(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Ave Maria, gracias, plena, domino stecum. Is this like an incantation or a line from like The Exorcist or something? Hey everyone, it's Pastor Bruce Mejia. Welcome to another edition of Pastor Mejia Reads Mean Comments, the Catholic edition, part two. So you believe you're saved? I wouldn't dare say I'm saved. What I'll say is that, dude, do you believe in Christ? If yes, who's doing the believing? You, right? Well, your free choice to believe in Christ is a workspace means of salvation. So much passive-aggressive hate from this guy. It's cute he thinks he knows God's mind. Well, you know, the Bible does say that we have the mind of Christ, and so I wouldn't say it's cute, just biblical. Catholicism is not works-based. Catholics believe their salvation is based on both faith and works, okay? Faith without works is like a bird without wings. Jesus made this really clear in Matthew 25, 31, 46. Oh man, what a great illustration that faith without works is like a bird without wings. So let me ask you, if you pluck the wings from a bird, does it cease being a bird? You people think that all is written in the Bible. Us Catholics put the book together. Well, let's just say hypothetically that we're true, which it's not, you don't even read it. Wow, this is wild. I'm Catholic and believe I'm saved. Typical Protestants think Catholics go straight to hell. So sad. Well, actually the Bible teaches that Catholics who obviously reject the true gospel go to hell. So this one's actually kind of hard to read. Proof me wrong, when a person is possessed by a demon, they don't go to a Christian church. They go to a Catholic church. So that alone tells you who is the original and higher power, am I wrong? No, you're absolutely right. You know, possessed people tend to go to cultish congregations and stuff like the Catholic church. So good point. The seven sacraments are channels of grace. Well, change the channel. Very funny, you should get into standup. You know, I was thinking about it and I can basically use the Catholic church as my material because it's so funny. Protestants are the Mickey Mouse version of Christians. Well, first of all, I'm not even Protestant. I'm a Baptist. But secondly, if Protestants are the Mickey Mouse version of Christians, does that make Catholicism the wish version? The Holy Spirit lives in Mary. Behold your mother. Are they saying to behold my mom? Like I need a... Hello? Hi mom. Can you do FaceTime right now, mom? Hey, thanks for watching. Hope you enjoyed the video. If you want to see more content like this, make sure you subscribe to the channel if you haven't already. Hit the like button and hit the notification and the bell. Put a comment in the section below. And if you hate this video, since we can't dislike videos no more on YouTube, make sure you put a comment in the section below letting me know how much you hate me and the video and the content that I'm putting out, all right? God bless and have a great one.