(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Praying in Tongues Holy fire! Holy fire! Holy fire! Holy fire! Holy fire! Here it is. Oh, that's real. This is real. This is real. This is real. Kuda vashandara vashandara vandu. That's it. That's it. That's it. That is a whole new level of breakthrough in your life tonight. A whole new level of breakthrough in your life tonight. if you don't open your mouth the holy spirit can't talk all right now i want everyone to raise your hands and we're going to pray in tongues hallelujah let's do it oh we love you jesus so don't stop this is the greatest day of your life oh southern baptists changed their policy on speaking in tongues and they will now admit missionary candidates who speak in tongues according to this article speaking in tongues is an ancient christian practice recorded in the new testament in which people pray in a language they do not know understand or control let's take a look and see what the bible actually says about speaking in tongues actually the term speaking in tongues is never found in the king james version of the bible you have to get one of these new perversions of the bible like the niv to find that phrase in the king james the terms we have are speak with new tongues speak with other tongues speak in our tongue speak with tongues the term speaking in tongues is never found let's take a look at acts chapter 2 to see what the bible says about speaking with tongues acts chapter 2 verse 1 through 11 and when the day of pentecost was fully come they were all with one accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as a fire and it set upon each of them and they were all filled with the holy ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance and there were dwelling at jerusalem jews devout men out of every nation under heaven now when this was noised abroad the multitude came together and were confounded because that every man heard them speak in his own language and they were all amazed and marveled saying one to another behold are not all these which speak galileans and how here we every man in our own tongue wherein we were born parthians and meads and elemites and the dwellers in mesopotamia and in judaea and kapodosia and pontus and asia fregia and pamphilia and egypt and in the parts of libya and sireni and strangers of rome jews and proselytes cretes and arabians we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of god notice that the bible defines the word tongue for us here in verse four it says they began to speak with other tongues and in verse six it says that every man heard them speak in his own language so tongues are languages also notice that these languages are understood languages it is not this pentecostal gibberish that no one understands all throughout the bible the word tongue is either the physical tongue that is in your mouth or it is talking about a language the purpose of this miracle in acts chapter 2 was to get the gospel of jesus christ into every nation and tongue see if we look at acts 2 verse 5 there were dwelling at jerusalem jews devout men out of every nation under heaven so there are people in jerusalem at that time out of every nation under heaven the bible tells us if any man speak in an unknown tongue let it be by two or at the most by three and that by course and let one interpret but if there be no interpreter let him keep silence in the church and let him speak to himself and to god so no more than two at the most by three and by course you know in order take turns and let one interpret so what is an unknown tongue an unknown tongue is simply a language that you do not speak or understand chinese is an unknown tongue to me i do not speak or understand chinese so someone shouldn't come into the church that i go to and start preaching in chinese unless they have an interpreter the bible is very clear here that if there isn't an interpreter people should not speak in unknown tongues and also notice that it is by course in order one at a time and only two are at the most by three is this what we see in the so-called tongue speaking churches absolutely not we see a bunch of people speaking gibberish and no one knows what they are saying the person doing the speaking doesn't even know what they are saying for god is not the author of confusion but of peace as in all churches of the saints so if god is not the author of confusion what is causing these people to sometimes uncontrollably speak things that they nor anybody else understands i believe that this modern gibberish speaking movement is either one of two things either they are faking it or they are actually demon possessed take a look at some of these people they have no idea what they are saying and many times they cannot even control their body movements can you fake it you can learn it if you can learn it you can fake it some of the young people we met actually did admit to faking it at least in the beginning all these teenagers around me had this ability that i never really understood or wanted to be a part of and so because i felt kind of left out in the same that i didn't have it i started faking it and it was just like make up words and just say whatever came into my head just to because everybody was doing it but in a team prayer meeting like this one brian hepalite says he finally got the gift the actual gift of speaking in tongues is something that's real sacred that's between you and god that you can't fake or imitate those who claim to have the ability to speak in tongues believe that they've been baptized in the holy spirit but to a newcomer it's incomprehensible i probably sat about midway through a service and then thought those two people up on the stage and that was pastor randy and paula white are crazy looked like chaos to me people falling on the floor people praying and things that i didn't understand and i in the band singing and everybody and i turned around and i walked out jacqueline knight says she's not quite sure how it happened especially in light of her sober religious background but five years ago she became a believer and now is a spokeswoman for the church when you're praying you don't really it's not really me talking it's the spirit inside of me communing to god but like most who speak in tongues she has no idea what she's saying it's almost like a baby learning to talk when you're a baby and you learn to talk you have certain sounds so when you first start speaking in the spirit there's certain sounds that you make and you don't know what they mean i don't know what it is i'm saying but if you were to ask me right now to say something in my prayer language yes i could pray in it do i know what words are going to come out right now i can say did that mean anything my spirit meant something to my spirit man so remember god is not the author of confusion also for god have not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind these people are not of a sound mind be sure to like the video leave a comment below and if you have not already be sure to subscribe to our channel thank you for 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