(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey everybody, Pastor Steven Anderson here from Faith Forward Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona. And our online donations are down once again. The Sodomites are still coming after us really hard and they're dedicated and they're working so hard they think they're gonna stop me or that they're gonna slow me down or the other pastors that I'm friends with that they're gonna somehow shut us down. And you know these people don't realize that I've already been dealing with persecution like this for over seven years. You know I've been pastoring for 10 and a half years and I've been heavily persecuted for seven and a half years of that the last seven and a half years. And you know to be honest with you I can't really speak for all the other pastors but me personally I actually thrive on this kind of persecution. You know basically it just energizes me it fires me up it just makes me work harder it makes me more excited it makes me preach better. I actually you know I don't want to say necessarily that I enjoy it but okay I guess I do kind of enjoy it because the Bible says that when they persecute you when they revile you to leap for joy to jump for joy. So I'm actually you know ready to keep fighting. You know I like fighting the good fight bring it on I say and I just want to say to all of you that are out there that are on the sidelines that you need to get energized as well you know by by these persecutions and these attacks get excited get fired up do more for the Lord at such a time as this. Now I'll say this if you're if you're already in a good soul-winning church then stay in that soul-winning church and be a blessing and work hard and go soul-winning and be an asset to the church and and you know serve the Lord to the best your ability in that church. But for those of you that are on the sidelines where you're not in a soul-winning church at all maybe you're maybe you're in some you know dead liberal church that has zero soul-winning or maybe you're not in church at all you know I'd encourage you to get in the fight. We're living in the last days we're living in some really pivotal times for our nation and for our world and now's not the time to just be sitting around or idling or coasting you know it's time to put things into high gear and if that means relocating your family and moving somewhere where you can get into a good soul-winning church then you know you just need to do it. I mean you need to do something to be involved in in the battle because there's a spiritual battle that's raging. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but there is a spiritual battle that's raging today in the United States and you need to get involved. Now on the front lines of that battle are Pastor Jimenez, myself, you know Pastor Romero, Pastor Berzins, Pastor Perry and others who are taking the hard stands but honestly a lot of our independent fundamental Baptist brother and you know the vast majority of them they don't want to fight at all they want to basically just go stick their head in the sand and just you know leave the fighting to us I guess but the bottom line is though that persecution is eventually coming to them too whether they like it or not and they can sit there and say well the only reason that you know Pastor Anderson and them are getting persecuted is because they're so radical or they're over the top or you know they took it too far that they'll say these type of things but you know that's just simply not the case you know for example our online giving that was just shut down a couple of days ago if you actually look at the terms and conditions that you know because they when they shut you down they say hey you violated our terms and conditions well if you actually look at the terms and conditions that we violated it says that you violate the terms and conditions even by just you know saying anything degrading toward people of a different so-called sexual orientation so you know you don't have to say anything radical you don't have to talk about them being reprobate you don't have to pull out leviticus 2013 to be violating these terms and conditions all you have to do is just basically say anything negative about homosexuals and you're not in compliance with all of these banks and things see right now the persecution is not coming from the government you know they're not coming to us and trying to place us under arrest for preaching the word of god you know for preaching the bible leviticus or whatever part of the word of god romans chapter one they're not coming to us from the government what they're doing is they're they're doing it through corporations that have monopolies so companies like paypal youtube facebook apple itunes all these corporations and companies whether that's you know real estate companies landlords these type of businesses are the ones these giant corporations are the ones that are basically trying to slow us down and punish us for preaching the word of god by by making it difficult or impossible for us to raise money or to get our message out on social media etc etc because we don't have the the viewpoint that is acceptable in america today only one viewpoint is acceptable you know on homosexuality so you know we're basically being persecuted by these different businesses and companies that are trying to make it hard for us to operate but but keep in mind the persecution is coming because of the fact or it's coming at us because of the fact that we're preaching hard against homosexuality we're discriminating against homosexuals and we are you know supposedly you know um we're degrading them but but the thing about that is that every single independent fundamental baptist in america even if they don't agree with us on the reprobate doctrine even if they don't agree with us on leviticus or anything else every single one of them discriminates against homosexuals because of the fact that you know they would not allow them to be an employee for example i mean if we were to go to any independent fundamental baptist church they would not hire one or they would not say that they're every bit as good as the heterosexual they're not going to say that they're going to