(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You're about to see how Greta Thunberg is being practically worshipped now by fake Christians. Take a look at this article courtesy of the Washington Examiner And if you're watching via YouTube, you can see this on your screen for those of you tuning in through the podcast You'll only hear obviously my description of what's on the screen. Here's your headline September 30th this was published. That's today Church of Sweden proclaims Greta Thunberg successor to Jesus Christ in resurfaced tweet. Folks, when I tell you that we're in the falling away right now I don't say it to just try and you know repeat a talking point I say it because it's true because it's biblical Take a look at the lead of this article here. The Church of Sweden declared teen star climate activist. Now I'm supposed to believe that a teenager is somehow a professional, an expert on climate teen star climate activist Greta Thunberg to be an appointed successor to Jesus Christ and a 2018 tweet that resurfaced in the wake of her speech before the United Nations. Now I don't know if you guys saw this speech, but it was the most over dramatic trash I've ever seen in my life She's up there acting like the world is gonna and I'm gonna show you a clip from it in a moment here Announcement. This is what it says. This is translated from Swedish Announcement Jesus of Nazareth has now appointed one of his successors Greta Thunberg Think about how blasphemous this is. Think about how wicked this is. And you know, I heard Europe is Spiritually desolate Just completely desolate and there are people who like our movement in Sweden who tell me they just Can't find a church at all to save their lives. Well, it doesn't surprise me The tweet said on December 1st 2018 the account operated by the Limhams Church had previously tweeted several sentiments of crime climate Activism so this is supposedly an expert on climate She's a professional on climate this teenager who has mental issues Greta Thunberg The tweets re-emergence came at the time as at the same time as Thunberg's appearance at the United Nations earlier this month in which she sounded the alarm about climate change during a viral Speech she says right here. My message is that we'll be watching you to a room full of world leaders You all come to us young people for hope. How dare you and I'll play the clip later I'm not gonna reenact it. The Church of Sweden has a history of promulgating climate alarmism See they won't promote They won't promulgate alarmism when it comes to getting saved They won't promulgate alarmism when it comes to the necessity of Jesus Christ for salvation and just how important it is For you to place a hundred percent of your faith and trust and rely and depend on Christ alone. The Bible says whosoever Believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God But they don't care about that. They don't care about the gospel. They don't care about reaching the lost They call themselves loving but ignore the lost That are surrounding them every day because they're not saved themselves Of course, they're not gonna understand the importance of soul winning nor are they gonna be able to win anybody to Christ anyway but my point is They are promulgating climate alarmism They care about issues that their puppet masters tell them to care about Greta Thunberg particularly noting on their official website when the Amazon burns we gather to fight for Mother Earth The Amazon is gonna burn one day. I don't deny that This whole earth is gonna burn one day But it's gonna be courtesy of fire and brimstone coming from the heavens coming from God Have you read the second half of Daniel 70th week? Have you read the book of Revelation and what's coming first the wrath of the devil and then the wrath of God? after the rapture Time and time I asked myself when was the Swedish Church kidnapped by left-wing extremists one user wrote Well, that's all you're gonna get in Sweden. If you try to go to church is crazy leftists now Let me show you this This is Greta right here for those of you who might be a little confused about what's going on Who is this person? And by the way, I like how YouTube has to give you a Wikipedia definition of global warming just for peak Propaganda Purposes right there for peak indoctrination right there. So you can't do your own research without this being Shoved down your throat. Let's look at some clips courtesy of the Guardian right here of This person who clearly is being manipulated by George Soros. This whole thing is a Soros funded operation You Know look at her she looks lifeless She looks like this is all she's being abused. She's a victim be up here. I Should be back in school on the other side of the ocean totally scripted inauthentic Young people for hope this is what Soros told her to say You have stolen my dreams in my childhood with your empty words and yet I'm one of the lucky ones People are suffering People are dying Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction That's new to me some money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you? This is just sad to watch It's it's just sad to watch and people are sitting there clapping all these pseudo intellectuals in the audience They're sitting there clapping acting like this is the greatest thing they've ever seen in their life watching a girl Who's probably getting abused by her George Soros masters given? Prescripted talking points into a microphone. No one with half a brain is gonna believe this is authentic totally overdramatic Totally scripted and yet people are eating this up everywhere. And if you dare criticize her your lamb basted as practically the devil himself 30 years the science has been crystal clear. No, it has not the science has not been crystal clear. Look away And come here saying that you're doing enough when the there's no scientific evidence needed I'll still know where in some may climate change. In fact You say you hear us and that you understand the urgency But no matter how sad and angry I am. I do not want to believe that Because if you really understood the situation and still kept on failing to act Then you would be evil and that I refuse to believe. All right, that's enough. So there you go folks