(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey everybody, Pastor Steven Anderson here from Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona with another installment of Steven Anderson Expos. Let's jump right in here. All right, Romans chapter 16. Well, honestly, I don't like doing this as much as it seems like I probably do. I really don't, but there comes a time when you got to deal with some things though that are out there and we have a responsibility as long as we have a voice to use it. And there are people that are trapped in error and they're trapped in, you know, in a lot of things, false doctrine and things like that that are that are damnable heresies. And these are damnable heresies that we're going to talk about today, really. And this is by no means an exhaustive and exhaustive list or anything or in-depth. You can go back and listen to many of our sermons that we've preached on topics like repentance, a salvation that changes people and all of those things. If you really want to get into deep, deep details, a lot of those. And I mean, you know, you can see those and you can understand them. You can dig deep and listen and learn some things if you're not ready for that. But this message is going to deal with the doctrinal heresies and the false doctrine basically of Steven Anderson. And he has an audience of thousands, I mean, millions, really. I mean, if you look at his Facebook page or his YouTube videos, it reaches a lot of a lot of people. Just to let you know, I didn't actually start a war with Steven Anderson. He started with me. He posted about two or three, about three years ago, I think it was. He put me on his repentance blacklist and labeled me a work salvation heretic, basically, and because I believe in the biblical doctrine of repentance. So he put me on his list and and marked me. So I'm going to mark him today, not because he marked me, but because he's a dangerous heretic. And I make no bones about it. I do not believe the man is saved. OK, I want you to understand that because he doesn't understand what biblical salvation is. He doesn't get it. And I'm going to show you what he doesn't get and why. And these these heresies are prevalent today all over the place. They are in fundamental Baptist churches. They are everywhere. So it's not just to do that. And by the way, I already know what this is going to do. This is going to cause a storm is what it's going to do. It's going to heat up a war. And I'll have those after me. But I'm going to tell you something. I'm not going to respond to them. OK, if you all want to respond to them, feel free. I'm going to stay out of it and I'm just going to do what God's called me to do, and that's to preach. OK, I'll let everybody else that they want to do that. They can they can deal with that. I make no bones about it. I believe he's a heretic. I believe he's a dangerous, damnable heretic. I do not believe he understands what biblical salvation is. And I'm going to tell you why. His videos are out there. I can't stand his annoying voice to listen to him very long. Really, it just it's just I can't I'm just it's not I can't take it because I know what he's doing. I know who his friends are. Anyway, so so Romans chapter 16, verse number 17. Now beseech it, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which you've learned and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly and by good words and fair speeches. He's used the hearts of the simple. That's really what's went on. This man became popular by being tased of being tased for standing up to was a border patrol or something. And he became popular when when they let him up for it. Okay, let me just stop right there and point out the error here. He says that I became popular because I got tased. And that's when I became popular. Well, you know what, that isn't true. First of all, I don't really consider myself popular, since I've obviously hated by this world. And it's only, you know, a small group of people relatively speaking to this world that listen to my preaching. But, you know, he says I got popular by that. No, actually, I got popular by preaching the Bible by preaching the Word of God. So the border patrol incident that he's referring to where I got tasered happened on April 15 2009. But back in 2007, almost two years before that, I had several videos that went so viral on YouTube that they got well over a million views. Okay, the first one was called why Billy Graham is going to hell got way more than a million views on my old channel as Anderson 1611. I had another video called Joel Osteen exposed that got well over 2 million views. And in 2007, of course, I had a sermon clip that went mega viral all over the world called him that pisses against the wall that you know, which a lot of people were making fun of me, obviously, the Calvinist and everybody really were making fun of me back then. But they're not really laughing so hard now that we're living in this transvestite transgender whatever world that we're living in in 2021. But back in 2007, that sermon clip him the pisses against the walls like four and a half minutes long, it went so mega viral that it was the number 10 most blogged video on the planet on Google for like a week and a half. Okay. And in fact, to commemorate that video, I'm wearing the shirt that my mom found for me. My mom just found this for me a couple weeks ago. You can't hang with the top dogs if you pee like a puppy. So anyway, shout out to my mom for finding me this shirt a few weeks. But anyway, you know, I had mega viral videos back in 2007. Those are three for sure. I don't know if I had any more that broke a million. But those for sure had millions of views in 2007. And by early 2008, our church website had more than 20,000 audio mp3 is being downloaded every month. And so because back then, you know, YouTube wasn't really the big thing because back then most people didn't really have the bandwidth to hang out on YouTube and YouTube videos back then could only be 10 minutes long. So I did upload full sermons to YouTube in 2007. But I had to do it in 10 minute increments. So it'd be like part one, part two, part three, part four, part five. So most of the action back in those days was taking place on our church website, just people downloading mp3, which you can still do to this day, by the way, just go to the preaching calm, or just go to our church website, click on the preaching tab. But you know, starting in 2006, when I started uploading audio sermons around the middle of the year, by the end of the year, we were getting 2000 downloads a month. And by early 2008, it was over 20,000 a month. And it kept going up, up, up from there. In 2008, I had a bunch of other viral videos, and and so on and so forth. My point being that to just pick this one incident and say, Oh, yeah, it's just you got tasered by the Border Patrol. That's that's how it got popular. You know, it's nothing to do with his preaching just simply isn't true that obviously, when I did get beaten and tasered by the Border Patrol, that did bring in a whole new audience that did expose a lot of people to my preaching. But it was just one thing in a long succession of things. And it was not the biggest thing. I mean, I went mega viral in 2007 2008. And you know, especially in the era when we were coming out with our big documentary films, like after the tribulation, New World Order Bible versions, marching design, those reached an even bigger audience than the Border Patrol incident. I mean, after the tribulation was huge. And so the Spanish dubbed version of after the tribulation got over 10 million views. And so, yes, the Border Patrol incident brought in a lot of listeners. I'm really thankful for that, that that God, you know, even though it was painful at the time, I'm really thankful that God turned that around and used it so that people could hear the Bible preaching. But at the end of the day, it's about the preaching. So I just wanted to point out that fallacy right there. And he screamed, I mean, I would scream to probably if you shocked me, maybe a little bit deeper one, not such a high pitched one, but a little girl like that, maybe but not not like a high pitched, early squeal. But it would have been a little different. But anyway, I hope I wouldn't want to be on tape squeal like a girl. Anyway, just really wouldn't want to be. I know I know what this is gonna bring, but it's okay. Anyway. All right. I think these folks are attracted to him. There are a lot of people that are attractive because he preaches very straightforward. A lot of the things he says is very straightforward. He bucks the trend of political correctness. You know, he bucks the trend of, you know, kind of being silent. And people are attracted to that. They like that. They like a man who will stand up and become a rugged individual and will say some things that need to be said and things like that. The problem is that he mixes some truth with a whole lot of error. Okay. And anyway, and he's very crafty and tricky by how he does