(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Here's a few reasons why the Pre-Trib Rapture is a fraud. Number one is that it teaches the imminency of Jesus Christ which means that Jesus can come at any moment, even at the end of this video. Whereas the Bible teaches that there are certain events that take place prior to the second coming of Christ. For example, the wars and rumors of wars, famines, pestilences, death on a massive scale, the appearance of the anti-Christ, the abomination of desolation, and even the mark of the beast to mention a few. Matthew 24, 29-30 states that Jesus Christ will come immediately after the tribulation of those days. Number two is that it teaches that Christians will not experience tribulation. Whereas the Apostle Paul states in Acts 14, 22 that we must do much tribulation entering to the kingdom of God. Revelation 6, when talking about the tribulation, records Christians dying for their faith and states that I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. Number three is that it teaches that the rapture is a secret. Whereas Revelation 1, 7 states, Behold, he cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see him, them also which pierce them, and all the kindreds of the earth shall well because of him, even so, Amen. Full sermon in the description.