(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) What's the name of that guy? Orba. Orba. Maybe he tweeted it. All right. Are you sure it's the ... Okay. Hey, welcome to our live stream. This is Ben the Baptist and Pastor Jonathan Shelley from Steadfast Baptist Church, and we're excited that you're joining us this evening. We just wanted to make a live stream to kind of talk about our new documentary that was put together. Brother Ben worked on it a lot. He did a lot of the editing, and he's been the labor horse that we've ridden. I'd ended up preaching a sermon on the sodomite deception I thought was maybe a good documentary idea, and Brother Jesse Michael at our church helped us make this, and we've had a lot of people just kind of piggyback and get in this project. We even had Pastor Bruce Mejia help us out, make some really cool intro to our film. So I'm really excited about this live stream, and we want to make it to point you to all the places where you can find our film. So I wanted you to kick us off for a few minutes, give us some intro, your thoughts on the film, Brother Ben. Well, we hate filthy, disgusting faggots here at this church, and so we figured that it would be profitable to make a documentary about this subject. Obviously, our world continues to get more and more disgusting and more and more pro-sodomite. The Bible says in Leviticus 2013, if a man also lie with mankind as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death, their blood shall be upon them. So this documentary obviously is going to cover that, but also I think what's so important about a film like this is that it exposes the deception, and it actually exposes how people are being brainwashed and what the biblical response to that ought to be. And that's why this film is so important. That's why we exhort you guys to share it with as many people as you possibly can, because, you know, especially with our world continuing to degrade morally and drift further and further away from what the Bible says on this topic, there ought to be some people out there who are willing to stand firm on what the word of God says, and obviously every time you do that you're going to receive backlash, you're going to have people who are upset by it, you're going to have people who are offended by it, but as Bible-believing Christians we shouldn't be ashamed about what the Bible says in Leviticus 20, about what the Bible says in Leviticus 18, or 2 Peter chapter 2, or Romans chapter 1. This is what we should place our wholehearted faith in, and it's the world out there that should be ashamed for supporting these freaks. It's the world out there that should be embarrassed by the fact that they propagate this filth and this garbage that's defiling the eyes of men, women, and children out in the world today, not us. And so I really think that this documentary is going to make a positive impact, and what better time to release it than right now, with First Works Baptist Church facing the persecution that it has been facing, and of course culminating in these disgusting freaks throwing a bomb into the church building and vandalizing the church building. So I'm really excited about it, just like you, Pastor Shelley, and I think it's going to do a lot of good for the cause of Christ, and you know what, if we could quote-unquote radicalize one person or even get one person saved as a result of this film, I think that it's going to be well worth the hard work that went into it. Yeah, I agree. I mean, you don't necessarily know what impact you're going to have, but pretty much my goal for the film was just to provide a really reliable source of information on this topic. And I'd been to the Masa conference that they had in the summer of, I believe it was 2019, and I'd heard lots of good sermons, and I really just kind of took the 30,000 foot view and really thought about that topic and a lot of the sermons that I'd heard. And I just felt like this is just a big deception, because anybody that looks at this from a historical perspective, or they look at it from a statistical perspective, or they look at it from a scriptural perspective, they're going to see that Americans have radically changed their viewpoints on this issue. And so what's really important is to just go ahead and lay out all the facts, lay out the truth, and then let people decide for themselves. But the goal of the film is just to show how people have been truly deceived. I think that's the really one big thing I want people to understand is that our culture and our society has changed on this viewpoint so much to the point that it's almost unrecognizable, our country. When you look at our history and you look at what people would say, I mean, did you find any quotes or anything? When we were doing the research, was there anything that kind of just struck you as you're going through and you were thinking about it, either from any of the people that we quoted or any of the laws? Was there anything to you that you just felt like, wow, I didn't know that? I think for me what was surprising was the 1960s. We put a clip in there from a news report that I believe was circa 1967 or something like that, where this guy from CBS just openly states, this is a news reporter for CBS, openly states that Americans are totally opposed to the sodomites. That was one aspect of the film that I found to be sort of surprising. But for me, the number one thing is just the laws. Wasn't that in the trailer? It was. Are you talking about? Yeah, yeah. That's awesome. That guy, yeah. I had never seen that before either until you put it in the film and I was just thinking like- I was like, wow. Then this guy's just calling it as it is. He was trusted by Fags or something like that, is what he said. Yeah, we should play the trailer for everybody. We should. Are we live on the correct video or what's going on? We had a few technical difficulties, but we'll have to excuse, if you restart Restream, then basically what happens is it kills your event if you don't attach to it again. So we like, our actual event that you promoted was only 10 or 20 seconds. So we just started a new one, we retitled it, so if you're joining in, sorry about the technical difficulties, but we're glad that you're here and we're going to actually show a few things here. I want to show maybe our website and we can show our documentary here. Let's play it. Do you want to see if you can bring up our