(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, so let's get started here in Matthew chapter 1. I'm going to crank through this kind of quickly vivlos, yaneseos, isufristu, yudaviv, yuabron First thing I want to point out here is that the Greek uses the definite article much differently than English So a lot of places where English would use the word the Greek does not and vice versa Greek will put a the Where we wouldn't so there's no the here in English This is the book of the generation of Jesus Christ But Greek just isn't like that. You can't read into that or or try to make something out of that It's just the difference between the two languages. So vivlos, yaneseos, vivlos means book This is where we actually get the word Bible vivlos interesting that it's the first word of the New Testament vivlos, yaneseos, yaneseos of the generation This is where we get our word in English Genesis Genesis But it's in this form yaneseos because it's not just the generations of the generation So the book of the generation isufristu of Jesus Christ Yuvaviv son of David, yuabron son of Abraham Avram yenisetonisak, isak de yeniseton yakov, yakov de yeniseton yudon Ketu sago fus abtu so abram yenise, so you can probably right away see the similarity between yaneseos and yenise, the reason why this is the book of the generation Of Jesus Christ is because we're going to go through all these generations So this word right here yenise, this is the aorist past tense of ghenau Which means I beget or I bring forth or I bear I engender So abraham begat the isaac, so this is what I was saying about how greek just uses the word the In a totally different way than we do in english. So, you know, literally this would be abraham begat the isaac But obviously it just means abram yenisetonisak abraham begat isaac, isak de, de means but or and But it always comes second. So we would translate this into english then and isaac yenise ton yakob begat Jacob, right and isaac begat Jacob isaac de yenise ton yakob yakob de yenise ton yudon Jacob and Jacob begat Judas or judah ton yudon ketus adofus abtu And his brethren probably recognize the word adofus think about philadelphia The city of brotherly love abufus means his brothers and his brothers yudas de yeniseton fares and judah begat feres ketunzahra and zarah ektis thamar So he begat zarah of tamar ek is like out of or from Tamar so ketunzahra ektis Faris that again is a tone as rome as rome that again is a ton of aram aram that again is a ton I mean a dub. I mean a dub that again is a tone Na son na son that again is a tone solmon. So again, each of these sentences is just repeating exact same grammar and now son begat Salmon, right now son de yeniseton salmon salmonde yeniseton boaz Ektis rahab so he begat boaz of Rahab right ektis rahab of rahab boaz again, he said tone oviv Ektis ruth so when we have this ektis rahab ektis ruth, it's giving us the mother's name So he begat obed of ruth So he begat david the king So One easy way to remember this greek word is that basil the reason that the herb basil that you put on pizza Another italian food. The reason that it's called basil is because it's considered the king of herbs and i'm not just making that up That's actually where that word comes from. And so basil is the king of herbs. So vassileia means king Ton vassileia david the king davide o vassileps and vassileps is the same word as vassileia It's just this is accusative case. This is nominative case. But again, you can see basil right there vassileia davide de o vassileps a yenise ton solomonda Ektis tu Uryu it's kind of cut off there. So let me scroll that so it's saying that he begat solomon And remember we saw earlier Ektis ruth, you know of ruth. Well here it says ektis tu uryu so tu uryu means of uraya in the sense of Belonging to uraya urayas. So what it's saying is that he begat solomon Of her ektis means of her of uraya So literally what this says is that david begat solomon of her of uraya Now when this is translated into english in the king james bible, it says of her that had been the wife of uraya and a lot of times in your bible those words will be in italics because The had been the wife of is being added here for clarity because if you just translated this literally word for word into english That david begat solomon of her of uraya That's not really very easy to understand. It's kind of confusing It's a lot easier when you understand that what's meant here is Of her that had been the wife of uraya because when we read that story we understand That vashaba was uraya's wife before david begat solomon with her Has that You scroll down So here we have again And his brethren Okay So this is a pretty interesting word here You're going to see it repeated three times in the next few verses There's a really common word in greek metikos and a metikos Is like a resident alien. It's it's someone who's living somewhere But they're not really a citizen of that place. They're they're sojourning there. They dwell there That is a metikos like a resident alien so here this is talking about Where they were in the babylonian captivity where they were carried away into babylon where they were brought to Babylon, so this is like the babylonian sojourn or the the babylonian Uh, you know residency or whatever. So basically it's saying here that he begat jeconias and his brother and Epites upon the metikasias babylonos upon the Babylonian, you know, this is referring to the captivity. So it comes from the word ecos which means house So it's like it's like where they're living. So Upon the time that they are living in babylon, even though they're not Native to babylon and even though it's just temporary that they were in babylon. So metikasias babylonos Metave tin metikasia after and after the babylonian sojourn or captivity