(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Stuckey here giving another video exposing the false religion of Mormonism and one of their major damnable doctrines they teach is that we as men can actually become God and that God actually used to be a man himself and so here's a quote from their fifth president Lorenzo Shaw and he said as man now is God once was as God now is man may become and so the first part of that is as man now is God once was and so what he's saying is that God used to be just like us he was a man he was a sinner just like you and me and he was able to overcome all that and become God and it also says in the second half as God now is so basically how he used to be a man and he became God as God now is man which would be us may become so we actually have the ability to become God now this is a ridiculous teaching it's a very damnable and heretical teaching but it's actually not just associated with the Mormons there are actually a lot of religions that teach something very similar and I'll just give you a couple big ones you have the religion of Hinduism and here's a quote from a website that talks about the ten reasons why Hindus worship idols and unlike the Catholics because the Catholics will pretend like they don't worship idols when they do with Hindus they admit that they worship idols and here's what it says an idol worship the true worshipper becomes God so what they teach is this that when you're worshipping idols Hinduism teaches that the true worshipper the one who really knows what he's doing the one who really does it perfectly he will realize that he actually is God and he becomes God as he's worshipping that idol in Buddhism the teaching of Nirvana actually also teaches that you can become omniscient and all-knowing and they taught that the Buddha became all-knowing he knew everything and that's really the stage where you reach that that point of Nirvana but being all-knowing is something that of course we know is only associated with God no man is all-knowing and so what you're seeing is this sort of damnable heresy that you can become God is not just associated with Mormonism but in the terms of the Christian realm it's pretty unique it's not something you're gonna see unless you're looking at a major cult well what does the Bible say about this well actually you don't have to get very far in the Bible before you actually see this and in Genesis chapter 3 verse 1 it says now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and he said unto the woman yea hath God said ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden and the woman said unto the serpent we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God hath said ye shall not eat of it neither shall you touch it lest ye die and the serpent said unto the woman you shall not surely die for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as gods knowing good and evil and what the devil says to Eve is if you eat this forbidden fruit then you're gonna be as gods knowing good and evil and of course she did eat that fruit and of course they were then condemned they did understand what sin was and they were condemned and they needed a Savior but they didn't become God they didn't become perfect instead of getting to live forever they're actually gonna die as a result of that so this sort of teaching is not something new with Mormonism it's actually the same thing the serpent was teaching in Genesis chapter 3 and so if you're trying to look at a religion like Mormonism you look at the doctrines you go back to the Bible and see do they fit with what the Bible says well the Bible is very clear that for all of sin they come short of the glory of God and it talks about in the book of Romans how you know we're waiting for the glorified body it talks about that in Romans 8 and we were groaning and travailing in pain together until now because we're sinners and we make mistakes we're not gonna become God one day we will get a glorified body but we're not going to be God and so this idea that God used to be a man and then he became God is ridiculous it's damnable heresy it's it's unbiblical and the idea that we as people can become a God is not gonna happen we're sinners that are only saved because we believe on Jesus Christ anyways thank you and God bless