(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hi, this is Jason Robinson, I'm the pastor of Mountain Baptist Church in Fairmont, West Virginia. I just wanted to do another video talking about the earth, or the structure of the earth. And I made a video basically debunking some of the arguments dealing with the curvature of the earth, measuring distances and stuff like that. And basically, I just wanted to do one more so with Bible verses. So everybody's just like, oh, you know, why don't you use the Bible, why don't you use the Bible? And I did use the Bible in one of the verses at the very end of the video. But I just want to show you through the Bible how the flat earth wouldn't make sense. And here's the thing, the flat earthers do not have any verses that say the earth is flat. They don't have any. And so they usually, they move the goalposts and say, well, we have like 200 verses, we have 75 verses, and most all those verses are verses talking about the earth's not moving or about the firmament or something like that. And none of those verses say anything about the shape of the earth. And so they're throwing out this red herring, so to speak, as far as, oh, we have all these verses or, you know, where's your smoking gun? Where's your John 3.16? You don't have any. So this whole argument of the fact that, oh, we have all these verses that say it's flat, there's not one verse that says the earth is flat. And so, but I want to show you, I mean, obviously, Isaiah 40 and verse 22 is the only verse that really tells us the shape of the earth, okay? And it says in Isaiah 40 and verse 22 that it is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth. Now a circle, by definition, is when you have, when you take a point and then you, the outside of that shape would be equal distant from the center point to any point outside of that. And so obviously in 2D, you would just see it as a circle. But in a three dimensional world, the only object that would fit that description is a sphere. And so just from that verse right there shows us that it's a sphere. Now there's another verse, there's two verses that if I were going to explain the Bible or how the Bible explains what our planet is like or what we're on right now is that verse right there in Isaiah 40 and verse 22, but also in Job 26 and verse 7, it says he stretcheth out the north over the empty place and he hangeth the earth upon nothing. Okay? So, you know, the fact that we're orbiting in outer space and basically you have three heavens. You have the heaven, which is the area that we breathe and where the birds fly. You have the heaven above that, which is where the sun, moon, and stars are at. And then you have the third heaven where God's throne is at. And so the Bible is very clear about that, that he hangeth the earth upon nothing, meaning that there's nothing holding it up. Okay? Now, where the flat earthers will have a problem is where it talks about the pillars of the earth. Now, I personally do believe that there's pillars underneath the earth right now, but here's the thing. This will only work for these verses that will be reconciled as a sphere of earth, okay? And so I'm going to explain that to you, but in 1 Samuel chapter 2 and verse 8, and this is their text verse to try to explain that the earth is flat, but it talks about at the end of the verse. And this is, obviously, this is Hannah's prayer, but I will concede that I believe this is talking about the structure of the earth. It says, for the pillars of the earth are the Lord's and he hath set the world upon them. Now, here's the thing. If the earth, if it's sitting on pillars, does that tell you the shape of the earth? It could very well be a globe. What they'll say is that there's pillars that are going down, you know, that's going below us and going down, you know, in outer space or whatever down below us and all this stuff. And here's the thing. That doesn't make sense if it's hanging upon nothing, okay? And the Bible talks about the foundations being fastened, okay? And it says, and it talks about the pillars being under the earth, under the mountains. In Job chapter 9 it talks about that he shaketh the earth out of her place and the pillars thereof tremble. And a lot of times it's talking about the mountains, removing the mountains in that same passage. And so the pillars, I believe, are underneath the mountains. Now the thing is that the foundations are fastened. That's another thing to remember there. They're fastened. And it says that in Job chapter 38, dealing with the foundations of the earth, it talks about, he's asking Job saying, where was that when I laid the foundation, foundations of the earth? And it says, whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? So the pillars are fastened, the foundations are fastened. But then it's hanging upon nothing, okay? Now this is understood, if you understand the difference between global forces compared to local forces. Now when you're dealing with engineering or structural engineering or physics, this is something that you do all the time, okay? Where you're dealing with something globally, but then you're looking at localized things. Now when I design a building, there's columns, usually, or walls or whatever that's bearing down to the ground. But inside of that system you can have columns that are inside a system that aren't going all the way to the ground, but they're still called columns. And columns, pillars, posts, all those things are the same thing, okay? And so what I believe we're dealing with here is we're dealing with pillars that are actually going to the center of the earth, or basically what I believe, or what I'm going to liken this to. And again, we don't really know exactly what goes on underneath the earth or how the structure really is, but the Bible kind of tells us that there's these pillars, and no one's gone below the crust of the earth to really know that anyway. But we know that hell's in the center of the earth or in the heart of the earth, because that's where Jesus was. But I'm going to liken this onto, if you're going to look at it in 3D, onto a compression ring, okay? And you may have seen a compression ring if you're looking at a big colosseum, and you see all the columns that are going up to the center ring, okay? And that's called a structural compression ring, okay? And I'm going to show you a picture of this, okay? Now this is what you would look at, and you know, if you're going to look at this as looking