(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) When people say that once you get saved, you're just never going to sin, you're always going to keep God's commandments, you're always going to do right, they're essentially saying that you don't need the resurrection. Because if you think about it, the very essence of the resurrection is the fact that God is going to give us a glorified body that is completely absent of sin and unresponsive to the temptations of this world. But that doesn't happen until the resurrection. And so this side of eternity, we're always going to sin, we're going to make mistakes, we're going to fall. And in fact, the Apostle Paul described this in Romans chapter 7, when he said that, He describes this conflict in Galatians chapter 5, when he says that the flesh lusts against the spirit, the spirit against the flesh, these are contrary the one to the other, so that you cannot do the things that you would. And so the solution to that conflict is the resurrection. 1 Corinthians 15 verse 50 says that, You know, we shall all be changed. He says, He's going to change our vile body and fashion it like into his glorious body. And so think about that, you know, thank God for the resurrection, that one day we're not going to have to deal with sin, but we do now.