degrade them if they preach that they're an abomination you know if they turn to deuteronomy 22 5 for example and and read that scripture or uh even just preached that it's that it's wicked or sinful you know by doing that they're degrading this protected group of people this they're discriminating by not hiring them or by not making them a sunday school teacher or by now so these guys can sit there and put their heads in the sand and act like everything's all right in america and wave the flag and apple pie and god bless america and say oh it's just the you know just these crazies like pastor jimenez you know they yeah they're getting persecuted but that's not going to happen to us well let me tell you something buddy let me tell you something pastor it's coming to you net you're next you're next because you discriminate against homos too you degrade homos too you preach against homos too every independent fundamental baptist even if you don't do it just like i'm doing i'm on the front lines and maybe you're hiding somewhere but guess what they're coming to get you next buddy so i would just encourage everyone right now who names the name of christ everyone who is just sane and hasn't completely lost their mind and given into this whole you know uh bizarre transvestite transgender tranny trans whatever they're into okay anybody who has a moral christian godly bone left in their body you know i encourage you to support us back us up and you know if you're not in a local church the most important thing for you to do is to get in a local independent baptist church a soul-winning church become an active member let's get in the battle let's roll up our sleeves let's fight the good fight let's preach the gospel and in addition to preaching the gospel let's preach the entire bible as christ commanded us in the great commission that we're to teach people to observe all things whatsoever christ commanded and and and get in the fight get off the sidelines you know get excited get energized you say oh man you know pastor anerson how you doing are you hanging in there with all these attacks you know all the sodomites you know i'm actually doing better than ever i'm doing better this week than i was last week because i personally thrive on the attacks i thrive on persecution i thrive on i like fighting the good fight bring it on is what i say and they will never stop me the only way to stop me is to kill me and if they kill me i'll just be even more popular i'll be a martyr at that point and if they throw me in prison my preaching will become 10 times as popular as it already is right now i don't care do whatever you have to do uh sodomites you know do your worst and so i will not stop i don't care if i were to get thrown out of uh of of our church building i wouldn't care if they shut down our bank accounts i don't care if the irs comes and padlocks our door i will never stop preaching the word of god unadulterated uncensored and i will never go underground never gonna happen i'm gonna preach from the housetops until the bitter end i don't care if the tribulation starts i don't care if if the anti-christ is revealed i'm not gonna go hide in the woods i'm not gonna go hide anywhere i am going to preach from the housetops until the bitter end i will never stop these people will never stop me now if if it got so bad if it got if if the the the country that we live in gets so bad to where i'm just going to be thrown in prison immediately for preaching the word of god the way that i preach it right now then eventually i would leave the united states and and go somewhere else where i could try to find freedom but i'll never hide i'll never go underground i'm never gonna just you know go cower in fear somewhere or or stop you know putting stuff on the internet no i will continue to mass produce this message from the word of god until the bitter end the bible says you know regarding the tribulation regarding these type of things in the end times it says when they persecute you in this city flee into another now it's not even close to being to that point and i you know i pray and hope to be able to live in phoenix arizona until the bitter end and that's the plan the only thing that i would ever even consider doing would be to just go somewhere else if it got to the point where you know i can't operate without being thrown in prison just for preaching the bible but you know i would say this if if if you're getting thrown in prison in arizona for preaching the bible that you know i feel like arizona would be the last state that would ever do that you know it seems like that would come first probably in places like massachusetts or new york you know somewhere in the northeast that's that's a little bit more communist and liberal not in arizona which is a lot freer of a state so you know i feel like the last place that that would ever happen is arizona but if it ever god forbid would happen in arizona you know then you know hey i might have to relocate to some other country and operate a website from there and and have a brick and mortar church building there that i preach at sunday morning sunday night wednesday night and you know what i speak several languages and i'm learning more languages all the time so you know i'm ready to go anywhere god sends me but don't get me wrong i'm planning to stay here in phoenix arizona till the bitter end i'm going to do the best i can to do that but the bottom line is we wouldn't even be having this conversation we wouldn't even be talking about all this persecution and all the attacks if it weren't for the fact that 90 some percent of independent baptists in this country are just total cowards it's that some has nothing to do with them disagreeing with the theology or disagreeing with the doctrine it's a doctrine of convenience they all believed like me 20 years ago okay this is a new doctrine that's a doctrine of convenience because they don't have the guts to stand up so because 99 of the independent baptists are scared and they're cowards then it leaves just a few of us by ourselves on the front lines fighting against us and they say well you're fighting the battle wrong well my question is how are they fighting the battle at all they just keep quiet about this stuff