(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So everybody turn to Matthew 6 21. Matthew 6 21 says, For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Let's pray. Dear Lord, please help me through the sermon and please edify your church. So the title of the sermon is, Maynard James Keen is going to hell. Maynard James Keen is going to hell. A lot of you probably don't know who Maynard James Keen is. So I'm going to give you a little background. It was in the 90s and early 2000s. He had three different really famous bands. One of them, which was Tool. Another one called Perfect Circle and another one called Pussiper. The reason I'm picking on just this guy right here is because he's coming out with another album. And I know a lot of people from our church had a big problem with listening to heavy metal music and stuff back in the day. And I'm just kind of wanting to remind everybody how evil of a man this person is. So they won't go back and start listening to this. So I got five points. Point one and two is he's an adulterer and a false god worshiper. So this is shown in his band name. The last band he has was called Pussiper. And that's a play on words. Obviously there's one part. It's from the name Lucifer. And the other part is from the downstairs of a female. So obviously he has adulterer in his mind and Lucifer. But it's not just in his band name. He also has a wine cellar business and a vineyard. And so his wine cellar business is called Caduceus Wine Cellars. And it's named after the symbol of commerce and staff of the Greek false god Hermes. So there's another, you know, he's using another false god for the name of another business that he has. And then his vineyard is called Merkin Vineyards, which also has to do with the female body part. So point one is his heart is an adulterer. Matthew 5, 27, and 28. Can you turn to that please? Matthew 5, 27, and 28 says, Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, thou shall not commit adultery. But I say unto you that whoever looketh on a woman to lust after her have committed adultery with her already in his heart. So this guy, obviously if you're going to name your band name after, you know, a female body part and also, you know, a company wine cellar after a female body part. You got adultery in your head and you're definitely not right with God. Point two is his heart is with false gods. So in Exodus 20, 2 and 3 says, I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage, thou shall have no other gods before me. And again, he used the names Hermes, which is a false god, a Greek false god, and Lucifer for his band names. I mean, why wouldn't he use like, you know, Jesus for his band names? I mean, because he doesn't, you know, he's the exact opposite. He doesn't like Christianity. He doesn't like Jesus. So point three is his heart is in drunkenness. Proverbs 20 and 1 says, wine is a mocker. A strong drink is raging and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise. His heart is, you know, an alcohol. He has a company, a winery and a vineyard, you know, so he can get lots of people drunk. I mean, whoever buys wine. But, you know, that's where his heart is, is to make money off of alcohol. And that brings me to point four. His heart is with money. Matthew 6 and 24 says, no man can serve two masters, for he will either hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. And his whole career is all about making money. That's all he ever wanted in the beginning. That's why a person gets famous, you know, tries to get famous. They don't get famous to, you know, go out and preach the gospel, you know. There's all these preachers on TV. They don't try to get famous to preach you the correct gospel. We're all in it for the money. He was in it for the money. That's why he bought wine, a wine cellar. And, you know, that's why he's singing in a rock band is because it's all about money. So that's all his career choice is, is money. And that brings me to point five. He is a God hater. So turn to Romans one. We'll start in 28. Verse 28 says, And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient. Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, deceit, debate, deceit, malignity, whispers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful, who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in doing them. So if you're not convinced by his own actions that, you know, he's a reprobate, what about his own words? So I'm going to I'm going to give you some of his lyrics right here. And you can just judge by what he says himself. So this lyric comes from a song called Judith, not a song called Jesus Christ. It's a song called Judith says, Oh, so many ways for me to show you how the Savior has abandoned you. So has God abandoned us? I don't think he has. Not according to Matthew 24 says immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light. The star shall fall from the heavens and the powers of the heaven and the power of the heavens shall be shaken. And then shall the shall appear the sign of the son of man in heaven. And then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn. And they shall see the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. So does that say that God has abandoned us or does it say he's coming in the clouds? So just here's another lyric from him. And I'll I'll cut the swearing. I'll just use like the first letter so you guys can get a gist of what he's saying. But this should pretty much just, you know, lay it down for you. It says, F, your God, your Lord and your Christ. This is his lyrics from his song that he wrote. Nobody else wrote it for him. He wrote these lyrics himself. If you're a Christian and you're listening to any of these bands that he's in that he wrote for, you're not right with God. You know, I understand that, you know, people hear stuff on the radio when they're passing by, you know, and that kind of triggers something in their mind. They kind of remember, you know, back when they used to listen to it and then they go and listen to it again. And then, you know, see that's happened with me. I've heard something and I'm like, oh, man, I'm going to go listen to that real quick. And then I listen to it and I realize just how much garbage it's filled with. It's just pumped with everything bad. You know, if you're if you're listening to some reprobates music, then you're definitely not right with God. He's not right with God. He's going to hell. God says he's worthy of death. So that's why the title is named Maynard James Keen is going to hell, but just to lay the icing on the cake, nail the coffin shut. Here's another lyric. All you know about me is what I've sold you. I sold out long before you ever heard of my name. I sold my soul to make a record. And then you bought one. So he just admitted to selling his soul for his lifestyle. He admitted to selling his soul for that record deal. And then, you know, he's making fun of anybody who buys that album saying you bought one. You know, this guy's reprobating. Nobody should be listening to him. They have their music. Throw it in the trash. Burn it. You know, that's all I got.