(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Atheists try to stop schools from visiting Ken Ham's Ark. Recently, Answers in Genesis opened a theme park with a life-sized replica of Noah's Ark. And the atheist group Freedom From Religion Foundation has sent letters to more than 1,000 school districts, warning them of the unconstitutionality of allowing students to visit Ken Ham's, or Answers in Genesis, Ark encounter. They sent letters to school districts in Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana, West Virginia, and Ohio. They claimed that a public school field trip to the Ark encounter, which, like I said, is a life-sized, interactive replica of Noah's Ark, would violate the Constitution and the First Amendment. In this country, Ham is free to erect monuments to his Bible, but public schools are not permitted to expose the children in their charge to religious myths and proselytizing. Schools, therefore, are in danger of facing lawsuits because of the Freedom From Religion Foundation's warning. Many schools fear incurring large legal costs, even if they were to defy the FFRF and win a lawsuit. In response, Ken Ham said, on the basis of the First Amendment and the U.S. Constitution, public schools are absolutely free to take students on field trips with appropriate parental permissions with facilities like the Ark encounter and Creation Museum, provided they are for historical, recreational, or educational purposes. FFRF has no right and no legal basis whatsoever to intimidate government-run schools as they are trying to do in this letter sent to more than 1,000 schools. He went on to say, Americans, I urge you to stand up to the FFRF. We need to let them know we are not going to be bullied into going against our First Amendment rights. So let me know what you think about this in the comments below, and let me know if you've gone to the Ark encounter or if you plan on going in the future, and be sure to like this video, be sure to subscribe to our channel, and stay tuned for more videos. Thanks for watching. .