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What I like about Brazilian Jiu Jitsu too is there's a lot of spiritual applications you can make to it because you know you think of like basketball or any sport that would require for you to work with other people you know obviously there's spiritual applications you can make to that because in the sense of like you're working with a team right you can kind of apply that to like your church but really the Christian life often is a one-on-one fight with you in your flesh with you in the devil with you in the world and typically when Satan goes to war with you he doesn't go to war with you and other people he usually takes you on one-on-one and the Bible tells us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world and so it's like it's a literal wrestling match in the spiritual realm and you think of like Jacob right who wrestled with the angel you know and uh and he when he became Israel all night I mean that's a long sparring session that's a long time and um you know and so there's a lot of parallels between the Christian life being a fight and literal martial art and I think martial arts is good for you too because it kind of gives you like mental um how should I say uh uh stability to to just kind of stay in the fight because when you're sparring or when you're I'm sure when you're competing it's a mental game too just to like not give up or push forward even the day-to-day because one of the biggest spiritual applications that I see is uh persist not is consistency right to get good at jiu-jitsu as as if anything in life is consistency yeah especially the Christian life so in jiu-jitsu if you're just training like whenever you feel like you're not gonna get good yeah right if you're preparing for a tournament and you don't have the consistency to train every day and like to stay on the schedule you're not gonna get good you're gonna get there and get whooped yeah so so that's one of the biggest things I see and also endurance endurance you can apply to just go train whenever don't feel like go train whenever you're tired if you're tired just keep going a lot I tell a lot of guys like a lot of my friends they train you just like they ask me like oh how you get cardio how you get better at doing jiu-jitsu you just do it you just roll oh how do I get more cardio for rolling they want to run they want to hike they want to do all this other stuff just roll so like they roll like five minutes they get super tired because they're different like there's nothing that can match the jiu-jitsu intensity and the fight can go so like running doesn't translate you know you can run like an ultra marathon you can be ready for that but then you're fighting like one round of jiu-jitsu five minutes you die so let me get this straight so basically when it comes to and we'll come back to the consistency point but when it comes to endurance in jiu-jitsu the best way to build endurance is by actually doing jiu-jitsu and it's not by running on a treadmill it's not by hiking or doing what pretty much mainstream would say yeah if you want to build some stamina you have to go run a couple miles or whatever you get better running but now so the only way you get better or last longer in jiu-jitsu is by actually doing jiu-jitsu because a lot of people they'll do five minutes and they get tired and then like we usually do like a normal training most gyms they do the they do the positional training and then like 20 minutes 30 minutes to the end of the class they just do rolling which is this part yeah so it's like five minutes rounds one minute rest so you can find another partner and then you can start another round so a lot of people they do they'll do this five minutes and then take the next round out off oh you know so you only get used to roll when you're when you're fresh that's not realistic you don't know you don't really know how to push when you're tired i'm tired so i'm gonna sit down oh i'm tired now i'll give up i'm tired you know it doesn't work like that yeah you're not gonna get better you gotta push through that point because there's a point a lot of people like that do did you to agree with me that you roll you roll and then you get tired if you just decide okay i'm not gonna stop i'm gonna keep going you get tired for like one more round and then you catch your second win after that the second win you can just go forever that's a pretty awesome point there because um i'm sure that applies to a lot of different uh exercising areas where if if you just stick it out because you know you kind of hit a lid sometimes of how much strength you have or you know how much you can take or endure and the answer is not to take a break the answer is push through that and then you actually end up lifting your lid so you can do more it's like even when you're preaching the like the christian life gets hard we get like financial problems we get like all these different problems in our life and then the answer to this problem is like we're gonna focus on this problem and then we leave church out yeah when it's the most important thing you can leave the most important thing out yeah you're just gonna get crash yeah so that's good yeah because that's true a lot of people in the christian life they're like they go through an issue and they're like why i'm gonna take this five minute break yeah because i'm tired and they sit out because you know they got to take care of their finances they got to take care of their family they got to take care of all these things but that's not the answer the answer is stay in church stay in the word of god stay in the christian life keep doing what you're supposed to be doing even though you're tired even though you're discouraged even though you're depressed even though you're you're just kind of weak and then you know the lord says my grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weakness so it's like you push through that and then you start realizing wow i could actually handle a lot more than i thought so the way you can handle more stress and more anguish in the christian life is just by doing what you're supposed to be doing in the midst of anguish