(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Modern Bible versions don't just depart from the received text in favor of flawed, newly discovered Egyptian manuscripts. They've also corrupted the Word of God and represent an agenda to twist the meaning of the settled text of Scripture into something completely different. God is not the author of confusion, nor can he lie. With that in mind, it becomes clear that the philosophy behind changing the pure Word of God into something else emanates from the devil himself. It's a satanic agenda designed to stoke confusion, and it's what the devil has been trying to do since the Garden of Eden. You know there's nothing new under the sun with these this wescott and hort it's just it's almost like you know just it's tiring it's tiring it's the same thing again and again you know who did it first satan himself verse 24 i'm sorry verse number one of genesis 3 1 now the certain of it was more subtle that means he was sneaky that means he didn't just come out and say stuff he didn't just say hey god said this but do this i want you to do this so i can get you in trouble no here's what he said he said he was more subtle than any beast of the field which the lord had made and he said to the woman yay hath god said he shall not any eat any tree of the garden yeah that's what god said first of all but he's trying to cast doubt on the word of god right here he's trying to cast doubt on god's word you know what he's trying to do he's trying to cast doubt on jesus you know what he's trying to do with these modern versions of the bible he's trying to cast doubt on jesus christ that's what he's trying to do in scripture you have the example of the philistines making it illegal for the children of israel to have weapons and if you remember the battle where saul and jonathan were the only ones who actually had a sword the rest of the israelites had to use gardening equipment or farming equipment they're grabbing shovels pitchforks hose mattocks and they're using those inferior weapons against a military force that's armed with real weaponry swords axes so obviously the devil he doesn't want us to have the real weapon the king james bible the word of god the two-edged sword he wants us to have some cheap imitation some watered down version that is not going to have the same sharp cutting edge and we're not going to be as effective if we don't have the sharp weapons the bible tells us that the way we engage into spiritual battle is by putting on the armor of god and when you put on the armor of god if you study that passage in ephesians six it's all defensive you've got a helmet you've got a shield you've got a breastplate you've got things to defend you there are one and you could argue two things that are given in that passage as a as a weapon one is referred to you know is referenced to at the end as prayer although it's not necessarily put into the armor of god but the only weapon you're given in that armor of god is the sword of the spirit which is the word of god satan understands that the only are you the only weapon we have against him and against his forces is this book right here and if he can corrupt it if he can destroy it if he can cast down upon it if he can make people believe it cunningly divides fables and he'll win you