(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I've heard that if you homeschool your children, that they're likely to turn out really weird. Well, in schools, they tell kids that you can become an animal. And some kids believe that they are animals. I was homeschooled. And let me tell you, if you homeschool your children, you help them to avoid all the racism, all of the socialism and fascism that is literally being taught to our students in America today. I grew up with four brothers. We had no sisters. We studied the ABECA curriculum. And a lot of that in high school was equivalent to that of college textbooks. So by the time my brothers and I hit college, we were ready to be able to take certain exams. And we were able to study up and master some of these classes because of a strong foundation that was given us by this curriculum. And so if you're looking at homeschooling your kids, the ABECA curriculum is truly phenomenal. They didn't pay me to say that. They don't even know I'm making this video. But I just want to say that's what worked for me. It'll work for your kids and it'll work for you if you're willing to really apply yourself and learn the material. Now I understand if you don't have that opportunity, just simply pull your kid aside when they come home from the public school system and ask them what they learned. Ask them how school's going. And what I would do is try to guide them the best that you can using God's word as a final authority and also just basic common sense. As the school system waxes worse, homeschooling has become such a great alternative for families. And I was homeschooled my entire life and I recommend it. If you're a young one and you're learning from your mother how to read and how to write and how to do mathematics, you will automatically develop a respect for that parent. Are there some bad homeschoolers out there? Absolutely. If you get enough people together doing something, you're going to get some bad people in there. And of course, there's people that have failed the educational system within the realms of homeschooling and those people should be called out. They should be made to be accountable to their children. They owe their children that opportunity to learn. Some people will criticize videos like this and they'll say, well, Matt, how could you shelter your kids? Don't you want them to learn about the world? Well, if a wolf attacked my child, I would defend my child. If a bear came out of the woods that we live in and attacked my family, I would shelter my family the best that I could. Well, they tell kids there's more than two genders. They invite drag queens to come and put on their little shows, their little performances in front of the little ones. Are you going to just sit there and let your son or daughter take in all of that disgusting filth or are you going to step up and be a hero to your child and shield them from propaganda, from misinformation about gender and about their existence? I grew up on a farm and I learned extremely fast that there's only male and female because we were taking care of cattle, taking care of horses, taking care of chickens and helping these animals to be able to have offspring. And I'm telling you, when you see God's creation, you're not going to be convinced that a man could turn into an animal or that gender is not binary. Of course it's binary. That's how reproduction even works. People always say, oh, homeschooling, it's going to make my kids weird. Well, at least they're not going to think that men can get pregnant. In schools, they are teaching kids this and kids are believing it because they're impressionable. A child is very impressionable and you could hurt them and in the school system, the stuff they're telling the kids, it is hurting them. That's why they're turning out the way that they turn out. I saw a guy just the other day, he thought he was a wolf. I saw a girl a few weeks ago, thought that she was a fish. The public school system of Nazi Germany corrupted so many youth and it made them feel like they were really it. They were the generation that was going to set everything straight and they ultimately turned into terrorists. A lot of people in the Nazi army killed Jews, they killed Christians, they killed all sorts of people during the Holocaust and they thought that they were a superior race because they were being taught Darwinian evolution. They believed that we all descended from rats and that the blonde-haired, blue-eyed Norwegians were the most evolved. My wife actually purchased me this plaque and it says, a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor. Sometimes it might be hard to pull your kids out of a public school system or to have these conversations with them, but you've got to keep in mind there are weirdos that try to have these conversations with your kids and fill them with lies. They want to brainwash your children. Be willing to have a conversation, even though it may be difficult, to combat the lies that they're taught if they go to a public school. The Bible says, train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it. In a day and age where people say there's no right or wrong, there's no morality, Matt. In a day and age when there's perverts going all over the streets, flaunting their bodies in front of these kids. In a day and age in which children are not considered humans, I'm talking about babies in the mother's wombs, they're not even considered human children, in this day and age we must stand up while there is yet time and we must be the voice for those who are suffering. A hero is somebody who stands up on behalf of those who are suffering and that hero is willing to, in some cases, lay down his or her life for the protection of other people. When people say, oh, don't shelter your kids, don't worry about them. When they say to take the walls of protection down and just let people wreck havoc with your children, that should be a red flag to you and you should not listen to them because those people are just as delusional as the transgender advocates that we see all over the streets of America now. People often say, well, you're homeschooling your kids because you're just a conspiracy theorist. Well, the ultimate conspiracy is being taught in school. The conspiracy that we all descended from rats and that we all descended from jellyfish. It just gets more and more and more insane and so that's why we really should do the best that we can to teach our kids at home.