goes to the same place. And you can watch the film for free. I highly encourage you, if you've never seen this film, you should watch it to get a better understanding of history, where the King James Bible came from, and really just where the Bible came from in general. Now, when you go to our site, it has all kinds of different information, history, it talks about the manuscripts, it talks about the doctrine of preservation. And there's a lot of other verses in the Bible that are really fundamental into believing why you should use a King James Bible. Of course, this is the Sword Drill podcast, so we wanna base all of our reasoning on the scripture itself. But here's some other verses to think about. The Bible says in Psalms 11, three, if the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? Meaning, if you don't have a foundation to stand upon, if you don't have something that you can base your faith or base your Christianity on, then really you have no opportunity to stand, to do any work, it's similar to a house. If your foundation were sand, as the Bible illustrates, then essentially whenever a storm comes or water, your entire house could just wash away. And so the same comes with Christianity, it comes with the Bible. When you don't have a solid foundation, when the storms of life or anything come against it, it can just knock down your Christianity. In fact, that's what we see in the world today. We see all kinds of churches crumbling to social pressure. They're crumbling to social issues because they don't have a foundation of the King James Bible, they don't have a foundation of salvation by faith. And so when they get pressured, they just quickly crumble or just pander to whatever the social issue is of the day. Proverbs 30 verse five says, Every word of God is pure. He is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Add thou not unto his words lest he reprove thee and thou be found a liar. So according to the Bible, the word of God is pure and we need to put our trust in God. Plus he's telling us very clearly not to add unto his words. Now, if you didn't have the word of God, how could you even add to it? You know, that would be absurd. So the only way to be able to add to something is to already have it. That's why I believe the King James Bible is the word of God and we already have it. It stood the test of time. It was translated in 1611. And since that time to now, there has been no difference. There has been only updates or additions which modified spelling, printing errors, or just minor inconsistencies with the printing additions. But the text itself is the same. The text itself, it's not changed in essence, it's not changed in meaning, and it's not changed in words. In fact, even though the spellings may have changed, the word sounds the exact same. And so the King James Bible stood the test of time. It's been the most greatly used Bible. It's also solid when it comes to a doctrinal position. You know, it doesn't hold contradictions. It doesn't say silly things. A lot of the modern versions say silly things. They take verses out. And really, if you understand the doctrine of preservation, that God says he's gonna preserve his word, that he's telling us not to add into it, then you would have to believe that we have it somewhere today. And I believe that God did preserve his word, not just in the King James Bible, but also in the Greek and the Hebrew, which is what the King James Bible's based on. Whereas other English versions, virtually all other English versions, are not coming from the preserved Greek and Hebrew, but rather they're coming from a philosophy that is trying to reconstruct the text by digging up older and what they claim better manuscripts. But I personally don't believe they're better, even if they are older, and even if that is true, that doesn't prove its integrity or why we should use it. God said that he would preserve the word of God into every generation. So I don't need a Bible from several generations back. I should be able to have a Bible in this generation. Whereas those who use a modern version are simply believing that the word of God was not had in every generation, but that we have to continually rediscover it now so as to actually finally get the word of God. Yet, many of these critical text proponents, they don't even have a Bible. But simply put, you either believe the Bible's preserved or you don't. If you believe the Bible's preserved, your only option is the King James Bible. If you use other versions, you're gonna notice that they contradict each other. You're gonna notice they take verses out. You're gonna notice that they say weird things. They say things that aren't even scriptural. In fact, in some cases, they'll make Jesus a liar. In some cases, they'll swap Jesus and Lucifer's names in the Bible. And in some cases, they'll take out doctrines that are important on baptism or on the Trinity or the deity of Jesus Christ. And so these other Bibles cannot be trusted the way that the King James Bible can be trusted. Of course, there is gonna be sections of any English Bible that say the same thing as the King James. And of course, I don't have a problem with Bibles saying the same thing. But what I do have a problem with is when they say different things. And the King James Bible is what I place my faith in. It makes me think of another place in scripture I wanted to go in Proverbs chapter number three. And this really kind of just gets at the heart of the issue of which Bible you're gonna use, because at the end of the day, we have to decide what the authority is gonna be in our life. And the Bible tells us in Proverbs three, verse five, "'Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, "'and lean not unto thine own understanding. "'And all thy ways acknowledge Him, "'and He shall direct thy paths.'" So according to the Bible, we need to be willing to submit ourselves to the Lord and to trust in the Lord. And notice what it says in the text, all thine heart. So we don't wanna hold anything back from the Lord. We want Him to direct our paths. We don't wanna lean on our own understanding. And at the end of the day, those who don't have the King James Bible as their final authority are ultimately, they're trusting in their own understanding. Well, I don't think that's what the Bible says, or I think this version says it better, or I believe that if you look it up in a lexicon, this lexicon will give us a greater meaning, which most people that go back to the Greek or try to tell you what the Greek actually says, they don't speak Greek at all. In fact, what they're doing is they're simply going to a lexicon. And what a lexicon does is it'll give you underlying Greek words for a particular portion of scripture, and then they'll explain it in their own words, in their own English vernacular. But number one, the lexicon isn't even necessarily based on the same manuscripts as the King James Bible. And number two, you're ultimately putting your final authority in a lexicon or the author of the lexicon, as opposed to what God has given us and what the Word of God actually says. I don't trust a dictionary over the Bible. And so why would I wanna trust a foreign dictionary, a lexicon, over the Bible as well? Or to try and go to a mystical, magical language. There is no such thing. The Word of God can be translated into any language. God spoke in many different languages, as He gave us the Word of God in Hebrew, He gave it to us in Greek. The Holy Ghost in Acts chapter two is speaking through the early disciples in all kinds of different languages, Parthian, Mead, and so it's not limited to a particular language. But I do believe the English language is special in the sense that it's the lingua franca of the day, and God has been using it to reach a lot of people to get saved, and of course, the fruit of the King James Bible is undeniable. Therefore, I put all of my trust and authority here in the Word of God. Whatever this says is right. I could be wrong, but the Bible is always right. And I want you to make sure that you put your trust and your faith in the King James Bible, not in your own understanding.