it. Brother David and I got into an argument with him on Facebook. There's some Facebook any block this. And I understand why. You know, I'll tell you why. Because I pretty much block people who want to argue with me on Facebook because I'm not interested in arguing on Facebook. And the reason that I don't just delete people as friends is because otherwise I'll forget who they are. And then down the road, I'll re add them or something. So typically, if I delete people, I delete and block just to basically remember, hey, this person's a bozo. Yeah, I don't spend my life arguing. When I'm out soul winning, people want to argue. I'm just like, all right, have a good day. See you later. Move on. Because, you know, arguing is a waste of my time. I don't think it's the best way for people to learn. And, you know, we should try to avoid strife and contention if possible, because it's just debate is not really, you know, what I'm here for. But I just want to say one other thing, you know, about why people listen to my preaching because he said, oh, it's because he's a straightforward guy. Look, I have never been a great preacher. I don't have any kind of natural eloquence or natural speaking ability. And especially if I listen to my sermons from back in those early days of 2006, 2007, I cringe when I hear those sermons. You know, I like it better when people listen to my more recent preaching, but you know, I listened to my sermons from back in 2006, 2007, 2008, and people were not listening to them because they were just such great preaching or, you know, I'm just such a great speaker. Yeah, it's because I was telling the truth, because I was preaching biblical truth. People weren't coming for my speaking ability because I don't have a good speaking ability. They came because they wanted to learn the Bible. They came because I was telling the truth. And so they came for the preaching because it was the Bible. And I used to joke around back then that the reason so many people were downloading sermons from our website is not because I was a good preacher, but it's because I'm the only game in town, because I just felt like there were so few people preaching the stuff that I was preaching that it's like people didn't have a lot of choices of preaching that actually was straightforward from the Bible, you know, right preaching. And so I just believe that people come because they want the Word of God. It's not because of me personally. It's because of the stuff that I'm preaching and the truth that I'm preaching. And yeah, they do like somebody to get up and tell it like it is and not sugarcoat the message. Okay. But nevertheless, his friends are very dangerous to his friends like Alex Jones, who I think are Jesuit. They're definitely never been friends with Alex Jones. Definitely. I met him working for the Jesuit New World Order, I believe, whatever you want to call him. Alex Jones is a Jesuit agent priest. I'm not stupid. Actually, you just did. I understand he's not a Jesuit priest, but I do understand they have their agents and his job is to be a gatekeeper. Oh, so he's not a Jesuit priest. I'm not stupid. I'm not saying Alex is a Jesuit priest. I'm saying he's a Jesuit agent. Oh, good, because we thought you were stupid there for a second. But if he's just a secret agent of the Roman Catholic Church, yeah, okay. That doesn't sound far-fetched at all. I mean, what a goofball thing. I've never been friends with Alex Jones. I talked to him one time. I met him one time. Okay. I flew out there and I went on the Alex Jones show to promote our film After the Tribulation. But, you know, I've never even had like a personal or heart-to-heart conversation with them. It's hard to get in a word edgewise with the guy when you actually meet him. But anyway, Alex Jones is a gatekeeper. I believe Anderson is a gatekeeper, too. And I believe that's that I believe they're working together to do that. And I would not sell my videos. I don't sell anything. I give it away. But I would not sell anything with Alex Jones. I would not partner with Alex Jones. Okay. I had a discussion, a short discussion with Alex Jones one time on a radio show behind the scenes. He said a few words to me. He said a few words to him. He listened to a broadcast that I did on the 501C3. Mentioned a few things. And that was it. That was the end of it. But I don't want anything to do with Alex Jones because he's a phony and a fraud. He said, you know, I don't sell anything. I give it away for free. Well, you know what? I give everything away for free, too. Anybody who's ever been to Faithful Word Baptist Church knows that all of our DVDs, all of my preaching CDs, all the plastrides, everything is at the back of the building, on shelves, free for the taking. People can take as much as they want. There's no limit. There's no donation box. It's just take whatever you want. It's all free. Now, the filmmaker, Alex Jones, excuse me, the filmmaker, Paul Wittenberger, who is a full time filmmaker, that's what he does for a living. Yeah, he sells the DVDs, and he sold them on Infowars because of the fact that that's his full time job. Doesn't he have the right to make a living being a full time filmmaker? And so he sells movies. I don't sell movies. None of those profits went to me. I don't want any of those profits because I get paid by the church. I'm a pastor. That's my full time job is to preach the Word of God. And so that's where I make a living is just from my paycheck. And so Paul, on the other hand, you know, he's not getting a paycheck from the church. He is a filmmaker, so he sells the movies. So, you know, sorry, but I'm not making my money by selling goods either. I'm actually just preaching the Bible. And at our church, everything's free. And it's been that way for the last 15 plus years. Okay, he's a liar too, by the way, that's proven. But he's a faith. Everybody is a liar. But God be true in all men liars. I'm not surprised if Alex Jones has lied before because the Bible says that everyone has lied before. And, you know, to say that Alex doesn't believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I agree with that. I don't believe that Alex Jones is saved for one second. He's just a worldly guy. He's a worldly talk radio host. But hey, if he's selling biblical movies and reaching people, you know, I'm thankful for the fact that he sold some biblical films. I'm sure he sold a lot of films that I would want nothing to do with as well. Because he's just a merchant. You know, he's a radio performer, he's a host, he'd be whatever. But he acts like I'm just best buddies with the guy or partnered with the guy. I've never entered into any kind of partnership or working relationship with Alex Jones. Like I said, I've met him once when I flew out there. So but you know what, if anybody wants to sell my film, they're welcome to, you know, Seventh Day Adventist churches contacted me and said that they were wanted to play our film after the tribulation in their services. And I'm just like, yeah, go ahead and play it, you know, because then maybe people will start listening to more of my preaching and hear me preach about how the Seventh Day Adventists are a cult. So I don't really care who plays our videos or who sells them. You know, I've seen them on sale at local like bookstores in the video section in the used video section people selling copies of it. I'm just like, cool, maybe somebody will find this doesn't matter. And I don't know why anybody want to partner up with him. But I do know because Anderson is what I would call a media whore. I never partnered with him. He says things to get the attraction of the media. So he can be in front of them like a little girl doing glamour shots. Okay, he wants to be popular. He wants everybody to know who he is. If I wanted to be popular, wouldn't I preach popular things, everything I preach is unpopular. Okay. If I get a lot of viewers, it's in spite of the fact that I say so many unpopular things. Look, if I wanted to be popular, all I have to do is just preach all the Republican Fox News right wing stuff that everybody wants to hear and just get all the conservatives raw rawing and just and just preach whatever the Southern Baptists want to hear whatever the community churches want to hear. I am preaching stuff that is extremely unpopular. And not only that, if I just wanted if I'm just this media whore that just wants a big audience, then why do I get myself banned from YouTube banned from so many platforms constantly being thrown off of any kind of major social media. And in fact, the media has done a total blackout on me for the last six years in Phoenix ever since early 2015. They made a decision not to cover anything that I say or do. And yet here I am preaching the same stuff doing the exact same thing I've been doing all along. And so if I wanted to be popular, I must be a complete idiot then because what I'm doing is the exact opposite of what it takes to be popular. So if I wanted to be popular, I'm not very good at it because here I am preaching super unpopular