kind of like at the earth, this would be like the crust, and then you'd have pillars going down to what we would see as a compression ring. And what you see here is an equilibrium in forces. Now there's pillars that are being fastened to a compression ring, and you know, this is kind of like a wheel, okay? I'm going to show you a picture. This is just from something online, you know, just a wheel, okay, that has spokes. And so that's simply what we're looking at, is you have a ring on the outside, and then you have a ring in the middle that would be a compression ring, okay? So all these forces are being pushed in and being equalized in the center there. And so I'm not going to show you the math or anything like that on this, but that's basically what I would say. The way you would look at this is, obviously the earth isn't a ring, it's a sphere. So you would see this in 3D, where you have all these pillars that are going around, basically instead of a compression ring, you have a compression shell. And so the gravity would be pulling it, since there's so much mass in the middle of the earth, would be pulling everything in, and then you'd have this shell that's holding it together. Now, it doesn't necessarily have to be a shell, it could be, you know, a structural element as far as a sphere that's made up of bars and pillars. Now this would make sense though, if you think about it, because didn't Jesus, didn't it say when it was prophesying about Jesus, that he went to the bottoms of the mountains and the earth with her bars was about him forever, okay? So if you think about it, it was about him, or around him, and it was forever. And another thing to think about with this is the fact that Satan was going to be cast into the bottomless pit. Now, I don't understand how Flat Earthers are going to explain this. The bottomless pit, if it's going down just forever, then how in the world, when Satan is going to be cast into this bottomless pit, and Isaiah 14, which is recounting that, is talking about that event, and it says he's going to be cast down to hell, it says in Isaiah 14, 9, hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming. And it talks about all they shall speak and say unto thee, art thou also become as weak as we? And so how are people, if they're falling into this bottomless pit, like it just goes down forever into space, so to speak, how in the world are they going to be meeting, you know, Satan when he gets cast into the bottomless pit? Well, if you're looking at a sphere, you know, obviously there is no bottom. You know, once you're down there, there's no bottom to that because, you know, there's no up, down, or left, or right, so to speak, when you're in there, and when you're down in the center of the earth, which is a big ball of fire, by the way. You know, that's what scientific studies would show you, but also, you know, the Bible said that way before that anyway, is that, you know, that hell's beneath, and hell's in the heart of the earth. Jesus said, as Jonah was three days and three nights in the heart of the fish's belly, so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. And so the Bible never teaches this flat earth garbage. And so they try to throw out all this stuff, you know, you're not using the Bible or whatever. I'm using tons of Bible here. And this only just validates the fact that the earth is a sphere. And structurally speaking, I don't see how you can get away with its hanging, but its bearing on pillars, unless it's a sphere. How else could you have a structure bearing within itself, besides a sphere? Because that's what you have to have if you're going to have the fact that the earth is bearing on something, but it's also hanging upon nothing, okay? And a spherical object that can be true. You know, you can have that. You can have any type of, if you just had a sphere, you know, a structural sphere that you just are holding in your hands. You can push on it in every direction, but it can be hanging and that will work. Because you have an internal structure, you have internal pillars, but then it's hanging. And so that's clearly shown and there's no contradiction in the Bible. But you have a major problem if you have this flat earth sitting on pillars that are being fastened down into eternity. And so where did they fasten that? And if it's the bottomless pit that's going down into eternity, how are these people, the chief men of the earth, how are they going to meet Satan when he's cast into it? It also talks to him going down to the sides of the pit, which makes sense. The earth with her bars was about me forever, like Jesus said, and his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption. And so that's, you know, scripturally it makes perfect sense. And there's no verse in the Bible that says, you know, the earth is flat or, you know, they're like, well, what about the firmament? So what? You know, the firmament goes around the globe. I don't see any problem with that. And you know, they pull out the stuff. Here's the thing, the pillars don't say the shape of the earth. The firmament doesn't say the shape of the earth. You know, all this stuff they try to throw at you, the fact that, you know, they're trying to say, well, the earth doesn't move and the sun moves, that doesn't mean anything. That's a whole different argument. You know, if you want to talk about geocentricity compared to heliocentricity, that's another argument. You know, that has nothing to do with the shape of the earth. And so these people that come out and say, you know, we're not preaching the Bible, no, you're lying. These flat earthers are just flat out lying to people saying that it says that the earth is flat when it's not. And it's a bunch of vain jangling. And the Bible talks about people that have turned aside the vain jangling desire to be teachers of the law, understanding neither what they say nor where they affirm. And these people are both ignorant in the Bible, and they're ignorant in math and science. And so they'll use another argument. And so that's the Bible. The Bible clearly teaches that the earth is round, that it hangeth upon nothing. And so all that's biblical. But here's the thing, they show you these tests that they do. And I already disproved their stupid curvature, you know, with the railroad track stuff. But here's the thing, they'll send you videos where they're pouring water on a beach ball. And then the water falls off the beach ball, or they're spinning a beach ball, or they'll