(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) How's it going everyone? It's Ben Naim here with the YouTube channel Ben the Baptist And I know I haven't done a video in a while But I wanted to talk about the debate that Pastor Shelley just did with Sean Griffin About once saved always saved it was moderated by Brother Donnie over at standing for truth. I think he did a great job and you know this debate it just exposes the folly of These false prophets and how their position is untenable and antithetical to Scripture There were several moments during the debate which by the way I'm not gonna get into who I think won because that's obvious But there were several moments in this debate where Griffin simply did not answer the questions that were being asked of him Of course he said stuff But it's possible to say stuff and not actually address the question there were several yes-or-no questions That were relayed to him. He had no response to them. He said stuff false prophets. They'll often say stuff but many times the stuff they're saying is meaningless and Irrelevant and you'll see that in this debate if you watch it for yourself Pastor Shelley confronted him with many scriptures including Romans 11 6 which clearly makes a distinction between faith and works Between grace and works and that you know salvation can't be by both and he didn't have much of an answer at all Additionally in the cross-examination He asked Griffin. Hey, are you saved? And he said yeah, I'm saved from the lake of fire said well, could you end up going there? Anyway, he said yes, so it begs the question. What are you saved from? What exactly are you saved from if you can end up in hell? Anyway, the word saved implies there's a finality to it, which is why There's a D at the end and it's also why the Bible describes believers as those which are saved first Corinthians 1 18 It says believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved with a D at the end say from what hell But if you're saved from hell and you end up in hell anyway, what exactly were you saved from? That was the question posed to Griffin no answer he just rambled he appeals to Rabbi Antichrist and I'm stealing that from pastor. They start appealing to these other false prophets and Commentaries and pulling other verses out of context. It's frustrating and this was a frustrating livestream to listen to You know as a saved believer to hear somebody blaspheme Jesus Christ and even You say well how do you blaspheme Jesus Christ by attacking the gospel by smirking and laughing at The pastor as he's talking about eternal security but beyond that the guy just devolved into Just accusing pastor Shelley of blatant false garbage railing accusations He accused him of advocating for the worship of bail Complete fiction. He made it up on the spot because he knew he was losing badly And you know when these false prophets are cornered, that's the kind of stuff They resort to of course the usual. Oh you guys advocate sin Our church is a very hard preaching church All right, and we literally believe in Church discipline from 1st Corinthians 5 we've been Persecuted we've had protesters now. We don't advocate sin I think that's pretty clear to anybody with working eyes and ears, okay But that's what they'll do Oh you guys since you believe in eternal security you're advocating for sin the Apostle Paul dealt with that same false accusation as well It's nothing new and Shawn Griffin tried that in this debate, but I think it fell on his face It fell on his face completely. It didn't work He you know, he could try it all he wants, but I don't think that it's a useful tactic because you know on the other side we're appealing to so much scripture and Doctrine and then you know They're just coming at us with lies in response. So That's all I have to say about that again frustrating but at the same time I think a debate like this can be useful for someone who maybe isn't sure what to believe yet. Perhaps they're in the middle and when they see how the heretics Deal with the scriptures and how dishonest they are it might persuade them Especially when they hear the arguments made by Pastor Shelley it could persuade them to get right and get saved. So that's all I have for this video Thank you for watching and I'll put a link to the debate in the description box below if you want to check it out for yourself and See how it all went down. God bless