screen for us, for Jacob? Let me know when it's live. Just give me a thumbs up or something. Okay. Can you kill that? Bear with us for just a second, folks. We're going to make sure we try to get this in here really good. If you have any questions for us, drop them in the chat. We like to basically talk about them. I know this is a round table, this is a rectangular table, but hey, don't get too technical here on me. I want to also say this, we are definitely wanting to support Pastor Bruce Mejia at First First Baptist Church and his church is going through a really hard time and it seems like maybe God's orchestrating a lot of this to be kind of on the same timeline because it's interesting that our film is coming out and Pastor Mejia is helping us with this and he's getting just attacked hardcore by the sodomite filthy preferrers of the flesh. Okay, it looks like they've got our film up here. Let's go ahead and see if we can show some trailer stuff here. If you want to check out our trailer or our film, especially in the future now, you can go to sodomyconception.com and right there in the front we have our trailer. Let's see if we can play this thing. Let's see if you can hear it, guys. Let me know. Let's listen. Let's listen. I refer to homosexual marriage as sodomy-based marriage. This is a marriage, pseudo-marriage. It's a counterfeit marriage, fake marriage, and it is rooted in the act of sodomy, which was a felony. It's a felony. It's a felony. It's a felony. It's a felony. It's a felony. It's a felony. It's a felony. It's a felony. It's a felony. It's a felony. It's a felony. It's a felony. It's a felony. It's a felony. It's a felony. It's a felony. It's a felony. It's a felony. It's a felony. It's a felony. It's a felony. It's a felony. It's a felony. It's a felony. And it is rooted in the act of sodomy, which was a felony offense, everywhere in the United States of America. Everywhere in the United States, it was a felony offense. Capital offense in a lot of places. on an issue that's strongly about and has to do with a couple's opportunity to marry. I don't understand where we were at the beginning of the decade. On January 1st, 2010, only five states have legalized sex marriage and more than two dozen have explicit bans on marriage. My record in Congress for over six years shows my commitment to fighting for LGBTQ equality. We today pass the Equality Act. The Equality Act is the support of a majority of the American people in every state. There's people out there, they think you're great, they think you're moral, they think you're godly, and God looks at them and says, you're filthy, you're disgusting, you're vile. When God looks in America, he's not thinking, I want to bless this country. He's saying you're disgusting and vile and wicked and ungodly. That's how God thinks about America. But you know what? A lot of you in this room today are deceived. You know what? You're deceived by the sodomites. What's the Bible say, my friend? What you've been deceived tonight? You've been lied to! You don't even know what the Bible says anymore. And if you think that a faggot is normal, you're deceived. It's time to rip some pace. Why don't you grab this faggot and send these freaks to go back to hell? Go back to the closet. Put a bull on your head. What are they saying? They're saying, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot, I'm a faggot receives backlash for actually preaching what the Bible says about the filthy disgusting faggots is that people inevitably will search for the pastor associated with that church will search for the sermons and watch them and even if it's just out of morbid curiosity and then they end up looking at other people's or other pastor's content that they're associated with and I think what's going to happen is people are going to find themselves watching the Sodomite deception as a result and it's going to wake some people up now just so people understand we're not going to be airing the film on the channel we're on right now we're just doing a live stream discussion and the purpose is really just to kind of point you to the right direction I just attached to our description of this video the link where you can go to the actual site or the YouTube channel that's going to be premiering the show live tonight it's at 10pm and so we're getting close, we're only like 40 minutes away and I'm really excited about this now I'll say this, I cannot guarantee to you that it's going to stay up for more than one second so it might even get cancelled before we even premiere so you can download the thing obviously and share it and do whatever you want but it will be going to our website and I will say this, I'm also doing it on rumble I'm going to put the rumble in there too but you can check it out on YouTube for sure I'm going to put the rumble link, it should be airing at the same time on rumble so just in case it goes down you can check it out there I'm going to be putting it on our website hopefully pretty much midnight tonight so you can check it out there via rumble but again even if rumble takes us down or anything we'll put it on the site so the site is going to be your focal point that you can always go to because unfortunately the censorship is uncontrollable at this point it seems like and we've heard things like Jack Dorsey who was exposed by Veritas James O'Keefe, he's exposing some videos from insiders and he's saying we're coming after more accounts and we're cracking down on conservatives and honestly they're just shooting themselves in the foot because if they ban every conservative then people are going to create other alternative platforms and these other mediums to get the truth out there and so we're going to keep just eking out the truth in every way that we possibly can and I'm really excited about being able to have a website that people can go to and you know the site's real basic but the goal of the website is to provide even way more information provide all the articles that we had in our research, to provide sermons, to provide other documentaries you know one of my favorite documentaries that Pastor Anderson put together was AIDS Judgment of God it was so simple, but the thing is he put that clip, a huge clip or maybe the whole film of this 1960's documentary put out by the LA Police Department called Boys Beware and we even put a few snippets from that into our film but watching the whole thing it was really