(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) A country is as strong, really, as its citizens. I hope that we will not find a day in the United States when all of us are spectators except for a few who are out on the field. I hope all Americans will be on the field. Our citizens are living longer. We want them to participate fully in that longer life. I really like what President Kennedy was saying there, and the Bible says in 1 Timothy 4.8, For bodily exercise profiteth little, but godliness is profitable unto all things. And while many people use this verse to belittle the importance of physical exercise, the Bible is actually teaching that bodily exercise still does have some profit. Now, while it's little profit in comparison to spiritual things, it still is profitable. And some of the benefits could be just simply living longer and being able to serve God for a longer amount of time. Plus, the more fit you are, the more effective you can be as a soul winner. Us as Christians should be the examples in every area of life. And so we need to make sure we're taking care of our bodies so that we can be honoring to God.