(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Stuckey here and I wanted to make a quick video giving you a serial killer profile from a biblical perspective on Jeffrey Dahmer. And Jeffrey Dahmer is one of the most famous serial killers in American history and I want to give you three quick points and look at some biblical applications and things that we can actually learn from this and what the Bible would have to say about this. Now point number one with Jeffrey Dahmer is that he did unnatural things. Now I don't want to spend too much time on this point because I think most people are pretty aware of that but when it comes to doing unnatural things Jeffrey Dahmer was an open homosexual. I think most people are aware of that. Most of the people that he ended up killing were young boys or young males or young men and many of them he had lured over to have a one night stand with them but he ended up killing them and doing a lot of more disturbing things. And outside of just having a lot of one night stands with other men and killing a lot of people which is obviously not what a normal person would have a desire for. He did a lot of things that were far more disturbing than that which I'm not going to go into detail in this video. If you've ever watched any documentaries or read things then you know there's a reason why he's one of the most infamous serial killers of all time. But what the Bible does say in Romans 1 verse 24 is this, Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves. So the Bible talks about God giving people up to the lusts of their own hearts and the Bible uses the word reprobate to refer to a psychopath, what we would call a psychopath. And what that means is if you cross reference in Jeremiah 6 verse 30, the Lord hath rejected them. So God gave them up, he rejected them and then they just basically did the lusts of their own hearts. They no longer have a conscience, their conscience is seared with a hot iron and so basically they're sinful and disgusting lusts, they actually fulfill those things. When you see people that are psychopaths do things that a normal person doesn't even have a desire to do, just unnatural, disgusting, perverted things. And the Bible said, you say well did God create everybody a reprobate? Because that's what Calvinists like to say that everybody's a child of the devil before they get saved. You know the Bible says God hath made man upright but they have sought out many inventions. And so God created people and we're obviously all sinners but there are certain sins that a normal person does not have a desire to do. Obviously being a serial killer is weird and these are unnatural, uncommon desires and Jeffrey Dahmer exhibited unnatural desires. Point number two is he had a fake remorse and he showed that he was very calculated and manipulative. And so the Bible says in Romans 1 verse 32, who knowing the judgment of God that they which commit such things are worthy of death. So people like this are aware of the fact that they are worthy of death. They know the judgment of God. They're aware of what the Bible says. Now when Jeffrey Dahmer failed at an attempt to kill somebody, this is what actually led to his arrest. And so the police come in and everything and there's all the evidence in the world around his apartment. There's no way he could defend himself. It's obvious he's guilty and he screams out when he's being arrested and handcuffed for what I did, I deserve death. Now what he's saying is true because the Bible says they are aware that they're worthy of death. However people look at this statement and assume, well Jeffrey Dahmer is showing some remorse or guilt, but see that is why people get fooled so easily by psychopaths. They are being naive if they actually believe that he was being remorseful or felt guilty. That is not what is taking place. See Jeffrey Dahmer was very calculated and they prepare for their steps in advance. If this ends up taking place, I'm going to do this. So when he was clearly caught, he's already preparing for his defense in court. And what he's trying to do is come across as being very remorseful and feeling really bad. For what I did, I deserve death. It's like you murdered like 17 or 18 different people in a very disgusting and perverted way. And then you were trying to just murder someone, you get caught. For what I did, I deserve death. Look you're naive if you think that he was actually showing any sort of remorse. What he's doing is a very calculated plan to prepare for the next step because he does not want to end up getting the death penalty and so basically he's just becoming what he needs to to end up getting out of it. In court, this is the statement he says to the judge, I know my time in prison will be terrible but I deserve whatever I get because of what I have done. Thank you, your honor and I am prepared for your sentence which I know will be the maximum. I ask for no consideration. This is so over the top and look, if you're not aware of that statement just being fake and phony when he says, I know will be the maximum, I ask for no consideration. If you're so naive to not realize that he's being fake and being phony with that statement, then that is the reason why that they're so successful. To me it's very obvious reading that statement that it's fake and I've had people that have apologized to me before dealing with being in the ministry because they did certain things that were wrong and their apology is like that and I'm just thinking, this is just fake. It's not real and Jeffrey Dahmer was clearly being fake when he says, I ask for no consideration. Actually what's very common with serial killers is or murderers, people that are psychopaths, they will ask for the death penalty and they will make statements that the words are okay but it's all completely fake. It's that superficial charm and they'll say, well I want the death penalty and the reason