(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So, speaking of pastoring and preaching, but more specifically, pastoring, you know, I want to talk to you about pastoring in California. Because, you know, California catches a bad rap. I don't know why. Yeah. I noticed. It's like the best place in the world. They say it's the land of fruits and nuts. That's why. Yeah, they didn't say that. I don't know if they still say that, but they used to say that back in the day, for sure. We're taking it back. Yeah, we are taking it back. And the thing is, like, in my opinion, I love California. I don't ever plan on leaving California. And I'm planning to just do ministry here to the second coming of Christ. But it does, you know, California does catch a bad rap from other people. You know, they think it's just like the worst place ever to ever be in and, you know, oh, it's such a liberal state and all these things. But I don't see it that way, you know, and I grew up here. You know, I learned how to serve the Lord here. And I think California, first and foremost, it's where God has us. But California is very receptive towards the gospel. You know, there's a lot of receptive people. And in my opinion, you've traveled many places in the United States. California is actually pretty normal in comparison to what people think it really is. I mean, what do you think about that? Absolutely. I mean, I think people don't realize that when they think of California, they think of San Francisco and they think of Hollywood. Hollywood, right. And that's just not the case. Yeah. I think California has a liberal government, all that stuff. You know, everywhere I go, people are constantly telling me, you know, California is terrible. I would move to Verity if it wasn't in California. I've heard that so many times and I just bite my tongue and smile and say, well, God bless you. Hope your life's not bad. But, you know, and everybody's always bashing California. Shout out to Pastor Shelley. We love you, Pastor Shelley. But you know, it's this thing where it has this reputation, you know, and I get it. But to me, this is this is the front lines. Yeah. This is where the battle's at. Right. You know, and, you know, sometimes people and of course, not just California. We know that Washington and Arizona and the battles in different places. But I mean, we get we get persecution to hear that you just aren't going to get somewhere else. Yeah. You gotta bomb churches and stuff over here. Bomb churches. You know, we had a protest back in 2016 where the news was reporting there was fifteen hundred sodomites outside of our our church building, you know. And what's interesting to me is sometimes, you know, because the Red Hot Preaching Conference is like that. Guys walk up to me and they're like, you know, I want to do what you're doing. I want to do what Pastor Harrison is doing. I want to do what Pastor Murray is doing, you know, and I want to fight the sodomites and I want to, you know, and I'm like, great, praise the Lord. You know, we need more preachers. And like, yeah, but I want to start a church in Alabama. And it's like, well, here's the thing. Your church is probably not going to get bombed in Alabama and you're probably not going to fight this big battle, you know. Yeah, whatever, Mississippi. And I'm not saying those places don't need churches, but this is the where the battles are. It's like the hottest part of the battle. It's the hottest part of the battle. And here's here's my thoughts. If I'm going to go to war, you know, if I was if I was living during World War Two and they were going to draft me into war, you know, if I'm going to war, I want to be on the beaches of Normandy. Yeah. Yeah, man. I want to come home and say either I don't come home or I want to come home and say, hey, I fought in D-Day. Yeah. Here's the thing. I could be a logistics officer in England right during World War One, World War Two. Right. Yeah. While they're while they're bombing. That's a great way to put it. But I'd rather be in the front line. Yeah. And California is the front line. So, you know, if there's any guys out there that want to fight a man for the Lord, hey, we could use your help in California. Absolutely.