(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey, so the thing about the old IFB, so the phrase or the term old IFB, it doesn't necessarily mean bad. It doesn't mean it's a bad church. It doesn't mean there aren't good old IFB churches. It doesn't even mean that you can't find a very, very good old IFB church. It's simply an identifying marker, the phrase old IFB versus new IFB. See, I'm not somebody who shuns labels and identifiers. You'll never hear me say something such as, you know, oh, independent fundamental Baptist, all that divisive, all those divisive labels. You know, why don't you just be non-denominational and a Christ follower? Don't even call yourself a Christian. Don't label yourself. Well, I believe in labels because I believe in making things easily identifiable and identifying yourself and telling people what you believe and so you can attract the right people with the right beliefs, not to kind of just, you know, mask what you really believe with a lack of labels just so you can, you can bring in whatever, whatever you might happen to bring in. Basically, the phrase old IFB, it's just an identifying marker. It's just, you know, so the new IFB and the old IFB, they're both IFB. That means, you know, we're all baptistic. We believe on paper by, you know, salvation by grace through faith alone, water baptism. We believe in the autonomy of the local church. We believe in these things. Generally, the difference between an old IFB church and a new IFB church, for example, is that new IFB churches generally, there's just a few differences. You know, I go to, I've been to good churches in my life. The church I go to now is a good church and it's a smaller church, but the last church I went to, which I would, I would call, or many of us would call an old IFB church. It's still a very, very good church. The only difference is it's not new IFB in the sense that they don't like follow and, and garner their influence from pastor Anderson necessarily, or even at all. And they don't run like a, like an old IFB church would run in the way of, you know, the old IFB has children's ministries. The new IFB generally lacks children's ministries, such as junior church and nurseries. You know, the old IFB by and large believes in a pre-tribulation rapture. Well, the new IFB believes in a post-trib rapture, post-trib pre-wrath. These are just some, these are just some differences. What's the difference between the old IFB and the new IFB? Well, obviously the new IFB came along, you know, our, our stripe of Christianity was kind of brought to the light in our generation, in our country and to our fellows, you know, in the early two thousands, more or less, but it's still, it's still IFB. You know, some other differences is old IFB, they believe that Israel are God's chosen people and they believe in Zionism. Obviously the new IFB is opposed to Zionism, but that doesn't mean that you can't go to an old IFB church. Chances are, if you're like me, you're not going to, there, there aren't all these new IFB churches. There are many more old IFB churches. And when it comes to like identifying markers, all the word new IFB means, it's very similar to somebody who on their church website or on military gets saved.com, the church reference, the IFB church reference, you know, the old IFB guys, they might, they won't identify as old IFB, but they might identify as like Hiles. So you basically know where they're coming from. They'll basically note on the page like, Hey, we're a Hiles church, meaning the pastor went to Hiles Anderson College. He learned from Jack Hiles. That's basically his stripe of independent fundamental Baptist Christianity. There are people who are old IFB pastors who don't follow Jack Hiles and who are a lot different than Jack Hiles, but they still have a good church and a soul winning church. And if your excuse for not getting into church is that, Oh, there's no new IFB churches around. That's not a legitimate excuse because old IFB churches, I mean, they were here first. We basically entered into their labors. We've been influenced by them a lot, whether we like it or not. I happen to like it. I am able to take a lot of good stuff from the old IFB. And then when I look at the new IFB things that I thought was unique to them, I later on find out, Hey, they learned that from these old IFB guys. So old IFB doesn't mean bad. You have to judge churches based on the individual church. You have to basically judge each church individually because there are old IFB churches that are better than some people who are new IFB and they, they come in and they, they say they're a new IFB church. Later it comes to find out they're a complete heretic or there's just no power there. So just because you call yourself new IFB, it doesn't mean you are more godly or have the power of God on you more. It's just an identifying label, you know? So when I tell somebody I'm new IFB or basically they catch wind of the fact that I'm new IFB, they're going to understand a few things right away that I'm not going to have to sit down and explain to them. If they know what the new IFB is, they'll know that, okay, he, uh, lines up with pastor Steven Anderson, pastor Roger Jimenez, pastor Aaron Thompson, and you know, Joe Jones and Dave versions and all these guys. And that I'm, I don't like that. I'm not just like some Hyles Anderson graduate basically who does everything that way and everything the old IFB does isn't wrong and everything the new IFB does isn't right. The real movement is New Testament Christianity. That's what the real movement is. So it's not a new IFB movement. It's not an old IFB