incredible to see how the secular world was just basically preaching like the new IFB on this doctrine just 40, 50 years ago and how everybody calls us crazy, we're in this cult, we believe something no one's ever believed and it's like if you watch our film you can never say that again because we're going to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that this has been the majority position in America to quote Brian Fisher from the film for hundreds of years and really that was the moral position as he puts it for everybody in America you know when you were a teenager going to high school if someone came up to you and said everyone in America for hundreds of years thought homos should be put to death would you have believed that do you think? No, I wouldn't because it's not taught in school and the thing is people will gaslight you on this subject and you can't let them do it they're going to gaslight you, they're going to make you think like you're the freak or that you're the weirdo or that you should be ashamed of your world view or anything like that they're the ones who'd be ashamed like I said earlier and they're the ones who are abnormal it's abnormal to be a fag hag and we need to start saying that it's abnormal to advocate for these freaks, for these pedophiles, for these predators it's not normal what's normal is to say put them to death and it's been normal for a large swath of American history but no, I would not have believed that and it's because it's not being taught in school in fact the opposite is being taught in school the kids who are going to the public fool system today are being told that they're so loving and kind and tolerant and think about this what group do you know of where you literally have to brainwash people into sympathizing with them? Obviously it's a gaslight agenda because anybody that's been paying attention here's the thing that's crazy to me with the gaslighting and the brainwashing is people that are 50 or older they went through all of it they actually were there when everybody felt that way and knew that and they've seen everything change over time and what's crazy to me is how they will sometimes say the same things or act like you guys are teaching something new and then you'll ask them about it like oh yeah there was all these guys preaching that when I was young like your age and I'm thinking like both of those can't be true either everyone thought that and it was normal or you know basically you've changed and really obviously they think that we're crazy or we're teaching something new but then when you kind of just slow them down and you just kind of sit and go over the facts it's kind of like oh okay yeah you're right and I would say this though with all the crazy stuff that's happened in last year with you know the Trump drama and with Biden and everything like that there's been people in my personal life that have kind of thought that like I'm really crazy or really fringe or whatever and I've noticed just in talking to them they like start like saying the same things that I've been saying and acting like it's something they came up with or something it's like their idea and it's like I don't care about getting credit but I do find it interesting they're kind of like warming up to these things and do you think because of 2020 being so crazy that people are going to start kind of being like wow these guys are actually you know a little bit more normal or this makes a little more sense what are your thoughts on that? The answer is yes I do think people are people are paying attention to what's going on and has been going over the last year and they're starting to think you know what maybe these Christians are actually making a decent point maybe they're not the crazy ones like the fake news media says and the reality is we're not okay the people who are crazy are those who support the fags those who support the sodomites and something that I think is sort of encouraging my in-laws who are not at all fundamental Baptists whatsoever they found out about what happened at first works and they messaged my wife and they said hey you know we support you guys we think that was wrong that they bombed that church and we understand now why you hate fags and we understand why you make the claim that they hate God you know so it's finally clicked with them so I think you know all things work together for good to them that love God and one thing also I wanted to mention real quickly too that I love so much about this project is we're circumventing the censorship of big tech you know they want to try and eliminate our perspective from their platform because these people are a bunch of spineless cowards who know inherently that if they did propagate a free marketplace of ideas that their worldview would be debunked instantly and so they have to ban us they have to censor us to keep the truth from being disseminated on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube but what we've done is we've created our own website we've said alright fine you don't want us on YouTube you don't want us on Facebook go to thesodomitedeception.com where you can't touch us okay go to thesodomitedeception.com where you can watch our movie and you don't have to worry about it getting taken down for hate speech hate speech you don't have to worry about that you can go to the URL you can watch it at any time if for whatever reason it gets banned and I just want to keep pushing this right now Pastor Shelley because obviously that's the main purpose of this stream if you want to get involved in the fight there's a war going on right now there's a war going on right now over this issue and if you want to get involved in this fight you share the URL with everyone you know you share the Sodomite Deception on your Facebook on your Twitter on your Instagram get as many eyeballs on this as possible and fight back against the deception and fight back against the God haters of this world Hey I think that's great and again if you're just tuning in with us this live stream is to point you to where you can watch the film two hours earlier it's going to be on another YouTube channel and I put the description down below in this video so you go to our description there's a link down there where you can watch the new film via YouTube there's another channel it's called John Baptist I like that it's his last name Baptist right? it's not the Methodist and there's