(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Stuckey here from Verity Baptist Church Manila providing another video on reasons why we are not a cult and when it comes to cults one thing they very often do is they put their their members in fear of if they leave the cult then they're going to be basically destined to hell. You know religions basically teach I mean most religions most churches teach that you basically have to be a member of their church or you have to go to church in order to go to heaven and if you were to ever leave this place you could lose your salvation and you could end up in hell and honestly the vast majority of churches just teach that and sometimes they'll say they don't really teach that but then the way they preach is basically like you know if you get in a life of sin if you turn away from God if you quit church blah blah blah then you might end up going to hell. That's a fear tactic that cult leaders like to use. Now when it comes to cults that are non-religious cults they use the same sort of thing they use fear as a means to get you to stay around where people can be basically afraid to leave the cult. Now you know at Verity Baptist Church Manila this obviously doesn't fit us if you know anything about us because what we teach is that salvation is a free gift I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish and so if you have believed on Jesus Christ then you were born into God's family you receive salvation you receive eternal life and eternal means eternal which means you can never lose your salvation for any reason once saved always saved no exceptions there's no exception to that and so people could freely leave our church and look I never go around and say hey they're they're they're not saved they're on their way to hell I never put them in fear of the fact they leave they're gonna be going to hell because the fact whether or not you go to church has nothing to do with whether or not you're going to heaven or not it's whether or not you believed on Jesus Christ. Now cult leaders especially religious ones they'll use this idea if you leave this place you're gonna go to hell but you know they use other fear tactics as well you know when it comes to a lot of dangerous cults that are you know kind of non religious ones but where you could potentially be you know killed which oftentimes religious cults are like that as well they basically put you in a state of fear where you know you may have access to certain knowledge and things like that where if you end up leaving you could end up dead and the reason why people stay in those cults is simply out of fear and a lot of people are in cults and they don't want to be there but they are scared to leave those cults they do not know what's gonna happen to them and that is a tactic that cult leaders will like to do. Now obviously at church we don't want people to leave our church you know we want them to stick around we want them to learn the Word of God and go soul winning and live for the Lord and things like that but if they leave it doesn't affect their salvation and they certainly don't have to worry about end up being killed like some cult leaders would do to their members no I mean we actually give people the free choice you know if they if they don't like the preaching they're welcome to come and visit and they don't have to come back or they can be members if they decide to leave because they don't want to hear the preaching anymore they don't want to go to church then that's fine we don't keep them in fear of having to stick around when it comes to cults they basically don't let any of their members leave when it comes to a church that's doing things the way the Bible says there's even places in the Bible where it talks about people that get kicked out of church that have committed certain sorts of sins we don't force people to stick around here and there's even ways where you can get kicked out of the church and so it's people's free will choice they don't have to worry they don't have to be in fear at all but when it comes to cults any religion that's going to teach you that if you leave this place and you're on your way to hell that's a cult and they use that tactic because they do not want you to leave thank you and God bless