(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Stuckey here from Verity Baptist Church Manila and I wanted to make a quick video on a very famous man by the name of R.C. Sproul. He's very famous in the terms of the Christian realm and he was one of the big authors of you know Calvinism. He's written so many books. He's got a famous website. They always hosted these live discussions and everything like that and big conferences and he was real good friends with John MacArthur. Well the man died you know between you know about one and a half years ago. I think it was December of 2017 and so he's a pretty famous guy and he has a famous son who's also keeping on the legacy of the family in terms of being out there as a Calvinist. But what R.C. Sproul was really famous for was preaching against the Roman Catholics. He always talked about how you must leave the Roman Catholic Church and how it's an evil religion and it's false and everything like that and he really embraced the Protestant religion. But R.C. Sproul is a great example of how Protestants are exactly like Catholics. Why because he was really big into defending infant baptism. Now it's funny his initials are R.C. Sproul. I think that's pretty apropos because I think we should call him Roman Catholic Sproul. R.C. Sproul, Roman Catholic Sproul. Why? Because he was a Catholic. Because where did you get that baptizing babies from? That's not something that came from God. That's not something that came from the Bible. That's something that came from vain traditions and he kept that tradition. You know he was a Protestant and he was famous for saying well you know there's nowhere in the Bible where it explicitly says you cannot baptize babies. Well the Bible makes it very clear you must believe first so there you go on that point. But you know he would claim to be against Catholicism and yet he never left Catholicism. He was a you know hardcore Protestant and he believed in all that and it shows the deeper issue when it comes to Calvinism. They don't really care what the doctrine is because R.C. Sproul was a baby baptizer and yet John MacArthur was great friends with him and all the other Calvinists and it shows what actually matters to them is only the topic of Calvinism and that's what they're all their church services are about. That's all they preach about. That's all they care about. And so anyways you know R.C. Sproul you know he could preach against Roman Catholicism all he wants but the truth is he was a Roman Catholic. He was a phony. He was a fraud. He was a baby baptizer and he never left the Catholic Church which is why his name is Roman Catholic Sproul. Thank you and God bless.