(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey everybody, Pastor Steven Anderson here from Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona. I just want to give a quick explanation on the series that's been coming out. Steven Anderson exposed, you know, part one, two, three, where I'm responding to these different preachers. The reason I make this explanatory video is that a lot of people are suggesting that I respond to a lot of people that don't actually fit the context of this series. So I want to explain what the series is. I'm responding to the old IFB, basically. I'm responding to independent Baptist pastors who have attacked me, and there are lots of them. So that's what these videos are. A lot of people are sending me videos made by Catholics or other denominations or, you know, people who are NIV-type preachers or ESV-type preachers and this other stuff. That doesn't fit within this particular series. So this series is responding to independent fundamental Baptist attacks. So, you know, it's also responding to pastors. So I'm not responding to just, you know, some guy who stands out in the woods with a camcorder making videos. I'm actually responding to actual pastors, real pastors of actual congregations of flesh and blood. And so that's how I'm responding. I'm also not responding to any of the trash cans. And so, you know, people have suggested that I respond to different trash can churches. I don't respond to the trash cans. I'm not responding to other denominations or other types of people. This series is just focused on that one thing of independent Baptist. So, you know, if you have an independent Baptist sermon by a pastor who's preaching against yours truly, then yes, send it over and, you know, it might make it into the series. Now, some of them that I've gotten, I haven't done simply because of the fact that they were redundant. You know, if it's a pastor saying the exact same thing that I've already covered in other videos, then it would get a little boring to just keep responding to the same thing. So I'm trying to keep it fresh. I'm trying to keep it unique. And by the way, I just finished filming Stephen Anderson exposed part 14. And unfortunately, I'm not going to be able to upload that one on this channel. And for those of you who know anything about YouTube and know anything about me, you can probably guess why I'm not uploading it to this channel. So that one's going to be uploaded to a different channel. I'll put the link in the description for that one. The description of this video will have a link and I'm going to set it as an instant premiere so that, you know, you can watch it tonight and hopefully it'll stay up for a long time. You know, hopefully YouTube will be too busy censoring, you know, other people. And so anyway, yeah, just wanted to give you some details about the series. God bless you. Have a great day.