things week after week after week. So this is absurd when these guys claim that my desire is to be popular. It's Joel Osteen's desire to be popular. It's John MacArthur's desire to be popular. It's Rick Warren's desire to be popular. That's why these guys are millionaires. And they have just these huge audiences and they get to go on worldly TV shows and be lifted up and exalted by the people of this world. So I'm not exactly a tele-evangelist here. I'm preaching what the Bible says because it's true, and I don't care whether people like it or not. That's the true story. And everybody knows who he is. Well, most people don't know who he really is. They just think they do. But when you look at his doctor, you can tell who he really is. Anyway, the Bible says to mark them. One of the things that he does is he attracts a lot of crazy people. Anderson does. There's a lot of crazy people. I'm gonna get in the doctor here. Just hang on a second. I'm just kind of laying the foundation here so you understand what I'm doing. And then I'm going to get into a lot of deep doctrine here. So notice he says, before I get into the doctor, I'm kind of laying a foundation. So basically the foundation of his attack on me is, oh, he's like a little girl. He gets in front of the media like a girl. When he gets tasered, he screams like a girl. And oh, he just wants to be popular. And he's a media whore. And he's best buddies with Alex Jones, who's a secret Jesuit agent. So this is the foundation. Now, if this is the foundation of your argument, it doesn't seem like your argument is going to be structurally sound. Why don't you build your argument on the doctrine as the foundation and build it on the rock? You're building it on the sands of just, I don't like him. He screamed like a girl when he got tasered. You know, I think I would have screamed deeper if I would have gotten tasered or whatever. I don't like the sound of his voice. Oh, you know, or just these dumb, petty things. And this is his foundation. Pastor Anderson wants to be popular. Yeah, right. Anybody who's listened to any of my preaching knows that I'm not out to be popular. And I'm not even trying to be popular with fundamentalists or conservatives or any group because, you know, none of those groups are really jazzed about me last time I checked. Yeah, I do attract some crazy people. Yeah, but I don't. They hate me. They don't like me, the crazy people. You know, they like him. They hate me. But anyway, but he attracts them and they're like savage witches or something. They're crazy. They're insane people. They say a lot of crazy things. But anyway, but Anderson never approves these people, but encourages this worship. He never, never approves it, never deals with it, but just kind of encourages it anyway. But anyway, so number one, Anderson teaches repentance is just unbelief to belief. That's the first thing that he teaches. He teaches that that repentance is nothing more than you turning from unbelief to belief that it has nothing to do with sin. Now, Anderson learned this from Hyles Anderson College. OK, he learned it there because Curtis Hudson taught it. Jack Hyles taught it. Jack Hyles and Curtis Hudson, if you don't know, systematically changed the definition of the word repentance. OK, now, this is just so absurd. So let me stop and say some things at this point. First of all, I'm not saying that repentance is just unbelief to belief. I'm saying that the word repent by itself just means to turn or to change. And you have to look at the context to figure out what the change is or what the turn is. So obviously there are lots of verses that talk about people repenting of a sin or repenting of wickedness or repenting of evil. It's there, of course. And then there are other scriptures where God repents. So if God's repenting, that can't be sin or wickedness because God doesn't sin. And yet there are like approximately 40 verses in the Bible that reference God repenting or talk about God repenting. And you have people repenting from something good. You know, God said that when the children of Israel were leaving Egypt, he didn't want them to go the way of the Philistines because if they saw war, they might repent. So he didn't want them to repent and go back to Egypt. That would have been a bad repentance, you know, turning away from something good. So my whole point is that repentance is a general word for turning or changing. It could be changing one's mind. It could be changing one's action. But you have to look at the context to see what's repented of. So here's the thing. When it comes to salvation, what is it that needs to change? If the one thing we have to do to be saved is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and put our faith and trust in Christ. If the Bible says that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life. If the Bible says by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast. If the Bible says what must I do to be saved and they said believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved in the house. You know, the one thing we have to do to be saved is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the son of God, excuse me, whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God. You know, 1st John 5-1. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the son of God that you may know that you have eternal life that you may believe on the name of the son of God. I could go on and on. I'm not going to quote 100 verses to you that salvation is by faith but I could because there are that many. But here's the point though. The point is that when it comes to being saved the thing that needs to change is that you didn't believe in Christ, now you need to believe in Christ. So that's a repentance from turning away from what you used to believe in to believing in Jesus Christ. Like for example let's say somebody is a Buddhist. You know, can they just continue being a Buddhist and also receive Jesus Christ as Savior? No. They would repent from Buddhism. I'm mixing Judaism. They have to repent from Judaism too if that's what they're into. But they'd have to repent from Buddhism or Judaism or Hinduism to turn to Christianity. They'd have to repent from Mormonism to turn to Biblical Christianity. You're not going to be a Mormon and a Bible believing born-again Christian. You're not going to be actually saved but you're also a Sikh or a Hindu. You have to turn from that. The Bible talks about turning to God from idols to serve the living and true God. So if you're worshiping idols, if you're polytheistic, you have to turn from that and turn to the living and true God. So that's the repentance in regard to salvation. The Apostle Paul talked about people worshiping idols of brass and stone and wood. He said the times that this ignorance God winked at but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent. Is he talking about repenting of your sins there? You know, turning away from drinking and fornication and drugs? No. He's talking about you were worshiping idols. You need to repent of that ignorance and turn to the living and true God. The Bible says repentance from dead works and faith toward God. So again to summarize, repent just means change or turn in general and the context dictates what the change is, what the turning is, whether it's a change of mind or change of action. It's dictated by context and in the context of salvation it's not about turning from your sinful life because that would be a works-based salvation. You know the Bible says in Jonah 3 10 and God saw their works that they turned from their evil way and God repented of the evil that he had said that he would do unto them and he did it not. And so there's God repenting. He's not turning from his sins. The people are turning from their sins and he calls it works. Jonah 3 10 God saw their works that they turned from their evil way and so you know when you turn from your evil way that's great. We should all turn from our evil ways but guess what that's works and last time I checked salvation is not by works it's by faith. And so this turnover a new leaf salvation quit drinking to be saved quit fornicating to be saved and and you know you've got to quit this and quit that that's just a thinly veiled workspace salvation. Salvation is a free gift it's by faith in Jesus it's not by turning away from your sins it could be turning away from Buddhism turning away from Catholicism turning away from atheism and unbelief so he's mischaracterizing what I've taught on repentance. Oh but I also want to just quickly deal with the fact that he claims that I learned this at Heil's Anderson College. You know what I've been saved ever since I was a six-year-old boy. My parents taught me what it meant to believe in Christ. My parents raised me to believe that salvation was by faith alone. The churches that I grew up in taught that salvation was by faith alone. When I was a teenager in a Christian school the the Bible teacher was teaching a workspace salvation and I wrote a paper about how salvation was