(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) That was deaf. Oh and mute. There was this lady in the crowd as I was speaking on the importance of forgiveness. She kept going Like this put my finger in her ear. She suddenly went up So I put my second finger in the other ear she Like this and the Lord said spit on her tongue. Oh no in that moment. I was like Lord. How do I do that? I mean if I spit try to spit in her, you know tongue, I might hit her in the eye and she's not blind Spat on my fingers which were now loaded and I went and she went As if she didn't really want to and I put my slimy fingers on her doubly slimy tongue What kind of filthy disgusting piece of trash is this guy? You know the Bible's true when it says that these false prophets are inventors of evil things The Bible tells us they have a form of godliness, but they deny the power there of don't be fooled by this nonsense through covetousness Shall they will feign words make merchandise of you that this guy's full of all mischief and subtlety It will not cease to pervert the ways of the Lord let him be anathema