(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Stuckey here from Verity Baptist Church Manila providing another video on reasons why we are not a cult and one of the big tactics you see from a call is to isolate people from society and we talked about how they take away knowledge from people they also isolate them so not only do they not have a source of knowledge they also don't aren't around other people that can show them that what they believe is wrong or to get them help or to get them out of that crazy situation so they isolate them from the rest of the world this is a big big tactic from cults now we know that with Jonestown because they literally went to Guyana and just established their own little colony away from the rest of the world and they completely isolated themselves from the rest of the world now oftentimes we as Christians we are accused of being in a cult and were accused of isolating everyone from the rest of society they say if you're in a home school your children that look at you you're called you don't want them to be around other people you're isolating them etc etc and things such as that but you know that's that couldn't be further from the truth because that Verity Baptist Church Manila we isolate ourselves less than anybody else in the entire world okay because see the Bible says to go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature we as a church the vast majority of our church members are soul winning every single week and we encourage people to go out in the community and spread the gospel and to you know preach the gospel to people so look our members are out and about every single week knocking on every door and talking to people about what they believe so they we talked to plenty of people that have every opportunity in the world to tell us and sometimes they do they tell us why they don't agree with what they're doing they give us an alternative view but obviously you know we do believe the Bible and this is our final authority but we're not isolated at all and see this is one thing that you know kind of even more mainstream cult such as the Amish do where they isolate themselves from the world and see that's a dangerous situation because they've taken away the key of knowledge from people and now they isolate them so those people really don't have any access to the outside world and that is a reason why the Amish retain a large percentage of their people because they're isolated from the world they're scared to go out into the world they don't know what they're doing and so this is something that cults are very famous for this is not something that we as Christians do it although because Jesus throughout his whole life was just out preaching the gospel to everyone he didn't isolate himself at all now is there a shred of truth to what they're saying well there is a shred of truth to what they're saying because we do teach that you're not supposed to be friends with the world we do teach that you're not supposed to be unequally yoked with unbelievers but that doesn't change the fact we're still supposed to be out knocking the doors and preaching the gospel and talking to people and at Verity Baptist Church Manila and at like-minded churches that's what we do we don't isolate from the rest of the world in fact we go out there to just talk to everybody and look we basically let anybody come to our church you know anyone's welcome we invite anybody who is not just a complete hardened reprobate weirdo hey we invite anybody to come to church we want them to come to church we want them to learn the Word of God we want them to grow and so we don't isolate ourselves at all it's not like it's tough to be able to visit Verity Baptist Church Manila we want you to visit we encourage people to visit one time and see if it's the right church for them and so you know what a cult does though is they're very selective about who they let in to their call why because they got to make sure that they can brainwash this new person who's not going to question what the authority or what the church or what this organization is doing and see that's a problem with people like Charles Manson they wouldn't just let anybody into their cult obviously they'd be very selective because they need to brainwash people but you know a lot of religions do the same thing as they do in fact most religions in the world they're very isolated because of the fact they don't go out there and preach the gospel like the Bible commands them to but we as believers we're told to go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature look we couldn't be further away we couldn't be further away from isolating ourselves than anybody we're out preaching to everybody and when it comes to our kids that are homeschooled look they're not isolated from the world they're not sheltered because when they go soul-winning they see what everybody's doing they see the effects of alcohol they see the effects of drugs and smoking and you know families without a mom or families without a dad and broken homes and things like that they see the effects they see what the world's like look they're the last people in the world you have to worry about being isolated but you know there are people that you would look at in churches that they don't seem isolated they've got this big mega church but in reality they are isolating themselves from what the outside world is actually like we don't do that at Verity Baptist Church Manila thank you and God bless