also a rumble option just in case and again of course we're going to put on our website sodomitedeception.com but I wanted to see can you guys pull up my screen again and give me a thumbs up I wanted to plug something else real quick let me know when you got it cool this is FirstWorks Baptist Church website this is Pastor Bruce Mejia's website and man I have to tell you something this site is pretty awesome looking it is it looks great he kind of puts the rest of us to shame here Pastor Mejia is a great guy he's really creative and I'm really glad he helped us with our film but if you want to support Pastor Mejia you need to come to the site fwbcla.org and maybe donate or send them an encouragement via email or just go subscribe to all their stuff check on their Facebook go to their Facebook go to their Twitter go to their YouTube go to their Instagram like their posts share their posts talk about it we've got a little bit of a momentum here where we can talk about how these stodomites these fags have bombed this church and let's turn into something good you know Romans chapter 8 verse 28 says that all things work together for good to them that love God to them that are called according to his purpose and so while we may look at this as a sad thing or a frustrating thing you know what God can still use it for good and fortunately no one was hurt praise the Lord that God has protected his people thus far and people are standing strong and we can use this momentum to reach people reach people with the gospel reach people with the truth try to show them what these sodomites are really like because they love the show on the news media all these how much we love you posters but at the same time they bomb your church and it's awesome he's got music on here he's got all kinds of sermon links he's got church time support Pastor Mejia if you live in California if you live anywhere in LA or in that LA area you need to go to get to his church let's bring back up the video if you don't mind bring back up us a little bit but what you need to do is you need to support Pastor Bruce Mejia and you know we're really excited you know one thing that we did to try and get this out here because we're kind of going old school advertisement and we're getting two billboards in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and it's going to have the URL out there sodomitedeception.com and so I'm hoping that we reach some people you know just via old school billboards what do you think about that? well I think people are going to drive by maybe on their way to work every day they take that route that the billboard is on that specific highway every day to go to work and they're going to see the billboard and probably the first time they drive by it they're going to go sodomite deception not sure what that is interesting second time there it is again interesting third time they might say you know what let me look this up let's go to the sodomite deception URL and see what this thing is all about and perhaps end up watching our movie right so that's how things like this work is you want to at least get their attention and then once you do that that's where they're either going to accept it or reject it right but we want to at least give them a chance to see this and again see this and again see a perspective that's being censored right now a perspective that is antithetical to everything being pushed by our society today and look we are outnumbered obviously but the men of God have always been outnumbered throughout scripture on their side they have the multinational corporations they have the entertainment industry they have the education system they have Satan himself okay but that's not going to deter us because you know what if God be for us who can be against us I'm not discouraged at all by what's going on I'm actually excited you know and you know when we go through things like this for me personally it makes me want to read my Bible a little bit more it makes me want to go soul winning a little bit more it makes me want to focus on the things of God a little bit more it fires me it backfires on the enemy because it gets us even it makes us even more zealous and I'm ready to fight and like I said earlier if you want to get involved in this fight share the movie hey you're preaching the choir you know I think that for me when you've been reading the Bible too it does this it makes you feel like you're really living the Bible it makes you feel like you're living the Bible you know you read verses where it talks about persecution it talks about tribulation and you know it's got to be hard for the liberal Christian out there because they read these verses yet they don't seem to have much tribulation but then when your church is bombed by sodomites you know those verses start coming to life about I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me you know you know some people take it for granted that they just walk into church on Sunday morning and it's pretty breezy it's pretty easy but when you're being protested by hundreds of sodomites they were going to do a drag queen contest outside his church this Sunday but you know what God shut it down so praise the Lord that filth is going to be going out there but again if you're just joining us the film is about to be released I mean we've got 30 minutes and it's going on YouTube you know and YouTube hopefully they're asleep at the wheel right now and it's going to stay up for a while but if you want to check it out if you want to check it out there's a link in the description of this live stream we're not going to be airing it on this live stream but if you want to go to that channel it's John Baptist you probably wouldn't find it by searching so you probably need to click on the link there's also a rumble link that you can check out and so I'm really excited I wanted to show a picture of our billboard but they're saying every time I go to the computer the audio like really sucks sorry about that we'll try to work on some of these issues in the future but because you know maybe we have a podcast what do you think? I think that'd be fun yeah now you guys in the comments you need to give me some questions if you have any questions or you want to ask us something put it in there tell me what is some of your favorite well I don't want to give any spoils away but I was going to say give me just like a big picture something that was your favorite