have a pipe and they'll say, well, you know, water doesn't curve. So when the pipe, when the pipe's curved, it all flows out of the pipe and it's not level. Well, this is just completely misunderstanding how physics works and how forces work. Now, I'm going to show you a diagram here. And this would be like the earth, okay? And there's our perspective, if you were to zoom in on what we're going to look at. And what the thing is, is that we're looking at pretty much a flat surface on our perspective because the earth is so huge, okay? And so what they do, and here's the fallacy, they take a piece of pipe and they'll take it that isn't relative to the curve of the earth. And so the curve of the pipe is way more sharp or it has a, you know, it has a smaller radius than what the curvature of the earth is. And this is why the water falls off because gravity isn't following their curvature, okay? Gravity at our perspective, if you were to take a six foot pipe or something like that and put water into it and you'd, you know, put a tape on half of the diameter, you know, of the pipe or whatever and you're going to say, okay, will the water spill out of this thing? You know, if you curve it more than the curvature of the earth, then it's not going to work because gravity is going to see, the gravity is going to work with the curvature of the earth, not with the pipe that you made. And so they'll show you a pipe that's curved and then the water flows out of it and they're like, see, it doesn't work. So this is reality when you're looking at, you know, that's the fake test right there. This is reality as far as if you had a pipe that was running with the curvature of the earth, all the force of gravity is going to run normal or perpendicular with the water. And so yes, the water will curve around the earth because the force is running normal with the earth's curve. And so in our perspective, this is what we see. It's straight. And so there's not going to be, you're not going to notice that curvature, especially if you're looking at something that you're, you have a pipe that's six foot long. And so, and here's the thing, you know, if you're looking at, if you're looking at something that's miles long, you're looking at a camber, let's say it's three miles long, you're looking at a camber of about a foot and a half or 18 inches and you're just not going to notice that and you don't just lay eight, you know, three miles long pipe. You do it in sections and you level it every single time you do it. And there's tolerances, obviously too, there's tolerances as far as how much, you know, it's not going to be perfectly straight, all this stuff. And if you're going three miles, you're going to have tons of sections of pipe. And so when you're welding those pipe together, you're going to be leveling it every single time. And guess what? You're going to end up going to the curvature of the earth. And here's the thing, they're like, oh, well, you don't take into account curvature. Yes you do. If you do long bridges, what you'll find out is that the piers and the structure, structural columns of the, you know, of a really long span structure, the top of the columns will be further apart than the bottom of the columns, okay? And so that's because of the curvature of the earth. So you know, when you're dealing with long items and long, you know, long structures, you'll see that. And that's something that you can measure. And I don't have time to show you the bridges and all this stuff as far as how that's measured. But all this stuff is just a basic ignorance of force distribution, of physics, of math, and it's ignorance of the Bible, more importantly. And why do I, why am I making a video about this? Because there's a bunch of people saying that the Bible says the earth is flat. And it doesn't say that. And every single time someone says that the Bible says the earth is flat, they're blaspheming the word of God. And so they need to keep themselves in check because the Bible teaches the earth is round. The Bible is not scientifically illiterate, okay, and that's what they're doing. And you try to use math and science and everything to prove, you know, the things that we observe, and people are just basically wanting to put their head in the sand. The Bible does not teach that the earth is flat. There's just no verse that says that. And so these people put out red herrings. They throw out, you know, oh, we have all these verses. You know, every single person that commented on my video didn't put one verse. They'd say, oh, we have all these verses. Well, where's your number one verse that you would show to me? All the pillars. That doesn't tell you the shape of the earth. Oh, the earth doesn't move. That doesn't tell you the shape of the earth. And so, you know, none of this stuff is biblical or they're saying. It's a misunderstanding of the Bible. It's a misunderstanding of physics and math. And so this is probably the last video I'm going to do because I'm tired of talking about this subject. But the Bible is very clear, and actually the Bible actually makes a whole lot of sense when you understand that it's a sphere. And it helps you understand the structure of the earth. It helps you understand the fact that Jesus was in the heart of the earth, that the earth hangeth upon nothing, that it's a circle, and that the foundations are fastened, and how that even works mathematically. And so it's actually kind of cool to see that and how it all works out in equilibrium and all this other stuff when it comes about force distribution and statics and dynamics and all this stuff. And so anyway, I know it was a long video, but anyway, I hope you enjoyed that. And this is really just for those that believe the Bible and those that are maybe getting duped by these flat earthers and getting sucked in by their arguments. But here's the thing, you need to look at this yourself. And don't just look at some YouTube video. Don't just believe me. Look in the Bible yourself. See if there's a verse that says the earth is flat. And see if there's any logic. Dig into their tests and see if that makes sense. And if you know anything about physics and all that stuff, then you'll know their arguments don't mean anything. Their arguments, they have false assumptions. They don't have all the variables that they need to do their experiments and they're failing at it. So anyway, just another video about why the flat earth is dumb. So have a nice day. God bless. I'll talk to you later.