or maybe they just make really vague or really watered down statements about it from the pulpit they don't actually preach what the bible says verse by verse on this subject in romans one second peter two and the book of jude they don't turn to those scriptures and go verse by verse and apply it to the day that we live in their dead sure aren't turning back to leviticus they did sure aren't turning back to what the kings jehoshaphat and what kings like asa did when they did what was right in the sight of the lord in regard to the sodomites they're definitely not turning to those scriptures okay because they're cowards it's that simple so it leaves there's a few and and that's why we're going to lose our rights and people sit there and say oh well it's people like you that cause us to lose our freedom of speech and freedom of religion that's such a foolish statement because everybody knows that you lose your rights when you don't exercise them exercising your rights is how you keep your rights it's it's sort of like your muscles if you don't use them you lose them you exercise your muscles you keep your muscles you quit exercising your muscles atrophy and go away if you exercise your right to bear arms if you exercise your right to freedom of speech if you exercise your right to freedom of religion you retain those rights and so people like us that are preaching unpopular things from the word of god we're actually on the front lines for the freedom fight in america these other pastors who are not exercising that right they're the reason why we're going to lose our freedoms i mean that'd be like saying well you gun owners or you people who open carry guns you're the reason why we're going to lose our right to have guns because you keep exercising the right that's such stupidity and foolishness because you keep your rights by exercising them you don't lose your rights by exercising them anyone who knows anything about you know liberty or libertarian principles or our history as a nation knows that fact so again you know uh like i said you know we're still under attack we thought that this uh online giving solution was going to stay up but it has been shut down unfortunately i've got three other i'm not stopping i'm not quitting these people will never stop me i've got three other online giving solutions that i've got in the pipeline right now so hopefully we should have it up and running within a few days hopefully even later today god willing and i'm sure the sodomites are going to try to shut these down you know what eventually we're going to find some company that just realizes that our money is green and doesn't care if we preach the word of god or not and that's not going to shut us down we're just going to keep trying companies until we find one that sticks in the meantime if you want to support us if you want to support free speech if you want to support freedom to preach the the uncensored unadulterated word of god and to to preach hard not soft compromising messages if you want to support our ministry here then you could always just mail a check or money order to faithful word baptist church 2741 west southern avenue suite 14 tempe arizona 85282 and look i'm not here to ask you for money or to beg you for money because you know what honestly we're doing great financially even if our online donations get shut down and never start up again our church is totally funded by the tithes and offerings of the members who physically show up here every week and put their money in the plate that funds everything but because of the fact that we're getting censored heavily on youtube censored on facebook censored on apple itunes censored all over the internet and it's getting worse and worse every day we want to ensure that this preaching is available to the next generation and that it's available to anyone who wants to hear it a year from now two years from now etc so what we're doing is we're making physical copies of this stuff so we're we're making literally this week thousands and thousands of usb flash drives are in the pipeline this week we've made big ones in the past like 16 gig flash drives that contain hundreds and hundreds of hours of preaching right but the problem with doing it that way is that they're kind of expensive you know when you when you make these uh these ones that contain you know three years of preaching five years of preaching so now what i'm starting to do is make some flash drives that are cheaper that are just smaller like a two gig or a four gig flash drive and we're just we're loading them up with with specific strategic sermons or we're we're just loading them up with say one year of preaching or six months of preaching or two years of preaching so we have a ton of stuff like that in the pipeline we're mass producing dvds we're mass producing cds um we're giving it all away for free here at faith forward baptist church paul is also selling them on framing the world.com for people who can't get down here also from time to time we're having giveaways on youtube where we mass give away this stuff and where you know several hundred people email us with their addresses and we ship this stuff all over the world i mean we've shipped hundreds of packages to the philippines australia united kingdom united arab emirates brazil you know just all over south africa a lot uh all over the world we're shipping this stuff from time to time on free giveaways uh every few weeks or so and then we you know uh paul wittenberger's selling it on framing the world.com and and so you know he buys a share of them to to sell for him the church buys some and gives them away for free here people come to our church they visit our church from all over the country and we load them up with cds dvds usbs to take back home and and distribute why because look they're going to shut down free speech on the internet they're already partially implementing it and i'm telling you it's not going to get better it's going to get worse that's why we need physical copies of this stuff and that's one of the reasons why the online donations are nice or people mailing us a check is nice because it actually allows us to you know just produce mass produce the physical materials obviously that stuff costs