(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Try this on. 30% of the homeless in San Francisco are openly sodomites. 30% are openly sodomites. So you walk down the streets of San Francisco and you have all these aggressive, violent bums and homeless people accosting you, just remember that about one third of them are openly sodomites. But that brings me to point number three, which is the dogs. And I don't mean the four-legged kind of dogs, but I mean sodomites. The Bible calls sodomites dogs. Yeah, I just want to say f***ing anti-homosexual s***. I hope your kids turn out to be gay and you can deal with that. I actually pray that they're gay. You call yourself a Christian church, meanwhile hating gays. You're judging all the people. You're going to hell anyways. You're trash. And I really hope that you die. So keep f***ing judging you stupid, retarded country s***. Hope you f***ing die a pet flow and pay s*** in death. Have a great day. Bless. Bless our new founding fathers. This is a passage Stephen Aniston and the members of his church. Why do you hate gays? Come on, answer that. It's not a tough question here. Are you dumb? Are you stupid? Well, your guys are f***ing s*** and that's why you want to follow them around. I guess that makes you a s*** trick too. You're a peep s*** and no one knows it. Except for the idiot members you have in your church. Two idiot members of the church this time. You're all but nothing but sheep. That's what you are. In the past generations of kids, do whatever the f*** you want. Just remember, your kids are over in the long run. And by the way, have a nice day in hell.