(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) There's no salvation outside of the one holy catholic apostolic church. Well, you know, I hate to break it to you, but there's no salvation in it either. Hey everyone, this is Pastor Bruce Mejia here from First Works Baptist Church. Welcome to another installment of Pastor Mejia Reads Mean Comments, the Catholic edition. A couple months ago I put out a video entitled, Why Catholics are Not Christian, and as of recently I also put out some other content, Refuting Catholic Theology, and it's created quite a stir within the Catholic community, and so they've left me some pretty mean comments that I want to read to you in this video. Now let me just make this disclaimer that I don't hate Catholics, I hate the Catholic religion, but I don't hate the individuals who are deceived by it. In fact, I win Catholics to Christ practically every single week. And so Catholics out there, this one's for you. God love heretics. Well, I mean, don't you sit in a Catholic church like every Sunday listening to them? LOL, God love YouTube giving anyone a voice regardless of the credibility. Yeah, I mean, I mean, they're letting you comment on here too, right? So there you go. It's a sin if you don't watch this video at 0.75 speed. Isn't that slower than normal? Do you want me to talk like this when I'm in the video? We don't think that you're saved by works. We do works and the sacraments to go to heaven. Since when did the Bible become the foundation of Christianity? Protestant era 101 right there, folks. Oh, yeah. I mean, why wouldn't we want to choose the word of God to be the foundation for our beliefs and our faith and our religion and everything that we hold to? I mean, shame on me for making the word of God the foundation of my beliefs. Paul asked to be called father. I don't know what Paul you're talking about, but the Paul of the Bible did not ask to be called father. Isn't this the preacher that hates everyone? Your fundamentalist hatred is blasphemy. LOL, I needed a good laugh. So much wrong here. This must be comedy. Do you even have a theology degree? If so, ask for your money back. Former Catholic, you obviously were not a true Catholic because if you were, you would still be one. We Catholics become Protestant and strong Protestants become Catholic and Catholics go to hell. Even the setting of this video looks evil. That's a Bible verse. Catholics don't need seven sacraments. Six is the normal. Those aren't idols, LOL. Is this guy kidding me? This is all anti-catholic propaganda. Those are the gospel put into statues and pictures. Shut my mouth. Open Saint Paul at random for a refutation of faith alone. Okay, what about Romans chapter 4 verse number 5, but to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. Statement debunked. Great video. You are correct. My hillbilly friend. Thank you. Hey, thanks for watching. Hope you enjoyed the video. If you want to see more content like this, make sure you subscribe to the channel. If you haven't already hit the like button and hit the notification and the bell, put a comment in the section below. And if you hate this video, since we can't dislike videos no more on YouTube, make sure you put a comment in the section below letting me know how much you hate me and the video and the content that I'm putting out. All right. God bless and have a great one.