(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Everybody, Pastor Steven Anderson here from Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona. So today, Patrick Boyle has just gone full trash can and is now claiming that I used to teach what they're teaching at this crazy conference that they put on. Folks, that is so stupid. In fact, just a few minutes ago, I just uploaded a video to my channel showing me in 2013 scoffing at the doctrine that they're teaching and saying, Well, of course we don't believe that, you know, but yet they would try to actually claim that just because I preached on every word that I had their twisted definition of that, which I have never had. And the evidence is right there. You can look through all the hundreds of hours of my preaching and you'll hear me actually preaching against their ruckmanite view on the scripture. That's what it is. They can, they can find some minute difference between what they teach and ruckmanism, just like Tyler Baker tried to find some minute difference between what he taught and oneness, and then tried to claim like, Oh, I'm teaching what Pastor Anderson used to believe. Folks, it's the same old story with these people. And here's what's so dumb about it. I debunk these people beyond any shadow of a doubt with facts. They can't respond to the facts. They cannot respond to the fact that I have proven them wrong. So instead, what do they do? They try to claim, Well, look, you said that back then, which I didn't even say that. But let's just say for a minute that I had taught something wrong in the past. Okay, let's say that I had taught something wrong in the past. How is that evidence that you're right now? That's what I want to know. I want to know how pulling out a wrong statement from someone 10, 20, 30 years ago proves you right today. It doesn't. Now, in this case, of course, I've never believed in this ridiculous ruckmanite junk that they're teaching. But but here's the thing. I've been wrong on other things in the past. I've taught other things wrongly in the past because everybody's human. We all get things wrong. But but here's the difference. Some people grow and some don't. Some learn and some don't. I've never changed on this issue is not a it doesn't make you right. Okay. If the evidence is against you, you change. Okay, you know, look, I've told this story often. I remember when I was 16 years old, friend of mine walked up to me with Bible in hand and said, Hey, do you believe that God loves every single person? And I said, Yeah, absolutely. And she showed me the Bible and it said, Jacob, have I loved? He's not have I hated? And, you know, I looked at that. And I looked at that and I just I looked up at her and handed her back the Bible. And I said, Well, I guess I was wrong. You know, I guess God doesn't love everybody, because it says right here, you know, he loved Jacob and he hated Esau. And, you know, since then, I found 22 other verses where God talked about hating people. So, you know, when you're wrong, you're wrong saying, Well, here's what so and so used to believe. Here's what I used to believe. That's me. That's not evidence. Okay. But aside from that, they're lying about this anyway, because I just uploaded the clip of me actually laughing and scorning how ridiculous this doctrine is. And that was me saying that back in 2013. Okay. So, you know, this is an all new low, where you start claiming that Pastor Anderson used to teach your heresy. And again, this is the same pattern with these trash can people, you know, that they teach garbage, you call them out on it, you prove it wrong, and then they just claim, Oh, I'm just teaching what you used to teach. I mean, I've had so I can't even count all the messages I've gotten over the years, you've changed on on your preaching on homos, you've changed on what you taught on tithing, you know, you change on these things. And there are things where I can go back and find specific sermons from 2007 2008 2009 where I'm teaching the exact same thing. But But even if I had changed on something, guess what that's called growth. If I used to be wrong about something in the past, and I'm right about it now. That's growth. That's good. Okay, what matters is, what are the facts now? What do we see now in front of us, that's proving beyond any shadow of a doubt that these guys are wrong, they want to distract from the actual issue, and just make this all about me as a person, and just try to attack me personally, instead of actually defending the indefensible, which is what they taught at that conference. That which is just patently false. And look, to err is human, it's okay to make a mistake to get things wrong. That's okay. But what's not okay is when you're shown beyond any shadow of a doubt that you're wrong, and you dig in any way that's wickedness, because stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.