(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) In this episode of the anchor we're gonna apply our all-in Christian lives to the fishing trip that we take in these next couple of Days, we're gonna go as Mark chapter 16. Jesus tells us in Mark chapter 16 says we're gonna go into all the world We're gonna go further than we've ever gone before Outside of Port St. Louis. Jesus says go to the uttermost part of the earth in Acts chapter 1 We're gonna take that theory and apply it to this trip You know the Bible says that we need to do these things if you want to have success in the Christian life You need to take some risks. You need to push yourself and that's the theory that we're gonna put to test this weekend And that's what we're gonna do. We're gonna take some risks. We're gonna take some risks. We're gonna take some risks We're gonna take some risks. We're gonna take some risks. We're gonna take some risks. We're gonna take some risks We're gonna take some risks. We're gonna take some risks. We're gonna take some risks. We're gonna take some risks. We're gonna take some risks You All Right, although how you feeling Ready to catch the fish that swallowed Jonah We're gonna do is we got a hollow out because we're gonna the weather's coming in this afternoon and we got to get We're going way out there Okay, so we're way beyond Everyone else at this point The only one smart enough or dumb enough to come out this far answer. That's that's how I usually fish Okay, it's kind of get your leg up against the wall. I feel like I need it. My body just needs to adjust Yeah, this is why you go home after the weekend and like you'll be in the shower Oh Okay Despite spending a couple hours fishing at the new spot much to our surprise. We barely caught a thing So we decided to change plans head back to the bay and try our luck there Yeah All right, let's go fish Hopefully we got to Oh Oh Okay, good Oh My goodness, give me a waypoint. Okay, stop. Oh my goodness. Look at that Wow, you should carry both of those at the same time you caught them both at the same time Oh Keeper nice That's a link on my okay, so let's compare what what although just caught That's a nice big daddy fish It's like all your pride goes away Ego melts, huh? Yeah So on day one the plan was to go Further out of the bay than we'd ever gone before and we did we we worked our way out there We were up against kind of a time constraint because about 11 o'clock There was supposed to be some high winds coming in that we're gonna make things You know Uncomfortable slash unsafe. So what we did was we did push out there right away. We arrived at about nine o'clock We did catch some fish, but they weren't anything that was amazing or to write home about so we worked our way back Towards the bay the weather really picked up. It was really windy a lot of work fishing out there and then we came actually Closer than we had ever fished before and we just got into a pile of some of the biggest rockfish That I've caught here before and Jacob picked up a really nice lingcod I don't know why he's always the one catching those but we got into a nice area here. That's close. That was calm I had a really good day of just catching some really nice fish and it's really great to have that area Because now we know that if you know, we can't get out because of the weather We always have a fallback position to go and catch some nice fish at so day one Great day limited out on fish Freezers full. We'll see what we can do tomorrow Oh I Thanks, so what does everyone think how's the day going so far? Small fish Cody beautiful weather How many we got so far? Today about 40 minutes. I think we got 10 or 11 Scott. What's the count? Double What's good to me, there we go In this episode of the anchor the plan was to go out further than we had ever gone before fishing deeper waters than we'd ever gone before and hopefully catch some bigger rockfish and Hopefully some lingcod the theory the Bible analogy here was that we were gonna kind of go into all the world You know go you know all the world and preach the gospel to every creature is what Jesus says in Mark chapter 16 and you know, he tells us in Luke chapter 9 He tells us to not let anything stop us from going out into the world to preach the gospel Jesus actually has somebody come up to him as people come up to him in Luke chapter 9 and want to go home and say Goodbye to their family one guy wants to you know Go and bury his father and Jesus says in verse number 62 He says no man having put his hand to the plow and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God Just showing that the Christian life is to be this all or nothing type of thing We were gonna take that in episode 2 of the anchor into the fishing world Now what actually happened is is quite interesting. We had weather coming in on us Both days both Friday and Saturday there was weather coming in at 11 12 o'clock into the afternoon So we went out early in the morning. We did go further out Especially Friday we went way out there and we did catch fish, but we just didn't catch that many fish So we got weathered out and we came actually into The bay into the bay and it towards Avila Beach and we caught big Big the biggest rockfish I've caught since we've been fishing in Avila and also we caught some nice Lingcod as well. So the Bible lesson here kind of turned into an axe chapter 1 Lesson where you know the Bible tells us to go to Jerusalem to Judea Samaria and you know then into all the world, you know, it just kind of a reminder for us that you know Sometimes, you know success in the Christian life or you know success for souls Is just you know walking out your front door and just going out and just preaching the gospel to people who might be your immediate Neighbors because that's actually what happened to us here is we tried going far out, you know, this would be the the exciting You know mission trip that everybody wants to go on But we always have to remember that you know Just going out and just talking to our neighbors in our own hometowns in our own neighborhoods is very fruitful as well And that's what happened to us in this episode of the anchor Just relaxing being out on the water film the waves just hanging out in fellowship with brothers in Christ and just enjoying God's beauty so I want to say my favorite part of this trip was definitely being with the bazarn ski family the one thing I learned about going out and fishing in the sea is that You have to have a little bit of toughness in you and I learned real quick The power of God and the power of the waves it humbles you and I believe when I went out there I got humbled But just with a little bit of prayer from God To strengthen me I got I got strong to put my sea legs on and I started fishing catches some good fish. So You