all by faith and Romans 4-5 I put but to him that worketh not but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness and I focused on that verse Romans 4-5 I turned it in and I lost points for being unbiblical because the Bible teacher was a heretic okay and I and I spent several class periods as a teenager arguing with the teacher in class and and fighting for salvation by faith alone so I didn't learn this at Heil's Anderson College. I grew up believing that salvation was by faith alone and you know I went to Heil's Anderson College as an adult. I was already married and had a couple kids when I went to Heil's Anderson. Now here's the thing about Heil's Anderson College. I went to Heil's Anderson College and it was big at the time I had like 1500 students or something like that and Heil's Anderson College is kind of a mixed bag as far as the people that were there because there was a lot of great soul winning going on there and then there was a lot of really sorry soul winning going on there it was a mix because there were so many people there from so many different backgrounds that you did have elements at that college that were like a one two three repeat after me kind of soul winning and not really doing a thorough job of presenting the gospel and then you had other people who did a very thorough very good job of soul winning and there were beliefs that were all over the place. I'll give you an example you know when I went to Heil's Anderson College I used to sit in chapel in what was called the amen section you know as you walk into the building to your right in the front was kind of the the rowdiest kind of whatever the amen section so I that's where I sat okay on this side and I remember there was a guy there that preached and his name was Dr. Don Boyd and he was the principal of the Hammond Baptist Elementary School and out of all the preachers in chapel Dr. Don Boyd was my favorite. I loved listening to this guy preach he was a great guy anytime he was teaching a class I tried to sign up for it because this guy was my favorite speaker at Heil's Anderson and so I remember this guy got up and he ripped on this phony repent of your sins salvation and you know the section that I was sitting in we're all screaming amen and going nuts and cheering him on as he rebuked that doctrine and then you know another part of the auditorium was just like silent like pin drop right we're all going crazy and by the way I did get the cassette of that sermon and I uploaded it to YouTube so I believe there's a clip on YouTube of Don Boyd preaching against repentance he passed away many years ago of cancer he's with the Lord now God bless him but then literally I kid you not three weeks later some bogus missionary gets up in Heil's Anderson chapel and is basically preaching the opposite he's preaching the repentance of your sins salvation and I kid you not like all the people in my section all the people around me were all just like folding our arms just stoic like we're all just like pin drop and then there's a bunch of amens coming from another part of the crowd you know all the all the repent of your sins types are cheering that on and we're all just stoic you know because we didn't like that because because we don't believe that so that's Heil's Anderson is kind of a mixed bag now brother Heil's did teach correctly on repentance and taught that you know it's that you don't have to turn from your sins in order to be saved because that would be a workspace salvation Curtis Hudson had some great teaching on this as well and so but but I didn't get it from them I didn't get it at Heil's Anderson because you know Heil's Anderson they're they're both aspects were there when I was there and you know I already knew what I believed because I'd been raised by my parents to believe correctly biblically historically repentance never never was turning from unbelief to belief it never was that those men changed the definition of that word and then they systematically taught thousands of preachers to change the definition of that word to mean something other than what the scriptures and historically it meant now this guy has brought up this before about how you know historically it's never meant that show me one person who taught that you know more than 70 years ago or before brother Heil's it's so dumb because on this guy's own website there was a quote from Charles Haddon Spurgeon from the 1800s saying now there are a lot of people out there teaching that repentance is just you know changing from unbelief to believe or you know there you can find a bunch of quotes from preachers of the past rebuking people who believed like me or rebuking people who taught like Curtis Hudson or Jack Heil's thought about repentance so if it wasn't out there then who are these guys rebuking are they fighting against windmills or was there actually a teaching out there because it's always been out there because it's what the bible says that salvation is by faith alone okay faith alone is not some wild new doctrine it's you know it's one of the five solas of the protestant reformation sola fide faith alone what does that mean well yeah obviously there have been a lot of people who try to say well it's faith alone but you also have to repent of your sins and then they try to bring in work salvation through the back door but guess what there have been always people who just believe this actually just by faith alone and so you know to say that they're teaching some wild new doctrine it's absurd i've already proven this historical argument wrong in the past but what does that produce produces a bunch of antinomian lawless false professing people so according to him if you're lawless and antinomian you know you're a false professor because you're not following the law well last time i checked that by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight so so i have to keep the law in order to be saved now i have to keep the law now look i'm not an antinomian because i don't teach people to reject the law of god i teach people that if you love christ keep his commandments you know i teach and it doesn't say if you love me keep my suggestions it says if you love me keep my commandments this is the love of god that we keep his commandments and his commandments are not grievous so i'm not teaching lawlessness or antinomianism but what i am teaching is that salvation is not by the law because if salvation comes by the law then christ is dead in vain according to this guy without the law you know you're a false professor if you're not keeping the law of god you're a false professor according to this guy because you're lawless well you know what the law or my relationship with the law has nothing to do with my salvation thank god because if it did we would all be going to hell because we've all broken god's law and whosoever shall keep the whole law and yet offended one point he's guilty of all so we're all in the flesh lawless in that sense because we've all broken god's law and we're all guilty of the whole thing but that's where the grace of jesus christ comes in and saves us and our attitude toward the law or relationship with god's law does not determine whether or not we're saved we're saved based on whether or not we believe on jesus christ the son of god as our savior and so you know what's funny is that these guys accuse me of antinomianism or lawlessness but yet i get up week after week and preach hard against sin and anybody who's ever heard my preaching knows that i preach against sin all the time sin is the transgression of the law so i'm just not wrongly associating the law with salvation it produces it also produces a carl hatch type salesman soul-winning squeeze and again let me say this carl hatch is a complete idiot and i want nothing to do with carl hatch's style of soul-winning or whatever and like i said that element did exist at hyles anderson there were people out there who were like that and there were bozos that taught that there were bozos that performed that kind of soul-winning but the ministry that i was involved in personally i was in the black chapel ministry where we were reaching the black folks of south chicago and so i went there every weekend and did that ministry and the people who i worked with in that ministry were very thorough in their soul-winning and they did a really good job they weren't the type that just you know oh we went out for one hour and had 17 salvation you know all this crazy stuff and this carl hatch stupid stuff where he you know wins the waitress to the lord in 90 seconds or whatever that's obviously ridiculous okay but like i said there's a that does exist i've never been into that i've never been for it and our church has never been like that the people who go soul-winning at our church are very thorough uh sometimes they even beat a dead horse if anything but people at our church do not do this wham bam quick one two three type soul-winning uh we're not into it so i i agree that carl hatch is a bozo and i'm not into that style of soul-winning basically