(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Unfortunately, the Spanish groups that are in Independent Fundamental Bachelors, a lot of them are a joke. I'll just be honest with you. And the reason they're a joke is because of the fact that the Bible they use is the reign of Valerio in 1960, which is a piece of trash Bible. There, I said it. And it's a piece of trash Bible because it's not translated from the Texas Receptus. It deviates from it. It changes words. It adds work to salvation. It tells you to read the word of God to grow into salvation where that phrase is never found in the Texas Receptus or the King James Bible. It has a lot of bad teaching in it. And unfortunately, that's what Independent Fundamental Baptist Spanish pastors use. But I'm not saying all of them because there's some who use the reign of Valerio Gomez, the reign of Valerio 1569, the 1602. Those are great versions of the Bible, but stay away from the 1960s. But no, I don't know of any Spanish churches right now who do so. I'm not saying they don't exist because I'm sure they're out there. There has to be because I know Spanish people are getting saved.