(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hi, this is Pastor Jones with Shield of Faith Baptist Church in Boise, Idaho and we're back with another video about speaking in tongues. So if you haven't watched part one, go back to our channel, watch part one before you watch this one. Now it's been over two weeks since we released part one and so far only saw two comments that seemed to be in opposition with what we were saying. And I'll come back later and address those comments because they didn't really apply to what I was talking about. So remember the point of doing these videos is we're taking this fact sheet, which you can also download in the description below the video, and this fact sheet is designed to help you in conversation with somebody who is saying, you know, I go to a church and they speak in tongues and the Holy Ghost falls on the assembly and, you know, these different things happen. So again, for the point of these videos, we're just assuming that what they say is true. Okay. The Holy Spirit falls on your congregation. You have people speaking in tongues. So when would that be unbiblical? In the last video we talked about when more than three do the speaking and when women do the speaking. Okay. And so today we're going to go through points three through five and again, there's no such thing as a heavenly prayer language. So please don't even leave those comments in there and saying things like, well, because you don't believe in it, that's why you don't have it. Okay. You're going to have to do better than that. Okay. And again, the last video that I'm going to do in this series will be in regards to the heavenly prayer language. So we'll address that issue in another video. Okay. Point number three on the fact sheet. When does speaking in tongues violate scripture? When the speaker interprets for himself. First Corinthians chapter 14, look at verse 27 says, if any man speak in an unknown tongue, let it be by two or at the most by three and that by course and let one interpret. Okay. So it says, let one interpret. So when the speaker interprets for himself, he's violating scripture. And if any of you out there have been or going to a Pentecostal church, my guess is that you have seen this behavior before where somebody will get up and they'll ramble off in some kind of gibberish and then proceed to go ahead and interpret what that means, which a lot of times it's about money. So fourthly, when there is no interpreter, okay. Look at verse number 28, but if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church and let him speak to himself and to God. So Paul is being very clear here. Okay. If there's no one to interpret what is being said, then that person needs to be quiet. Okay. But is that what we see today in these churches? And again, you're not going to get away with this. Oh, what about their heavenly prayer language? Okay. Doesn't exist. It's not a thing. Things in the Bible are a known language somewhere on this earth. Okay. Now, fifthly, when there is confusion, when there is confusion, look at verse 33 for God is not the author of confusion, but of peace as in all churches of the saints. Now look at verse number 40. It says this, let all things be done decently and in order. Okay. Well, if you just go back to part one and watch the clips that we have up there, what do you see? You see confusion, chaos, people just shaking uncontrollably. You know what 40, 50, 60 people just rambling off and you know, languages and it's chaos. It's confusion. It's utter confusion. And we showed you some of the comments in the comment section. People are like, what is going on here? This is madness. This is insane. I heard something that sounded like a goat. What does this edify? Does this build people up? Is this, you know, done decently and in order? And I think, you know, the answer to that. So we've gone through five of these points now, and if you're in a church or you know somebody that's in a church, you know, at some point you're going to have to answer the question, why am I attending a church that is violating so much scripture? That's a good question and that needs to be answered and you need to be honest with yourself and ask yourself, why do I attend this church that supposedly has the Holy Ghost falling upon it, be it we're violating scripture. All right, so just a quick review here. So thirdly, when does speaking in tongues violate scripture? When the speaker interprets for himself. Okay. Anytime you see that it's unbiblical. It's a violation of scripture. Fourthly, when there is no interpreter and fifthly, when there is confusion. So we're going to leave you with a couple of video clips here. Watch those clips and think about what I said and I will see you with the next video. God bless. He's taking us into another dimension y'all. We're going into another dimension. God is restoring things. He's doing some restoration, some realignment, some adjustments. You've gone through some painful things, but God's got purpose in the pain and he's restoring some things. Oh, God. The glory of the Lord is in this place. The glory of the Lord is in this place. The glory of the Lord is in this place. The glory of the Lord is in this place.