movement. It's not even really the IFB movement. It's New Testament Christianity. But what a Christian's job is in his generation is to basically seek out the spirit of the Lord and seek out the work of the Lord. And so basically you see this, you know, within the last 10 years or so, a lot of people like me, we got saved and then all of a sudden like pastor Anderson is amassing all these followers. Pastor Jimenez are amassing all these followers. Their churches are filling up with people who are of a kindred spirit with them, who agree with them, their beliefs line up with their pastor. And then also there's all these listeners on online who they line up with that preaching too. They, that's how they read and see the Bible too. That's how they want to practice Christianity too. And so now you have this thing called the new IFB movement and it doesn't mean you want to tear down anything that's good from the old IFB and it doesn't mean you, we have ill will or that we don't want them to succeed. We want them to succeed. And if, if the good church in my area is an old IFB church, I'm going to that church. I mean there was one guy when I was going to people's Baptist church in Clifton, we uh, years ago we caught wind that this guy Tyler Doka was coming to start a church and he's new IFB. He was all gung ho new IFB or the guy wasn't even biblically qualified to be a pastor. But I told people, look, even if that he was coming to New York to Long Island to start a church and I told people, they're like, are you going to go to his church? I'm like, if he opened up right across the street from my house, I wouldn't leave my church. My old IFB church to go to his church. And it turned out I was right because this new IFB, you know, phenom boy ends up being a flat earth heretic, ends up being liberal, teaching false doctrine about salvation, teaching that Christians can lose their salvation and go to the lake of fire, you know, wearing like wearing t-shirts and cargo, you know, and uh, and cargo pants behind the pulpit and stuff. And just that kind of thing, becoming really liberal, basically it's because it's not some label that, that causes you, it's not being new IFB in name that makes you special or, or a godly it's, it's following new Testament Christianity. And if that means getting into a new IFB church near you, then that's what it means. But if it means that the best church near you is an old IFB church, that means you have to go to that church and be a blessing, that church, it's still the house of God. It's still God's people and God working. Just because a pastor is, look, just cause you know something different than a pastor doesn't mean you know more than him. So just remember that just because you know something different than a pastor doesn't mean you know more than him. So just cause you know pre-trib rapture is wrong, post-trib is right, that doesn't mean that you're somehow above the pastor and that you can't learn from him and that you shouldn't go to that church, you know, next Sunday and submit yourself to that pastor and just getting involved with that pastor and become a soul in that church and be a soul winner and make friends and be a blessing and, and balance out, balance out your new IFB-ness and go to an old IFB church. It's a good balance to teach you because it basically teaches you how to, how to be meek and to hold your tongue, to get on somebody else's program, to be a servant, to not just think that you're the person who has to right every wrong and submit yourself and then you'll realize oh okay it was good I did that because look how much God is blessing me at this church. People's Baptist Church is a great church, Liberty Baptist Church that I go to is a great church. They're not, you know, they didn't get sent out by Pastor Anderson or, or one of these, one of these new IFB guys but it's the same Holy Spirit, it's, we're of the same brotherhood. It's just that we're a little different but old IFB doesn't mean bad but repent of your sins false lordship salvation that is bad and if an old IFB guy's preaching that is bad. You know this overboard Zionism stuff, you know, just venerating the Jews so much that is bad. Thankfully I don't see that in churches that I've attended ever. I've never seen like this over-the-top worship of the Jews and veneration of the Jews that I've seen clips of online and other people tell me happens in their church. So just remember that old IFB doesn't mean bad. A lot, you know, where do you think we came from, the new IFB? Well it's new because there's an old one, that's why even why we're able to be the new one and like a newer stripe of it, a new generation of IFB that basically does things a little bit different but we're all Baptists and it's all New Testament Christianity. You know if a new IFB guy is preaching heresy he's a heretic. The power of God is not there. If an old IFB guy is preaching heresy he's a heretic. He should be avoided. But if that's all you have to go to church is to an old IFB church and you just think like I've heard people say I went to visit this church and then I heard the pastor say that Jesus could come back at any moment. He said that it's a pre-trib rapture, I can never go there again. Even though everything about it is great, King James Bible, good people, soul winning, just get your priorities straight. Find a King James Bible believing church that goes soul winning that preaches the Bible and they don't have to line up with all your all your favorite pet doctrines that excite you because there's other things you can learn at those churches that are very valuable. Alright guys have a great night, God bless.