(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Whenever you talk to Christians who are supporters of Zionism, you know They believe that the Jews are God's chosen people that God still has a plan for them They'll often quote you Romans 11 verse 1 This is their text their proof text to show that God is not done with Israel They're still the chosen people of God and as I mentioned in a previous video, you know I believe that the Bible teaches replacement theology throughout the New Testament. You'll see it in the Gospels in the book of Romans You'll see it in Ephesians 2 Colossians 2 Galatians 3 & 4 the book of Hebrews the book of Revelation It's found throughout and there's an insurmountable amount of evidence to show and to prove That God is done with the physical nation of Israel and that born-again believers now make up that chosen generation that royal priesthood That holy nation but in spite of that they'll still tell you no God's not done with Israel You know God has not cast away his people God forbid and they'll quote you Romans 11 verse 1 now I'm gonna use Romans 11 to prove to you that God is done with the physical nation of Israel that he has cast them away And that they've been replaced. Okay, let me read to you verse number 1 of Romans 11 It says I say then hath God cast away his people God forbid for I also am an Israelite of the seed of Abraham of the tribe of Benjamin now What is the proof to show that God hath not cast away his people? Well, the Apostle Paul is using himself He says I'm an Israelite, I'm the seed of Abraham and of the tribe of Benjamin He's proved that God is not done with his people now Who are his people look at verse number 2 God hath not cast away his people which he for Knew so he's telling us there that his people are those whom he foreknows now What does that word mean? Well, according to the Bible in Romans chapter 8 verse 29 it defines it for us It says for whom he did foreknow He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn among many brethren Moreover whom he did predestinate them. He also called and whom he called then He also justified and whom he justified then he also glorified So those whom he foreknew are those who are saved those who are justified those who are being conformed To the image of his son and the Apostle Paul is exactly that That's why he says God hath not cast away his people who are his people safe people People who have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ people whom he foreknew You know those who have been predestinated to be conformed to the image of his son So that's proof number one to show that The people he's referring to here are safe people not the physical nation of Israel Now people will say no, but you know, he's talking about the physical nation of Israel, okay Well, let me read you verse 1 and then I'm gonna reach you from verse 15 It says I say then had God cast away his people God forbid Right verse 15 says this for if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world Casting away of who well the casting away of Israel according to the flesh because it says in verse 14 if Any means I may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh and might save some of them for if the casting away of Them be the reconciling of the world. What shall the receiver receiving of them be but life from the dead now Is this a contradiction? Because it says in verse 1 that he hasn't cast him away But then he says in verse 15 that he did cast him away. Is that a contradiction? Absolutely not In fact, what is he stating? He's stating that God has not cast away the his people which are saved But he has cast away those who are Israel according to the flesh He says it right there and he says if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world He said yeah, but you know read the rest of the verse pastor me here You know that's proving there that God is not done with it He still has a plan for them because it says what shall the receiving of them be but life from the dead Now, what does that mean? Because it says that he's gonna receive them but he's gonna receive them life from the dead well, this is in reference to the resurrection Because of the fact that in the Old Testament Amongst the physical nation of Israel there were safe people there There were people who believed on the true God of the Bible. They believed in the future coming of the Messiah They trusted in him as their Savior and even in that transitional period between Old and New Testament They remained the people of God because of the fact that they were actually saved to begin with Okay, they trusted God They believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and therefore the receiving of them shall be life from the dead This is in reference to the resurrection of the dead. Okay When Jesus Christ comes he raptures all believers and They which are dead in Christ shall rise first and then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up with them in the air That's what that's referring to. There's not referring to the physical nation of Israel that they're gonna be received from the dead no, he says they've been cast away and Because they've been cast away the rest of the world can be reconciled back unto God Gentiles Have the opportunity to hear the gospel to believe on Christ and to be a part of that holy Nation, the only people he's gonna receive from the physical nation of Israel are those who are saved Okay, those who have believed on God those who are truly the people of God because they believed on Jesus Christ What shall were they receiving over them being the life from the dead? And so this is two proofs right here from Romans chapter 11 that God hath not cast away his people Because we are the people of God and he will never leave us nor forsake us, you know, he's not gonna cast us away Because you know, we can't lose our salvation The Bible says I give it to them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shiny man Pluck them out of my hand, you know But as many as received them to them give you power to become the sons of God Even unto them that believe on this name, so I hope that helped god bless and have a great one