money you know the usbs the the dvds the cds and and all that stuff so we're we're trying to mass produce the physical copies another thing that we're doing because of the fact that that the internet is starting to tighten up on us as far as our free speech is we've set all of our youtube videos now to creative commons okay so this makes it super easy for you to mirror the videos this makes it super easy for you to to basically put the video on your channel so you know we're not trying to protect our stuff we we just want everybody to copy it redistribute it remix it and you know i i do want to give a quick shout out to some people who've been doing an awesome job with this and i i feel bad doing a shout out just because i i didn't think about this in advance so um you know i i know i'm going to leave people out here and so if i if i don't mention your channel if i leave you out it's not intentional okay i appreciate what you're doing i am very grateful for what you're doing if you are one of the people that mirrors our videos where you basically take the sermons and videos we upload and put them on your channel and i especially like it when people you know remix them and and and uh you know edit them down and and and spruce them up with graphics and make them different you know and and so i will just mention a few that i've seen lately putting out a lot of great material and i don't want to leave anybody out but of course uh the the service chill zone is a great channel um there's a guy steven adams i think uh something steven adams 16 11 or i don't know the channel name but steven adams uh eric service um there was another channel um soul baptist god resource and again i know i'm leaving people out but i just want to thank you guys for doing an awesome job with just uh putting out videos from faithful word baptist church but look anybody can do this it's so easy if you have a youtube channel all you have to do is just go to any of the videos on on our channel you know youtube.com slash s anderson 16 11 and because they're all creative comments if you go to the description on that video there's a button that says it'll say creative comments and then there's a button that says remix this video all you have to do is just click on that and it brings you into a screen where you can remix the video but you don't even have to remix all you have to do is you can just publish it as is if you just want to mirror that video you just publish it and you'll have the same video on your channel now and then all you have to do is just go in and you know give it a different title give it a different description fill in the tags whatever you want to do or you can remix the video where you can actually you know make changes to it maybe you could take an hour-long sermon and click on remix this video and just maybe trim it down to just three or four minutes if there was a certain part of the sermon that you feel like would make its own good video then you could you could upload that little snippet why because of the fact that it's only a matter of time before the the youtube channel is shut down youtube.com slash s anderson 16 11 it's only a matter of time before it's shut down so let's get this content on as many different channels as we can and especially if it's remixed and changed and repackaged it's going to be pretty hard for them to delete all of it right and then if they do end up deleting all of it god forbid you know what they're going to have a tough time going around and gathering up all the tens of thousands of cds dvds and usb flash drives that we're basically just distributing all over and look if you get your hands on these usb flash drives that we're making copy them you know go down to the store buy a bunch of flash drives and start copying them and start making your own flash drives make your own cd burn your own cds burn your own dvds you know so that the word of god can go forth in this generation the next generation look people are trying to silence this kind of preaching they they don't want hard preaching to continue and honestly they're you know you say well you know are you the only one preaching this stuff no no there are there are a lot of others that are preaching it but here's the thing there are very few people that are preaching it and and and mass distributing it on the internet and things like that and so there are a lot of people that don't have access to this type of preaching at a local brick and mortar you know church that they could show up at and and hear this kind of preaching so therefore you know by by having cds dvds usb flash drives we can get this stuff out to more people and also it'll be there for posterity you know because who knows what they'll face in the next generation who knows how sinful it'll be well i'll tell you this much the bible said that as it was in the days of lot so shall it also be in the days of the coming of the son of man so you know before the second coming of christ it's going to be like it wasn't the days of lot it's going to be like sodom and gomorrah and we we see that happening we we see the united states becoming more and more like sodom and gomorrah every day so anyway you know this video was a little bit long-winded but i just wanted to make it real clear what's going on here that they're trying to shut us down they're trying to discourage us listen my friend it's backfiring i'm working twice as hard i'm making twice as many flash drives i'm making twice as many dvds i'm i'm working from sun up to sundown i'm excited i'm energized i'm fired up i've not yet begun to fight they will never stop me and i hope that you watching this video feel the same way and are ready to take it to these people and are ready to preach from the housetops we are living in the last days we don't know how close the end is it could be very soon or it could be you know 10 20 30 40 years from now but you know what i don't care when it is i want to intensify my service for the lord i want to ramp up soul winning i want to ramp up everything we're doing get off the sidelines get in the fight get involved stand up with us and stand with your local soul winning pastor and let's do great exploits for god in these last days god bless you and have a great day