(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You have the spiritual gift of a ruler your organizer, so I'm sure You prepare very early on in the week for a sermon. Is that correct? Yes, I do. Okay Can you can you walk us through some of the steps you take into doing that? Yeah, absolutely So I I do believe I that my spiritual gift is is the the ruler administrative type thing I'll tell you my spiritual gift is not titles My titles are terrible and no, I think you got some good titles God is not a Republican. Oh, no, that is not American. That was good. That one was good You ticked off a lot of people with that. I wasn't one of them. I was I was like, amen to that You'd be surprised how many people you offend when you do yeah, we were But yeah, you know talking about pastor Jones titles my my favorite title that I saw his was you're not woke you're a joke. Oh Well anyway getting back to sermon prep for me This is how it works for me and all preachers are different You got to just kind of figure out what works for you, right? But for me like the way this will how my week looks like on Monday I work on my Wednesday night sermon and My goal is to I try to work on it on one sermon twice So my first goal like on Monday morning My goal is to get to the sermon to the place where I've got a rough Outline and and my goal is to get to the place where if I can't get back to this I could preach this if I needed to I don't want to I want to work on it some more But if all hell broke loose if they bombed my building For whatever reason I couldn't get back to this. I could preach this if I needed to you what you're basically saying is You do sermon prep on Wednesday or for Wednesday you do it on Monday on Monday and you get it to the point where? You know God forbid if something came up an emergency came up it has enough content And preparation in it that you can take it as is from Monday and preach it on Wednesday I could and and I don't want to because I want to work on it some more But I could if I needed to that's my goal. So I I know I'm done on Monday when it's like Okay, if I had to preach this I've got an outline. I've got whatever I've got it developed to a place where if I had to preach this I could preach it Then here's what I used to do when I was you know, younger in the ministry That God has allowed us to be in ministry now in Sacramento for ten years So I've been around for a little while But what I used to do is, you know, you know this you might know this as a preacher I think a lot of preachers do this, you know, you you never end a sermon prep you're there There's always more to do So what I used to do is I get up on Monday and work on my Wednesday night sermon then I'd on Tuesday I'd work on my Wednesday night sermon then on Wednesday I'd work on my Wednesday night sermon right up until I needed to preach it then I'd preach Wednesday and now I've got Thursday Friday Saturday write two sermons, right? Yeah, and that just you know, that was like my life for a long time And I and I hated it. So what I do now is on Monday I write my Wednesday night sermon to the point where I could preach it if I needed to then on Tuesday I forced myself not to work on the Wednesday night sermon at all And what I do on Tuesday is I start on my Sunday morning sermon Tuesday on Tuesday Oh, and I get it to the same same thing to the place where I could preach it if I needed to on Sunday morning And then on Wednesday I go back and I finish my Wednesday night sermon because you kind of feel this pressure on Wednesday Like I got to preach this tonight, you know and it's already done to the point where I could if I needed to but now I've had a day Where I haven't thought about it sometimes for me it works. Well, it's kind of like walking away from a project Yeah, I know what you mean. It's kind of it's it's kind of just simmering Yeah, you know and and some of the thoughts have kind of you know Solidified and I can go back and kind of really Refine it I thought of other verses that maybe oh that would go well with that or whatever So on Wednesday, I finish it and then I preach it on Wednesday. So then on Thursday, I start my Sunday night sermon It's a little complicated Yeah, but on Thursday you give yourself enough time. Yes on Thursday. I start my Sunday night sermon Again to the skeleton to the place where if I needed to I could do it and then on Friday I finished my Sunday morning sermon on Saturday I finished my Sunday night sermon and I try not to you know Cuz this is what we all do when we first start out in ministry, you know on Sunday morning We're finishing up our Sunday morning sermon and on me And on Sunday night in between the services were writing. That's me again So I do review my sermons During those times, but I like for them to be to be written so I spend my mornings on sermon prep and And I obviously in the afternoons I work on other projects yet. Do you guys think he's a ruler? Yeah