part of the film like what's something kind of a big picture you think you could share it's not too much of a spoiler that you really liked in the film I'll share mine first just to give you an idea my favorite part of the film and I'll be honest is the credits okay and you would say the credits what are you talking about? well obviously we have people's names in there that supported the film but it was also a great opportunity to put some of the the breast preaching and some of just some cool clips put in there and so watch all the credits and really enjoy it's kind of a fun part of the film and we got a gospel presentation after that but I really like how the credits turned out you know it just it was an opportunity to put some of the best preaching that didn't really fit in the film just kind of slap it in there and you even got a new clip in there from Pastor Mejia with the news media attacking him and so this film is fresh I mean this thing is like hot off the press you know it's falling right on the heels of what's happening right now in our culture and so I'm really excited what was something that you kind of you really liked I would say and without giving too much away I would say the face the fag bashing okay the fag bashing but specifically in response to a particular person I don't want to go I'm not going to give too much detail but we bring up a particular false teacher who is soft on the sodomites and then Pastor Anderson comes in like a freight train and eviscerates him that's my favorite part of the whole movie and you guys will know what I'm talking about when you watch it but that coupled with the soundtrack for me when I'm working on films I want the soundtrack to be really really good and so I think that the soundtrack of this film you guys you may notice this when you watch it I think it makes it more exciting because it's epic and it enhances the preaching it makes the preaching seem even more epic but overall I would say there's a specific part of this movie where we show a fag hag when we show a false teacher saying something completely ridiculous about how we ought to treat the homosexual community and then Pastor Anderson totally dismantles him and destroys him right after love it love it love it love it that's my favorite part I do have to say the credits were really good too I enjoyed putting that together but yeah I mean I think the preaching is what carries the movie the preaching is what carries the movie obviously we cover the deception we talk about what the world says about these people we debunk it subsequently but the preaching especially toward the end and I don't want to give anything away I'm trying to be careful here with spoilers but you guys I think are gonna really enjoy the preaching that's the strength of this film is these pastors that are in it who are willing to absolutely rip some face it's fire folks it is fire well I just feel blessed that I have so many like-minded friends and you know Pastor Anderson carries a lot of the film with a lot of his preaching because he's just had so many years of just like great hard preaching on this subject and so we just kind of took some of the best snippets and it really fit together well with the narrative that we're preaching you won't say this about yourself but I'll say it for you and Pastor Shelley tears it up in this movie okay you need it folks watch the film to hear Pastor Shelley but he does a great job as well let's just say that he makes it clear where he stands alright and that's something that well that's something that's important for all pastors to do you know it's sad that people won't actually take a stand on what they believe you know one thing that I saw this morning Brother Matthew Stuckey had shared an article or link there's something called the Hamilton Square Baptist Church Riot Hamilton Square Baptist Church Riot it was in San Francisco it was September 19th 1993 and listen to this you can go find on the website you can just Google it it'll pop up it's like one of the top results but listen to what they said it says the Hamilton Square Baptist Church Riot in San Francisco on the date of September 19th 1993 in which an angry group of male homosexuals and lesbians vandalized church property assaulted church members terrorized church congregants screamed profanity threw rocks harassed and scared children and disrupted a church service during the riot the rioters pounded on the church doors and attempted to kick them down when the rioters saw church children standing in the lobby they shouted we want your children give us your children that is that's what this article is saying and you know we say these sodomites they're dangerous they're predators and they're pedophiles they want your children this article is saying that's literally what they were saying they're banging this makes me think of Genesis 19 I mean it's uncanny yeah why is the news media not saying oh these sodomites protesting church it's just like this one it's just like this one it's just like the Bible said you know they won't report the truth today and they make it seem like they're justified and even rioting against us you know if the news media was there I'm sure the Sodom you know news channel the local Sodom news channel was out there like oh these you know these mean angels they won't come out and meet they're so you know Lott's just hiding all these new guests coming into his house he's so hateful he's such a judge he just wants to he's a sojourner he's coming here to judge us and tell us you know we should knock down his door and it's like history just repeats itself over and over it's truly amazing how the Bible says there's no new thing under the sun is there anything where it maybe has said see this is new it has been already of old time which was before us it's how the Bible says so you know these sodomites it's crystal clear where they are this wasn't even in their film I wish it was I wish it was this is great check out Hamilton Square Badges here try now I watched the video on it and this is what was sad though okay I watched the video and they went to basically city hall or their council meeting or something and they were gonna present like you know their case before local magistrates or something and there was 300 Baptist pastors that came and supported them 300 in San Francisco you know what's sad is that we're not that far removed from 1993 where's the 300 Baptist standing with