you just grab their hand and you just repeat a prayer and then they're saved and uh i'm against it people say well they didn't want to be saved but they got saved wait a minute i'm against that too i've never been for that and so you know this is a straw man how's that work i don't know okay doesn't work but that's that's where i learned that now i've preached exhaustively on the subject of repentance you can see sermons biblical repentance verses one two three repeat after me it's funny i says he's preached exhaustively i i don't think he knows what that word means because you know preaching if he's preached exhaustively on repentance it means that basically he has preached every possible thing that there is to preach about repentance there's nothing left to preach about repentance that's a pretty bold statement to say i have preached exhaustively on repentance meaning that everything to know about repentance is found in his preaching it's exhaustive okay i don't know what he i don't know if he just doesn't know what that word means maybe he just thinks because he's said a lot of hot air on repentance that that was similar to exhaust coming out of his mouth but that's not his preaching on repentance is not exhaustive my preaching on repentance is not exhaustive hopefully he just doesn't know what that word means because that's a weird claim to make um and uh the bible says repentance toward god and faith toward our lord jesus christ this man teaches what he this man teaches that repentance if you say it's turning from sin or if you say it's uh if you say it's um uh turning uh turning uh from sin or it's a it's sorrow in the heart and it's a change of mind that leads to a change of action with sorrow in the heart that has fruit that he says that basically you're preaching works salvation i heard this man saying i'm gonna i'm gonna tell this again but i again he's he's just he's twisting what i'm saying you know obviously if someone's heart changes that is often going to lead to a change in action okay because here's the thing when you get saved you're a brand new creature old things are passed away all things are become new all things are become new now these guys will twist that scripture and say well there's gonna be there's gotta be some change it's gonna be a little change they'll point to some little change see there's a little change if i don't see that change they're not safe and they're looking for a little change does the bible say little change because last time i checked the bible says all things are become new so that's clearly not talking about your lifestyle or else all of our lifestyles would have had to become 100 transformed when we got saved and we would just be sinlessly perfect which is absurd okay but they're like no no you don't you just have to have some change there's gotta be some change it's a it's a change of mind which leads to a change of action change of heart which leads to change of action but hold on a second let's stop and think about this okay when i got saved god created a brand new creature the new man the new steven anderson the inward man but the old steven anderson is still here the flesh is still here so if i walk in the flesh i'm gonna be exactly like i was before i got saved because my flesh didn't change same old flash from before i got saved but if i put on the new man if i walk in the new man then i'm gonna be completely different and every single day we have to die to self and put off the old man and put on the new man paul said i die daily and he said when i do that i would not it's no longer i that do it but sin that dwelleth in me oh wretched man that i am who shall deliver me from the body of this death we all have the flesh and the bible says the flesh lusted against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh and these are contrary the one to the other so that you cannot do the thing that you would so here's the deal if a person gets saved and they don't put on the new man they don't go to church they're not singing hymns they're not praying they're not reading their bible you know they're not feeding the new man and they're just feeding the old man just watching a bunch of tv listen to the radio reading worldly books and magazines never touching the bible or whatever and they're just kind of feeding the old man then obviously they're gonna be exactly the way that they were before they got saved because they're that's their flesh they're walking in the flesh and any of us each day have the choice to walk in the spirit or walk in the flesh okay and that's why jesus said if any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me so daily we have to deny self daily we have to die to self daily we have to mortify the flesh put off the old man put on the new man walk in the spirit and you'll not fulfill the lust of the flesh meaning that if you don't walk in the spirit you will fulfill the lust of the flesh and so you know what they're trying to do though is say well you know you have to do these works to prove that you're saved and if you're not doing works and that means you weren't really saved and it's just it's confusing people it's confusing because it makes it seem like oh well if i'm not doing enough works i guess i'm supposed to doubt my salvation or something it's like no salvation is based on whether or not we believe on christ it's a free gift and it's possible to to believe on the lord jesus christ to get saved and then you don't end up growing because you're not in church how can you grow if you're not in church if you're not reading the bible if you're not singing praises to god and you're just filling your mind with worldliness all day how are you going to grow you're not and so i could give you tons of people's testimonies i'll give an example a good friend of mine pastor dave burzins out in atlanta georgia stronghold baptist church he got saved but he never got discipled way back in the day and so he didn't even get baptized he didn't join a church he didn't start reading his bible and and doing all the things that a christian should do and so for like eight or nine years after being saved he just continued to live the same worldly sinful life that he had lived before but the whole time he knew he was saved he knew he wasn't right with god he felt guilty about what he was doing but if you would have looked at him outwardly you would have said this guy didn't get saved because he's still a drunkard or whatever and he's doing these things that that you know he shouldn't be doing but then you know many many years later you know coming to our church he got baptized and immediately he started to change i mean just growing in the lord and he was cleaning up his life immediately and and doing all this and in fact he had actually quit drinking like a month before he found our church because he just came to a point in his life where he's like man i need to quit drinking because it was you know drinking's destructive and so you know he had just quit drinking but then he joined our church and all of a sudden boom he's reading his bible like more than one time per year from from day one he's going soul winning with me every week he got baptized right away of course uh he's coming to church he's growing you know quit smoking quit everything right i mean not everything because we're none of us perfect but you know what i'm saying he he cleaned up his life big time and there's this radical transformation radical transformation but when did he get saved did he get saved when he came to our church and had a radical transformation no he'd already been saved for eight or nine years because he got saved when he believed in jesus and if you ask him when he got saved he'll tell you it was way back then because the whole time he knew he was saved he knew jesus was a savior he knew he was going to heaven but he just knew that he was that he was not right with god he felt guilty he felt bad so here's my whole point you can't tell what's going on on the inside of people when a person gets saved yes there is a dramatic change on the inside but what i'm not going to say is that when you get saved there's a dramatic change on the outside that everybody can see that's the doctrine that i don't like and here's why i don't like it because then it makes salvation about this dramatic outward change and then that becomes the criteria for salvation is did you have the dramatic outward change and then next thing you know it's like well you got to repent of all your sins to be saved and what you know it's a slippery slope my friend and so i'm not going to go down that road okay is there a dramatic change when you get saved absolutely but it's on the inside it's inside your heart it's the new man and unless you put on the new man unless you walk in the spirit that change is not necessarily going to manifest outwardly and look pastor burson's is not the only example i could give you tons of examples of people that i know who have a similar testimony they got saved but they didn't grow until way later and and i guarantee