why they say they want the death penalty is because they don't want the death penalty. They want the judge and the jury to go light on them and so what they have to do is try to show that they feel guilty and remorseful and they're really sad and they got to basically make themselves look like, oh man, I just lost my head, I wasn't thinking and so that was just a ploy by Jeffrey Dahmer to try to get a light sentence and look good in the court of public opinion but you say, but Jeffrey Dahmer in May of 1994, he got saved and got baptized. He became a born again Christian. Well the Bible says that when people are reprobates, they become children of the devil and when you get saved, you become a child of God forever. It is eternal life, everlasting life. You cannot lose that. When you become a child of the devil, that is also forever and so in May of 1994, he supposedly gets saved but in case you're not aware, Jeffrey Dahmer was beaten to death in prison by another inmate and what took place and this is in November of 1994, so this is roughly six months after he supposedly got saved and so Jeffrey Dahmer and Jesse Anderson were bragging about children that they had molested in prison and an inmate named Christopher Scarver beat them to death. So basically, Jeffrey Dahmer who supposedly felt so remorseful and he gets saved and he's just like, I feel so bad about the wrong things I've done, then he's bragging with another inmate about kids that they had harmed and molested and sexually assaulted and then he gets beaten to death by another inmate. So how is this possible? Well, he was being fake. He didn't actually feel bad at all. See what the Bible said in Romans 1 verse 32 is this, who knowing the judgment of God that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them. So they do these wicked things and they are aware that they deserve death according to God's law but they take pleasure in all of these wicked things because they do not have a conscience and they're disgusting, filthy, perverted, evil people. So point one, he did unnatural things. Point two, he had a fake remorse and he was very calculated and point three, he was actually caught once earlier before he was ultimately caught. So one of the people that he ended up killing actually escaped and I'm sure I'm pronouncing his name incorrectly but Konerak Synthasomphon. So this is a 14-year-old boy who he ended up harming and Jeffrey Dahmer leaves his apartment and this 14-year-old kid which had been drugged and Jeffrey Dahmer performed basically sorts of brain surgery on these people and just drilled into their head. So this 14-year-old kid escapes but he's drugged up and he's out of it because of what Jeffrey Dahmer has done to this kid and Jeffrey Dahmer is returning back from the convenience store or the store or wherever he went and then there's these three women that recognize the boy from the neighborhood and they call the police and the police show up there and everything like that and the three women are telling the police that this boy, his life is in jeopardy. And Jeffrey Dahmer, though, who's basically caught red-handed, he was able to charm his way out of the situation and he said that this was his, I think, 19-year-old homosexual lover and this is a 14-year-old kid that's been drugged by Jeffrey Dahmer and everything like that and he says, well, he just gets kind of out of it when he's drunk and everything like that. This is just my drunk homosexual lover and Jeffrey Dahmer was able to charm his way out of the situation and superficial charm is a common tactic and the police actually show up to his house and then one of them even smelled something disgusting and rotting but they didn't even investigate it and they ended up getting fired for this because of this becoming a big national story that they had caught the serial killer and eventually let him go. But there's three women that caught the situation and they even saw some signs at his house but he's able to charm his way out of the situation and there were signs all over the house that they had done any investigating. He ended up killing this kid later on that day and as far as I know, I don't believe that kid was a homosexual. I think he was an innocent victim that Jeffrey Dahmer had just harmed and so, you know, he was actually caught and he charmed his way out of the situation and see, here's the thing. Extraterrestrial charm and glibness is a characteristic of psychopaths and the Bible talks about how these people are flatterers and they have men's persons and admiration because of advantage. They're able to take advantage and they basically become the person you want them to be. That way they can use it to their own advantage. It also talks about them having very smooth words when it talks about false prophets and these psychopaths are oftentimes caught red-handed and somehow they're able to charm their way out of the situation. They have very smooth words and people are gullible. People are willing to believe them. So three points from a biblical perspective on Jeffrey Dahmer, things we can learn. He did a lot of unnatural and perverse things that a normal person would not even, you know, think about, not have any sort of desire to do. Point number two, he showed fake remorse and he was very calculated when he was ultimately actually caught to prepare for his next step. You know, it was all fake. It was all feigned. And he proved that when he was bragging about the things he did when he was actually beaten to death in 1994. And point three, he was actually caught, but he was able to charm his way out of the situation because psychopaths or reprobates have very smooth words. They're very superficially charming and they're able to just talk their way out of any situation and that is why they end up being so successful. And so anyways, I hope you're able to learn some things from this video and anyways, thank you and God bless.