Pastor Mejia yeah I mean that makes my blood boil when I think about the lack of support for a guy he just had a bunch of faggots bomb his church building I mean it shouldn't be like you shouldn't have to think about oh should I come out in support of him it should just be automatic you shouldn't have to think about it just automatic I support him it's like we're sitting here saying look folks one plus one is two can you agree with us that one plus one is two can the old IFB please in the El Mani area or anywhere just come out and say we agree with Pastor Mejia that one plus one is two that's all we're asking for it's not that hard you don't have to be poster of pre-wrath if you don't want to be you don't have to be anti-Zionist just at least admit that one plus one is two at least admit that these sodomites are disgusting freak predator pedophiles that should be put to death what's so hard about that at least come out and say hey Pastor Mejia we stand with you give him a phone call something it's like it shouldn't be that hard to do that but we live in a time where people would rather be a bunch of spineless little sniveling cowards and side with the most despicable repulsive freaks on the face of the planet 2 Timothy chapter 2 I just want to read this real quick it says this know also that in the last days perilous time shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy without natural affection and that describes what you just read right there these people are without natural affection and my question is as a church member you know who's going to stand up and say it who's going to stand up and proclaim this and thunder it forth unapologetically and not go back a few years later and go I'm sorry I apologize I didn't mean those words you know Jeff Owens I didn't mean those words here's our apology go to hell that's our apology here's our apology every single sodomite should be stoned to death that's our apology my apology is this that I haven't been preaching this even more that I haven't preached on it for longer parts of my life I'm sorry I haven't been preaching its faggots enough you know that would be my apology but if you're just tuning in again you can refresh your page or if you've been on the page I've updated the description on this video a couple different times and it's got the link to the new YouTube channel that is going to air this film additionally there's a rumble link so if you want to check the rumble just in case it goes down and then additionally someone posted and this is a good idea I posted the link to the Hamilton Square Baptist Church article that I just read a little bit from so if you want to read it or look it up it's put there in the description you might have to refresh the page just to see that update on the description but I'm really excited about this film being released you know better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof, right? I've watched it probably 600 times and you know what this live stream is making me want to watch it 601 times that's right hey I like that attitude I like this I like watching it when everybody else is so you can kind of see the reactions see the reactions you can kind of see how everybody else feels about the film and folks make sure when we go ahead when the premiere starts get in the live chat talk about it if you like the movie let us know if you don't like it just keep your mouth shut but I'm just kidding but seriously go in there talk fellowship in the chat whatever you want to call it talk amongst each other give us your feedback as you're watching that's what I like about these premieres is you could give instant you get instantaneous feedback yeah exactly so that's valuable now another thing people are interested about sharing the film we're going to make dvds for sure and we're going to have some at our church but one thing that pastor me he has been doing and I really like this idea is he's using qr codes to share like the url's to different things and so I'm planning we'll make like stickers that'll have the qr code that goes straight to our website so we're ripping him off yeah hey great minds think alike and you know he has a great idea but additionally you know you can make your own cards we'll make cards and stuff too and we'll have other ways but look you can print this thing make copies of this share this I don't care how you use it you can chop it up and just basically upload one second 200 times you know I don't even care how you share this film share all of it share any of it you know if you only like one section of the film chop that out and share that part you know but again we're really excited about releasing this and finally getting it out there and it took a lot of effort you know our first iteration of the film you know I don't think it was as good as how we got to now I feel like we did a lot of good improvements and you know documentaries like this they take a lot of effort they take a lot of energy you know we've got a lot of new ideas for some other stuff to make out there but it's hard to share this this information but the more you guys share it the more it makes us want to make even more so you know and again if you want to if you want to you know support the film share it as much as you possibly can and support Pastor Mejia you know I think that's the two biggest things that you can do and you know stand with the man of God encourage his people to go out there and look some of his people have been severely attacked I mean they're calling their their work they're calling their schools they're trying to harass them I mean the persecution is real and it's easy to kind of look from afar and be like oh yeah I would take a hard stand but it's actually very difficult to take a stand when it's your family when it's your work and you know you got to put food on the table and you know people have been hit hard with the the COVID crisis you know potentially and maybe they they've been impacted financially but you know what God will supply all of your needs and so the Bible says that he's never seen the righteous forsaken nor is he begging bread I was about to say that myself and so I'd rather and look at the end of the day I'd rather be dirt poor and standing on the word of God and standing for the truth than have all the riches in the world and hiding under a blanket you know and letting these sodomites come and just you know take over my house and take over