you people would have during that time would have just said well they're not saved but they would have been wrong because they were saved so the point is we just want to make salvation clear that it's by faith and not of works of course we want everybody to clean up their life and live right and we want to see people's lives change but we don't want to confuse what salvation is we don't want to confuse being saved with christian growth because christian growth and walking in the spirit are are very different than just getting saved okay so you know he's he's he's twisting what i believe and mischaracterizing what i believe could have saved us in a video and i and i and i i interacted with him online when he said is he goes well you gotta understand that means some drunks just stay drunks they don't ever come out of that they just live drunks they're just saved drunks their whole life and they're just the bible says the drunkards shall not inherit the kingdom of heaven okay so again you know pastor burzins continued to drink for years after being saved yet he was saved because the bible doesn't say quit drinking and thou shall be saved now he brings up this thing well the bible says that you know drunkards will not go to heaven but but you know what it also says that all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone let's look up the scripture that he's referring to he's coming from first perinthians chapter six uh in one there's a couple places we'll look at a few different places but the bible says know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of god be not deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate nor abuses of themselves with mankind nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of god so if you're going to say that there's no such thing as a saved drunk you'd also have to say that there's no such thing as a saved person who's covetous no such thing as a saved person who's effeminate no such thing as a saved person who commits fornication you'd have to say there's no such thing as a saved person who's a thief that there's no such thing as a saved person who's a reviler that there's no such thing as a saved person who's an extortioner but you see how he just singles out well the bible says no drunkards are going to inherit the kingdom of heaven well it says that none of these other sins will inherit it either and are you going to say that all the people who do all these sins are not saved okay but that's not even all let's go to galatians chapter number five okay galatians chapter number five says this it says now the works of the flesh are manifest which are these adultery fornication uncleanness lasciviousness idolatry witchcraft hatred variants emulations wrath stripes seditions heresies enbyings murders drunkenness revelings and such like of the which i tell you before as i've told you in time past that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of god so again you can't just single out well drunkards shall not inherit the kingdom of god because you also have to say that anybody who does any of the things on this list will not inherit the kingdom of god so basically you'd have to say that there's no one who's saved who has hatred there's no one who's saved who has emulations wrath anybody who gets super angry and wrath no the you know you'd have to say that they're not saved strife people who argue and fight well they can't be saved either according to him seditions heresies envies anybody who's envious according to him then can't be saved he can't be saved and be any of these things but not only does he list just this huge list of sins but then he says and such like so you couldn't even do anything like that and be saved the bible here is listing all the works of the flesh he's listing basically all categories of sin and then saying and anything else like that isn't going to inherit the kingdom of god news flash no sinner shall inherit the kingdom of god okay that's why we need jesus christ that's why we have to be saved that's why our sins have to be forgiven and washed in the blood because without christ we would all be doomed because every single one of us has done something on those lists and even people that are saved will end up doing something on that list because that list is comprehensive and even if it missed something it said and such like so you know is he teaching sinless perfection no he's not teaching sinless perfection so he's not even being consistent then but look listen to what the bible says in revelation 21 8 but the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone which is the second death so according to the bible all liars are going to hell okay so he just wants to focus on drunkards going to hell but what about when it says all liars will go to hell and say well that's because they lie all the time well listen to revelation 21 27 speaking of heaven and they're showing no wise enter into it anything that defileth neither whatsoever worketh abomination or maketh a lie but they which are written in the lamb's book of life did you hear that or maketh a lie there's no sin allowed in heaven will there be any drunkards in heaven absolutely not because the guy who's a drunkard on this earth when he gets to heaven will no longer be a drunkard i'm a sinner right now but when i get to heaven i will not be a sinner now the new steven anderson is not a sinner the old steven anderson is and right here you know what you're looking at you're looking at both because i am both the old man and the new man here the flesh the the spirit new man old man there's a war going on inside me every day and i have to put off the old man put on the new man okay so to sit there and say well the bible says that no drunkards are going to go to heaven well the bible also says that no liars are going to go to heaven it says no one effeminate is going to go to heaven it says that no one is envious is going to go to heaven no one who's covetous is going to go to heaven and you know what good luck being totally sin-free because it lists pretty much every sin that i can think of in these verses and then it even says and such like and other stuff like that so again this is uh a twisting of scriptures what he's doing we looked it up just now and i read you the whole verse and you see how absurd what he's saying is god doesn't say that what the scripture said well then i don't understand that i mean it doesn't make any sense does it what do you want to say you don't you don't understand because you're not saved that's why you don't understand that salvation is a free gift by believing in jesus and that a person can still sin after they're saved and and still go to heaven i mean what if somebody is a total alcoholic and then they believe on jesus christ and get saved and then let's say they even quit drinking for a while what happens if they fall back into it aren't they still saved you know they can't lose their salvation and look i could give you tons of examples of people who did that i could help to give you lots of examples of people who who continued to drink for for a decade and then eventually quit drinking because you know god eventually worked in their heart worked in their life but you know are you saying they weren't saved for those 10 years that they continued in that they would have died during that time would they've gone to heaven absolutely this guy's messing it up came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance that's what he said the bible says that jesus came to save his people in their sins no from their sins i mean so what is he saying so so basically we have to get rid of all our sins before we can be saved is that what he's saying that's that's absurd because if so then no one would be saved because there's not a just man upon the earth that doeth good and sineth not and arguably the greatest christian of all time the apostle paul okay himself said that in me that is in my flesh dwell with no good thing and he said that he was constantly doing things that he didn't doing things that he didn't want to do and it was the sin that dwelled in him that was making him do these things that he didn't want to do and so john said if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us but he's saying that god's not going to save us in our sins he's going to save us from our sins yet he saves us from our sins because we're saved from the penalty of our sin we're not going to go to hell and we're also saved from the power of sin over our lives because if we want to we can overcome sin as christians but we have to put on the new man every day we have to deny self we have to die to self it's not automatic it's not like you oh you get saved you're just automatically freed from the power of sin automatically living right automatically then why does god have to keep telling christians not to sin and warning them about sin if they just automatically do what's right it's a stupid doctrine my friend but anyway let's get back to this he didn't come to save him he came to save him from them good luck