(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Sucky here from Verity Baptist Manila, and I'm coming to you with a new video series we're going to be having on our channel, which is on the topic of repentance of sins. Now the reason why we're going to be having this video series is because the vast majority of people out there in the so-called Christian world, they believe that you have to repent of your sins to be saved. But the Bible actually teaches that repenting of your sins actually works salvation. And so the vast majority of so-called Christians out there, they think that they believe that salvation is a free gift, but in reality they're believing and teaching it works salvation. And when we preach the gospel, we need to make it very clear to people that they do not have to turn from their sins. They don't have to quit drinking. They don't have to quit smoking. They don't have to repent of any sins whatsoever because salvation is a free gift that Jesus Christ paid for 100%. So this is a very important video series because a lot of people that even are saved are confused because they've heard a lot of false preaching on this topic. And so we're going to go through a lot of common arguments that people that believe in repentance of sins like to use and we're going to smash those left and right. We're also going to show very clearly from the Bible how salvation is completely a free gift and we don't have to change our lifestyle one bit in order to be saved. Thank you and God bless.