my country and take over my church you know the one thing that has been great throughout this coronavirus is our church I mean how would you say the last year of our church or so has been you know better worse or the same during COVID I would say that the world is on a bobsled to hell but our church has been just on fire over the last year I mean as a result people are great and look if I didn't have church I would be going insane yeah I mean you literally see this guy going up in Congress saying amen and a woman you go into stores and people are just freaking out about everything everybody's panicked everybody you know everything's upside down evil is good good is evil Biden's our president Kamala's the vice president I mean the big tech companies are censoring everything I mean everything is insane and the one thing that keeps me sane is church because it's with normal people look you need to get in church you know I would normally not say move to California but here's the thing move to LA and go to Pastor Mejia's church or if you can't go there go to a good church you know there's nothing like church I would rather have the crappiest house and have the crappiest job and have a good church to me you know you can't replace a good church there's nothing like it and the fellowship you know if you've been to Pastor Mejia's church you've been to Pastor Anderson's church Verity Baptist Church Vancouver Washington with Pastor Aaron Thompson Pastor David Berzins in Atlanta Georgia I mean you need to look these guys up you need to get plugged in you need to go to their churches you know we've got a church in Houston Pure Words Baptist Church we've got a church in Oklahoma City and great people there Brother Tanner Furr's been leading that for us and he's doing a great job we've got Brother Nick Gomez there in Pure Words helping things and look it's time to get into church it's time to show up it's time to show up it's time to show up it's time to show up it's time to show up it's time to show up it's time to show up it's time to show up it's time to show up it's time to show up it's time to show up it's time to not forsake the assembling of yourselves you know I love these documentaries I love that we can share them online but you know what is the best place to your preaching? In church In church yeah ultimately if you want to get in in the fight there's no better way to do that than to go to a church but don't just show up get plugged in get plugged in Go out soul winning If you want less faggots in this world go soul winning because guess what if they get saved to get the holy spirit inside them it would it then becomes impossible turned over to a reprobate mind and become a filthy, disgusting pedophile, it then becomes impossible for them to be a sodomite, so yeah, I definitely agree with that, and it's a message that we can't forget. Get involved in the spiritual fight today. There is no political solution, because they just rigged the elections anyway. A lot of people have figured that out. Look, I thought it was fake for a while, but now it's like super confirmed. Now, we're under sub 10 minutes. I mean, we're less than 10 minutes away, folks. And again, it's not gonna be on this channel, so there's 185 people watching right now. All of you in like 10 minutes need to go to the beginning. And look, you don't wanna miss the beginning. Watch the beginning. The beginning is epic. You wanna be there early. So even if you cut out our live stream one or two minutes early, I mean, stick with us for that, but watch the beginning of this film. It's epic, you're gonna love it, I believe. And I really liked it. I really liked the film, and I've watched it several times, and it still is something that I enjoy, which I think says a lot, because for a lot of documentaries, it's probably hard to watch it over and over again, but this one has a lot of interesting things. It's a lot of information. I think you could watch it multiple times and still get new things, just because there's just so much information and so many different viewpoints that are being expressed. What do you think? Yeah, I think every second is packed with information. We packed a lot of content in just under two hours, so there's definitely a lot there. But if you're looking for something that's not only gonna give you the facts, right? We look at statistics, we prove beyond any shadow of a doubt statistically that these people are pedophiles and that they hate children, but also scripturally, because obviously we back everything up with what the word of God says, and so you're gonna get all angles, many different facets to this issue, statistically, culturally, historically, and biblically, and that's why I think it's so important for people not just to already agree with us, but again, you wanna get involved in this fight, share it with people who haven't picked the side yet, right? Share it with people who don't know about the new IFB. Share it with people who need to be shaken out of their trance, in a sense, because I think this film is gonna have the potential to make them wake up and take the red pill. I agree. We're getting so close. Any last thoughts you really wanna make here before we get done? Well, a question, the link to the premiere that's in the description of this film. If you've been watching for a while, you might have to refresh your page, but down below in this livestream, there is a link. Do you wanna put it in the chat, maybe? Yeah, I'll put it in the chat, too, but if you go to the link down below, you can check out. The film is gonna be broadcast on another YouTube channel, and we wanted to have this livestream so you can check it out. I'm gonna put it in the chat. It's in the description. You need to get over there. We're really close. We've got a few minutes left, and so hopefully we'll empty this out and we'll fill up the other. It premieres in six minutes, so we're really close. If for some reason it doesn't make it all the way through or it goes down, you can check out the Rumble link, so you might wanna save that, but even if you don't remember the Rumble link, at midnight, we're gonna update our website with the Rumble link, and I think the Rumble link's gonna last a little while, but even if it doesn't, I'll re-upload it. There's no way it's not gonna be up for very long. At minimum, it would just be me re-doing something or putting another link out there, but if not, I'll even probably