(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) This event was originally going to be on the 6th of January, it would have been much colder than this. Yeah, so God bless us with the perfect day, and when I was looking at the weather reports it showed it was supposed to rain all day, and there's been no rain, so it's been dry and warm. Every time you go to these storming marathons the weather just happens to like, even in Jacksonville it was raining, but when we drove to where we had to go it cleared up, just in that spot. Well didn't brother Baker just kind of hold up his hands and they just stop? I actually try my hardest to avoid the Mormon areas in Arizona, because to me I find them the most irritating door, because they just lie to you. Right, they say they believe it but they don't. But they lie though, and to me I always feel insulted when somebody's just lying to you, like they'll just lie to you like, hey we only believe in one God and I don't know where you heard that, and you're just like, why are you lying to me? And then I'll pull out, because sometimes I carry with me this Brigham Young quote, if I'm in those points, I'm just like, well let me just show you this from Brigham Young real quick, like, do you believe this? And then they'll turn around, and then just like that, once you show them the quote, they'll be like, well yeah, I mean there are other gods and stuff, and it's like, you just finished telling me, and it's just lie, I feel so insulted when people just lie, why don't they just say it? Yes, we believe there's other planets, and other gods, you know. If I could hide to Kolob. Exactly, and I sing that to them. When they say like, no we don't believe in that, sometimes I'll just say like, well here let me sing you a song, let me see if you recognize. If you could hide to Kolob in a twinkling. And I say, do you know that song? They always say yes. Yeah. And I'm like, well that song talks about going where other gods are, and you know, and then they'll admit it. It's like, why did you lie to me? Yeah. I don't know. Just trying to fit in. One time when I, when I was first started soloing, I was like, I'd only been at it for a couple years, I was like 18 or something, and I knocked on this Mormon guy's door, I gave him the whole gospel, it was going really well, but I got to the end, because before I go out, before I criticize anything about their religion, first I get through the Roman Grove. Yeah. Because I want to get that out there. But then I started talking about how it's a false religion, and I didn't say anything crazy or anything. I didn't like, start telling them, hey it's founded by a pedophile, even though that's true. But you know, I was just, I'm just explaining to them like how it's a false religion, and how, and I showed him the part where the devil said, you will be as gods. And the guy just got so mad, he just, his countenance changed, he started screaming, get out of my house! And he just like, shoved me out the door, and like, shoved us out the door screaming at us, slammed the door, and then my soloing partner's like, I think God's calling you to have a mystery of the Mormons. No, I don't think so. Yeah, you seem to really have a gift for, you know, because I think, I think this guy had seen that happen to me a few times, where Mormons didn't like what I had to say. But it's funny because somebody said to me like, hey you should make a soul winning demo for the Mormons, because I made like a Jehovah's Witness demo, a Pentecostal demo, and, but I said, why would I make a demonstration when I've never succeeded? I don't even know how to do it. I don't even know how to do it. I said, find somebody who knows how to do it, let them make a demonstration, then I'll watch the demonstration. But it reminded me of like a Ray Comfort, like, here's a demonstration on how to fail. Right? Yeah. It is kind of an epic fails. Yeah. So I told him, I said, well, once I figure out a method that works, then I'll start, you know, but I've won, I've won Muslims award, Jehovah's Witnesses, had them baptized. I mean, pretty much every nomination except the Jews and the Mormons. Have you ever got contacted? Saved? Yeah. Actually on a... Like, they're actually devout Jews? Devout Jews. Wow. That's great. My, my, my brother's wife, my sister-in-law, she is a devout Jew from birth on, and she got saved. She kept listening to me. And then her father kind of jumped on board, listened to me give him the gospel on Thanksgiving. When I came back on Christmas, he said, he told his daughter, who's a devout Jew, I'm a born again Christian. And so when I came back, you know, he didn't accept that moment, but the plant of the seed and he told, he told her, I believe. And then when I came back to him, I asked him the questions, do you know for sure you're going to heaven? Yes. I said, do you know that Jesus Christ, what he did was enough? Was it enough? Or could you commit a murder and lose it? He said, no, you can't lose it. It's amazing. And I was like, that's awesome. Cause that's it. That's another tough nut. Yeah. The Jews, but the difference between the Jews and the Mormons, like if you knock on the Jewish door, usually they're just like, no, they don't even listen for a second. Whereas the Mormons will smile and listen, but they just, they just don't get saved. Rarely. When I first started soul winning, I ended up accidentally in a Jewish neighborhood. It was an experience. One guy came out and said, I said, you go to church and he goes, no, I go to the synagogue of Satan. I was like, I just started soul winning, right? I'm a new, I'm a new believer. I'm like, what? He's like, I go to the synagogue of Satan. I'm like, I don't get it. You're a Satanist? No, I'm a Jew. Yeah. Yeah. At least that was the most truthful, uh, Jewish door where you can tell there's a whole part of Tempe. That's a lot of Jewish. But you can tell because they have this little thing on their front door with the scroll in it. Yeah. The little block. Yeah. But it's funny cause God, cause God tells you the Bible to put the word of God on your walls and on the doorpost, but obviously he meant like so that you could read it. Yeah. They missed the point. Cause they write it in like tiny font, roll it up and just stick it in a container. So it's like to them, it's like a luck charm when God intended it like that you would walk by. It's sort of like when people have a frame as for me in my house will serve the law for gospel of the world. You know, that's what he meant to do. Right. So you learn as you go. But it's like everything goes over their head cause it's like the Bible said that the veil when the reading of the Old Testament, the veils over their eyes. But then baptism will say, go to the Jews to get a deeper Old Testament understanding. They can't even figure out writing the word on the doorpost. They can't even figure out what that means. You see that's why they wear the blocks on their head? Yeah. Or they do the same thing where they have the Torah like in a little box. Yeah. Put it between your eyes. It all just goes over your head. That's a good point though. They can't even get that right. They can't even figure out the most basic things, but then they're going to give us like a deeper understanding. Well, the Jewish scholars tell us they're going to put that little scripture into a chip and put it in the same place maybe. Oh really? Who knows? It wouldn't surprise me. But you know, it's funny. I did. Some Jews, somebody just came at me this week that, you know, some Jewish scholar said that, you know, when Ish, that Ishmael molested Isaac. Like what in the world? Cause you know, they hate the Muslims like they want to like up the ante on that. I was like, what in the world? It said he mocked him or persecuted him, but actually I believe Ishmael was saved. I believe Ishmael is going to be in heaven because it makes it real clear right after that when he's thrown out of his house, it says that when he's crying, the Lord heard the lad. And then he even tells Hagar like I've heard the voice of the lad. So it seems like maybe Hagar wasn't saved because he makes a point to keep saying like he heard Ishmael's cries and prayers. And then not only that, but then when, when Ishmael finally is thrown out, it says the Lord was with him. So what is the evidence that he wasn't saved? You know what I mean? Like the Lord's with him, you know, obviously he did wrong things and obviously he's a picture of, he's a picture of the unsaved. Like Saul's a picture of the Jews. Exactly. So, but it doesn't make him personally unsaved, even though he pictures that. I believe that he'll be in heaven. People are going to be shocked to see. So do I. Absolutely. Yeah. Even though they're symbolic there. Ham pictured being saved because he got on the ark. Right. But personally he wasn't saved. He was an unbeliever. He just got on because he's in that family. He got on the ark. The like figure. The like figure. Exactly. Is everyone here? We're going to get to heaven. It's going to be Ishmael and Esau. What are you guys doing here? Yeah, exactly. Hey, where's Bishop Tutu? Where's MLK? Wow.