with that buddy as i came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance so that he's contradicting himself he says if he came to call sinners to repentance but he's not going to save us in our sins then how can we be saved as sinners oh we have to turn away from all our sins and be sinlessly perfect and then jesus christ will accept us that's absurd that's not even what he's teaching because what he's teaching is incoherent because he's trying to have it both ways like well no you don't have to be sinlessly perfect but he's not going to save you in your sins and no no you know you just have to quit the big ones you know just quit drinking just quit fornicating you know i mean just just quit the drugs the bible doesn't make those kind of distinctions the bible says if you keep the whole law and you defend in one point you're guilty of all the bible lists being a drunkard but it lists all these other sins that all of us are guilty of from time to time there's not a christian around that hasn't been guilty of covetousness or envy at some point you know everybody is going to tell a lie at some point or or or have a sinful wrath at some point lose their temper at some point i mean come on nobody is perfect Corinthians chapter seven and verse number eight this man doesn't understand the doctrine of repentance at all because he's never repented he's still a lost hellbound sinner that won't be very popular now this is so stupid because he says you know this man's never repented that's why he doesn't understand repentance i've repented hundreds of times thousands of times i mean just sit there and say this man's never repent what is what is repentance according to him according to him you know repentance is a change of heart that results in a change of action that's what he's claiming well i've done that so what's the big like like what is he saying like he's never repented and and i've had other repent of your sins type preachers accuse me of this like you've never repented of your sins i've repented of my sins hundreds of times thousands of times i haven't turned from all my sins because that would be impossible because no one has turned from all their sins then they'd be sinless then they'd be jesus but i mean have i quit doing things that were wrong in the past of course obviously i've gone through christian growth and and it'd be one thing if i were out there like getting drunk and committing adultery and stealing and they looked at me and said well see he didn't repent but but here's the thing i'm actually and obviously i'm not sinless but i am living a clean life by this guy's standards i mean i've been married to the same woman for 21 years i was a virgin when i got married i've never been drunk you know so i mean what is this guy talking about i'm not out doing these things that he would claim that you have to turn from to be saved so what he's saying doesn't even make sense okay but here's the thing yes i have abstained from drunkenness i've abstained from fornication i've abstained from adultery but but here's the thing about that i'm not relying on that to get me to heaven because i know that all my righteousnesses are as filthy rags and i know that even though i haven't committed murder and even though i haven't committed adultery and even though i haven't been drunk guess what i have tons of other sins that will equally condemn me if it weren't for the lord jesus christ because you know all of my sins would also send me to hell if it were not for the grace of jesus christ i deserve to go to hell for my sins but i'm saved but but here's the thing you know this guy and all the repent of your sins preachers like him you know they basically want to single out certain sins or big sins and say oh yeah you're a drunkard there's no way you're safe you know but they can be morbidly obese and be saved or they can be involved in other sins and be saved you know because everybody's a sinner so it's it's hypocrisy is what it is in religious times because he holds the king james bible up and he does a video about king james and and i'll and people are going to accept that as well this man must be saved because i mean why would he use the king james bible the mormons use the king james that means nothing i'm saved because i believe in jesus chapter seven verse number eight for though i made you sorry with the letter i do not repent though i did repent so i perceive i perceive that the same abyssal have made you sorry though it were but for a season now i rejoice not that you made sorry but that you sorrowed to repentance for you remain sorry after a godly manner that you might receive damage by us and nothing for godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of but the sorrow of the world worketh death what is repentance the change of mind that leads to a change of action with sorrow in the heart for sitting against a righteous holy god but see here he is twisting scripture and taking it out of context he's saying that you have to have sorrow in your he said he said the definition of repentance is a change of heart that results in a change of action with sorrow in the heart you have to have the sorrow in your heart but here's the thing that's not what the bible said he's taking this totally out of context the context in second corinthians chapter seven there is he's talking about two kinds of sorrow there's godly sorrow that worketh repentance and then there's the sorrow of the world that worketh death now here's the thing godly sorrow leads us to change whereas the sorrow of the world worketh death it's destructive not all sorrow is good it's not just enough to be sad about what you did because there are different kinds of sorrow that could lead to different things now here's the thing the bible says that godly sorrow worketh repentance unto salvation not to be repentance not to be repented of but the sorrow of the world work at death amen so so here's the thing is godly sorrow something that leads one to salvation in many situations absolutely but where does the bible say that godly sorrow is required for salvation or that it's the only thing that leads to repentance see the problem with that is now you've made salvation into an emotional experience where if you're not sad and sorrowing and feeling bad then you can't be saved you know that that's required now here's the thing does that often lead to salvation absolutely and look i've been out soul winning consistently for the last 23 years i've been so winning at tens of thousands of doors and i've talked to literally tens of thousands of people out so winning over 23 years of soul winning and and you see both you know as far as people that have gotten saved i've seen thousands of you know i've talked to tens of thousands of people but i've seen thousands of people get saved in the last 23 years either as a silent partner or myself doing the talking or whatever and you know what some people will sorrow and they're they're sad and they're crying and they and they and they feel that way other people are happy and smiling and rejoicing and other people are stoic okay but guess what salvation's not an emotional experience it's about putting your faith and trust in the lord jesus christ and so this guy is taking one type of experience where godly sorrow leads to repentance and in this context the the repentance that's going on is basically the church leadership had been allowing this guy to live in sin and then they repented of that whenever you know he rebuked them for it in first corinthians or whatever and then he's just giving a general principle about the fact that godly sorrow leads to repentance okay versus the sorrow of the world working death because he's saying i don't want people to be just sad or depressed or or whatever you know he said you know i i'm glad you were sad about this but i don't want you to sorrow over much i don't want you to be swallowed up with over much sorrow and and just get depressed and i want to make sure that your sorrow is a godly sorrow where you feel bad about the mistakes you made and you want to fix them but not that you're just overwhelmed with sorrow okay so you know he's just talking about two different kinds of sorrow saying that you know one kind of sorrow is a good sorrow that can lead to repentance that can lead to salvation you know and again the repentance involved in salvation is not a turning from sin it's a turning from whatever wrong belief or turning from false religion or whatever but the point is that yes many times sorrow is something that is part of the process for someone as they're on their way toward you know receiving the gospel and being saved but not always and you can't make it a requirement the requirement is faith okay and last time i checked the gospel is good news so if the gospel is good news how could sorrow be required you know you get this good news and if you're not sad about it well then you know you can't be saved that's not what the bible says the bible says he that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me hath everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death and life why isn't there any verse that says that sorrow is required and that says that you have to feel this way and and he's just like well but there's verse telling you to repent and that's what repent means but that's not what the bible said the bible says godly sorrow worketh repentance it doesn't say godly sorrow equals repentance or repentance equals always godly sorrow or that there's no such thing as repentance without godly sorrow it's the same that godly sorrow leads to repentance but is it possible to repent without having godly sorrow of course because you could repent for all kinds of reasons and and the thing is that i've been out soloing and seeing people be very stoic and i was certain that they got saved and and and you know following up on them later they're for sure saved whereas other you know as much as we can know that anybody is safe and then other people who put on a big show and they're crying and they're emotional and they turn out to be bogus you know brother hyles you know this guy loves uh jack hyles so much uh brother he doesn't that was sarcastic but brother hyles used to tell a story about how he went soul winning and in the same evening of soul winning he won this one guy to the lord and the guy was emote he was sad he was crying and then when he got saved he's rejoicing and happy and he's calling in his whole family and hugging everybody i got saved he called somebody on the phone i got saved you know and the guy's like i'm gonna be in church on sunday morning i can't wait to get there and you know blah blah and he talked a great big talk the guy never showed up to church never even got baptized never did anything for god okay after that big emotional display i mean this guy seemed like he's gonna be the next star church member the same night he won another guy lord that was just real gruff with him didn't show any emotion very stoic and he went through the whole plan of salvation with the guy you know he won the guy the lord but you know the guy was just so stoic he even said to the guy he's like he's like you know i mean do you believe this and he's like well i said i did didn't i i said i did i was like okay you know he's just but he had no emotion but that guy went on to become a decade you know he showed up he got baptized became a dedicated church member became a deacon in the church and served god for decades now again you don't have to get baptized and you know serve god and become a deacon to be saved but i'm saying this guy was clearly obviously saved even though he wasn't emotional at all about it because some people just aren't like that and you know especially when we evangelize amongst the native americans we go soul winning amongst the tribes over here in arizona you know they are not typically going to be the most emotional people in some of these tribes now you know we've had a lot of a lot of the white mountain apaches and san colas apaches they did cry and get very emotional when they when they got saved often but there were other tribes like the navajos where they're just more stoic and they don't show any emotions it's kind of hard when you're preaching them the gospel because you're looking for feedback and it's kind of hard because they they don't they're not emotional they don't show a lot of emotion it's just their way they're very stoic and so this is a stupid doctrine to say that you have to have this emotional feeling or emotional experience because folks make no mistake that's what sorrow is it's an emotion sadness sorrow that's what it is okay and so to sit there and say it's got to be this godly sorrow that's working repentant no but godly sorrow is great i'm for i'm for godly sorrow because godly sorrow worketh repentance unto salvation not to be repented of but sorrow the world work at that so i'm i'm for godly sorrow but what i'm not for is i'm not for making it a requirement of salvation because just because it works repentance doesn't mean it's the only thing that works repentance doesn't mean it's the only way to get there doesn't mean it's the only way to get to salvation because salvation is by faith faith is the only way believing on the lord jesus christ is the only way but people could take different paths on how they get to that faith maybe some people get saved because they get so depressed and sad about their sinful life and their sinful condition they feel so bad and they just they feel horrible about how wicked they are and then they end up getting saved as a result amen that's great you know other people might not have that experience what about people get saved as children you know they're not necessarily just weeping over you know their their wicked sinful life you know when i got saved at six years old it i'm not just like oh you know i've been so wet you know that saved a wretch like me now i i knew i was a sinner i believed i was a sinner and yeah i felt bad about sins that i had done of course but even unsaved people feel bad about their sins i believe that every single person on this earth that's not a psychopath feels bad about their sins whether they're saved or not has nothing to do with salvation that's just part of being human and so yeah i felt bad about my sins but what had i done i mean what was the biggest sin i had done at six years old you know i had snuck fruit snacks and hid the wrappers under my mattress you know i was supposed to only have four cookies and i had five you know i pushed a little girl off the swings when i was in uh kindergarten or whatever you know what had i done but these guys these guys live this super sinful wicked life and then they reform as adults and and quit the drugs and quit the promiscuity and all these things and then it's like you know yeah you know when i got saved i got all the way saved and i quit this and i quit that and instead of being about the gospel of jesus christ it's all about them turning over a new leaf you know well you know what some of us grew up in a christian home and got saved as kids but we're just as saved as anyone else who believes on jesus because it's by faith it's not by sorrowing and weeping you know i remember when i got saved i remember i i kneeled by my mom's bedside and she showed me all the bible verses and uh the verse i remember her in particular showing me is john chapter 5 verse 24 but you know she went through all the births with me the roman's road and all that and i prayed and received christ as savior and i was happy i was rejoicing i didn't shed any tears i wasn't sad i was very happy because it was the greatest news ever how easy it was to be saved it was good news that it's all by faith jesus paid it all it's through the blood of jesus and so you know it's not that i'm against repentance it's not that i'm against godly sorrow i'm for godly sorrow i'm for repentance i'm for quitting drinking i'm for turning from your sins i'm for repenting of your sins but you know what i'm not for i'm not for a works-based salvation or an emotion-based salvation i'm for making it clear that salvation is not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us we are not required to turn over a new leaf or make some commitment that we're gonna stop doing this and stop doing that and we're gonna start doing this and start doing that salvation is simply by believing on the lord jesus christ where does repentance come into play well you know what if you're a buddhist you're gonna have to repent of that if you worship idols instead of the true god you have to turn from idols and turn to the true and living god but at the end of the day the book of john is the book that claims to be telling you how to be saved it says you know we can't write everything in this book i'm paraphrasing but these are written that that that you might believe on the name of the lord jesus christ and that believing you might have life through his name the bible claims that the book of john is written to tell us how to be saved yet the word repent is never found in the book of john yet the word believe is used over 90 times in the book of john the book that says it's there to tell us how to be saved why because john is telling us enough for us to be saved because turning from our sins is not part of salvation and if john's telling us over and over again that we have to put all of our faith and trust in jesus and believe on the lord jesus christ then obviously built into that is the idea that we have to turn from hinduism buddhism whatever because those are false gods okay but it's not built into that that we have to stop sinning because if we have to stop sinning then everybody's screwed because everybody's a sinner and so this teaching is total nonsense and hypocrisy and i'm standing by faith alone and this repent of your sins salvation is a bogus salvation and it's this guy who doesn't seem to understand what salvation really is anyway i'm going to call it good at that for now just for sake of time because this video is already 74 minutes long god bless you and have a great day