put extra links, just all the places that we're putting it up. We're putting this thing on Bitch Shoot, on Briteon, on UgeTube. It's the Trump Uge. It's huge. Okay. That's a weird name. And we're putting just anything and everything. We're gonna put it up there. I'm hoping maybe one thing we could do is we could just chop up some PG content and just little clips and put them on Facebook and YouTube and other things and link to our website and stuff. But again, eventually YouTube and stuff's gonna shut it down. They're probably gonna say you can't link to this website anymore or whatever, but I think we just make as big an impact as quick as possible. We share this information. Share it, tweet it, Instagram it. I don't know what else there is. Blog it, Reddit. Gab it. Gab it. What else is there? Parlor is gone. What about email? You can't parlay it. Old school email. Email it. Myspace it. Download it. Somebody got a mic. Copy it. Memorize it. Fax it. Hey, memorize it. Memorize it. I mean, I'm pretty close. Ben's pretty close to memorizing it. I memorized it pretty much. You know, make a shirt out of it. And maybe we'll make some shirts and we get the QR code in the back. Because I was thinking you saw it at my deception, have the QR so if someone's walking by, you'd be like, hey, just take a picture of my QR and then like, bam! We want to get this out there. We want to get the truth out there. And for any of you to say, ha, I can't believe you preach against these sodomites or why are you preaching against them, listen to the morning sermon. Because I tried to make a pretty good case of why it's important to preach against the sodomites. We have a few minutes left. Give me a quick thought. What's the most compelling reason to you? Why preach against the sodomites? Why should we do this? To protect children. Because the more people who are awake to the fact that these are disgusting, filthy predators who hate the Lord Jesus Christ and who hate righteousness and want to defile everything that's innocent, then the more people are gonna take steps to protect children. If you love children today, you will hate faggots. It's that simple and I want to protect children. And to me, that's the most compelling reason for preachers to rip face on this issue is to protect the innocent, to protect the children. Man, I think that's a really compelling point. I mean, for me, when I saw some of the statistics of how many children these people hurt and how many times they hurt these children and stuff, the numbers are so staggering and they're so mind boggling that I just don't see how any normal person would not be offended at this. I mean, it seems like most everybody hates pedophiles. I mean, that seems like pretty universal. People hate pedophiles. We're just trying to show the link. Like, pedophiles are sodomites. Sodomites are pedophiles. Fags are pedophiles. And that's why people always hated them is because they associated the two. What mainstream media and the news and all of this deception is really trying to do, they tried to split and divert the difference between a pedophile and a sodomite. We didn't have this in our documentary very much, but Alfred Kinsey, a faggot himself, you say that in the film, but he did kind of led the charge into trying to normalize the idea of sodomites and trying to make it where they weren't pedophiles and stuff so they would say a sodomite who's molesting boys is not a fag because he doesn't have a male partner, he's married. But here's the thing, when you read Judges 19 and Genesis 19, they were all married and they're still molesting children and whatever. They're still a sodomite, they're still a pedophile. They try to do these clever tricks to try and downplay the statistics and downplay what they're doing in society. But you know what, CDC, they still say that they're 50 times more likely to get AIDS. There's other articles that show even higher percentages than that. And look, you need to click on the link. You need to watch this film. You watch all two hours in one minute of it. Hey, we gave you a lot to chew on, all right? I kept telling Ben, let's cut it, let's cut it, and he just kept adding. So he just added more and more content, but you know what, it's great. You watch every minute of it, and even if you don't like it, you watch it, you eat your broccoli, you eat your carrots, your asparagus and everything, and you know what, it's filled with Bible, and people need to wake up today. I'm not backing down. I'm not getting soft on this doctrine. I'm only gonna preach on it more, and I'm so glad this documentary came to fruition. Right. Thanks for working with me on it, Ben. It's my pleasure. There's nothing better than being on the front lines of this war. There's nothing better than being able to contribute on the right side of this war, and this is a war. Obviously, we don't wrestle with flesh and blood, but you know what, if you're not on the Lord's side, if you don't love the Lord Jesus Christ, then you ought to be anathema maranatha, in my opinion, because I have no more patience for you. I have no more patience for fag hags. I have no more patience for people who won't admit that these beasts are degenerate and vile, and we need to do something about it. We need to wake as many people up as possible about this issue. So we're coming up here almost ready for this documentary to be released. You're under 60 seconds. You need to click. If you're still listening to me, click on the link. Get away from me. Don't listen to me anymore. Go to the link. Click down below. I'm gonna post it again. Get out of here. We appreciate your support. Go watch the film. You don't wanna miss the beginning of this film. It's super epic. You need to get in there. There it is in the chat again. I still see 157 on my screen. I hope that's a mistake. Click on the link. You watch the film. Tell us what you think. We're super excited about this. And you know, I'm really glad that you worked with me on this. You know, I'm just, I'm thrilled that people are gonna need to watch it. Me too. It's finally come to fruition. We've crossed the finish line here. And what are we at? Less than 60 seconds to go. All right. Let's sign off so people just be forced to get over there. You know, give us the last word and we're gonna cut this thing. I hate fags. Hey, I couldn't agree with you more. If a man lied with mankind, does he also lie with a woman? Both of them have...