is uh What was going on? uh babylonos The reason i'm just going through this quickly is because obviously these Sentences or these phrases are all exactly the same. So hopefully you understand that it means And so and so begat so and so it's just that pattern and the only thing that's changing are the names here When it says azorn My fan So and jacob begat joseph Okay, the husband of mary You've probably heard the word android right? It's it's a a robot that seems like a person so Andra here andra means husband or man The the the root word is on the year. That's the nominative case ton andra maria So this guy jacob begat joseph the husband of mary of whom was born jesus who is called christ so obviously we know that jesus was not begotten of joseph, right jesus was conceived of the holy ghost and so it doesn't say You know joseph begat jesus instead it says that jacob begat joseph the husband of mary ton andra marias Uh from whom was born jesus who's called christ. Let me scroll down So notice instead of here it being a yenise like it's been over and over again so many times this time it's a yenife Which this doesn't mean He begat this means he was begotten so joseph was the husband of mary All of whom was begotten or born or brought forth of whom was born jesus Who is called christ olegomenos christos the called christ? Next So it's saying here all then then or so so then all The generations Again, you can see the similarity with the word yenesis all the generations From abraham eos the viv until david Generations 14 14 and from david There's that word again until the Until the alien residency right until the carrying away Into babylon the babylonian captivity the time that they sojourned in babylon Yes, 14 generations And from the carrying away into babylon eos to christo until christ So again carrying away into babylon they were brought to babylon, but but literally It's it's saying the the sojourn or a residence a but you know what that wouldn't sound good, would it? So that's why the king james translates this in a very beautiful fluid way accurately giving us the meaning So that we get exactly What it's saying it's very clear. It's easy to understand But it's not always going to translate literally word for word just like when it didn't say of her of uraya it added in Of her that had been the wife of uraya for clarity And so it's explaining what this meticasia Is they were brought to babylon the carrying away into babylon? We usually in our preaching refer to this as the babylonian captivity is usually what we call it And then it says and or but The of jesus christ generation or birth or Coming into being right? Obviously, uh, we're talking about his physical incarnation there But the genesis of jesus christ or the birth of jesus christ Utos in so was it was like so this is how it was Mr. Thesis So this first word here Whenever you see this m n next to each other It always has something to do with memory It seems like all the words or not all of them But most of the words especially in the new testament that have these two letters together Usually it's some derivative of some kind of word that has to do with memory So this comes from the verb nistevo, which actually means I betrothed or I espouse And it comes from now which is like I remember or call to remembrance So it kind of makes sense that the word for betrothal comes from the word for memory Because it's it's kind of like hey, you better remember what we agreed upon, you know, you got to remember our deal That we plan so mr. Thesis god takes me throws off to maria's looks like a genitive absolute here And basically this is saying that his mother for his mother mary being espoused To joseph toyo sif. So his mother being betrothed to joseph or being espoused to joseph So she's betrothed to joseph preen e sinalfis afters Preen before e sinalfin the coming together of them before they came together So So this word ever efi this is where we get our english word eureka Okay, you can see that e u r e right there so Eureka comes from evrica, which means I have found it in modern greek. It's just vrika They've cut off the e at the beginning uses vrika and in english we pronounce it eureka But ever efi means she was found and So she was found means having and In the belly or in the womb now It doesn't actually explicitly say what was found in her belly or what was found in her womb because this is just an expression And gastri ejusa means to be pregnant. So the king james says she was found with child Of the holy ghost she was found with child of the holy ghost but literally here it's Having in womb and this is where we get our word like gastric gastric bypass or Gastrointestinal or gastronomy, right? So she was found She's found with child of the holy ghost Is But joseph Her husband is being Just or being righteous Can me fell on and not wanting of teen Paradigmatissa He did not want to Make her an example. Okay Now you've probably heard the word paradigm like a paradigm shift Or when you're learning a foreign language, especially if you're learning like greek or latin, you'll have to memorize Paradigms where it'll show you all the different ways a verb can be conjugated and that's called a paradigm Well, the reason it's called a paradigm is because it's an example. They've picked an example verb and you're looking at that example so Paradigmatissa Is he doesn't want to make her a paradigm, you know, he doesn't want to make her an example So he doesn't want to do this publicly. He doesn't want to just expose this to the whole world that uh The woman that he's a spouse to turn out to be pregnant out of wedlock, you know He he obviously doesn't know about the virgin birth yet. So he's just assuming that she has played the whore But he doesn't at the same time. He doesn't want to just make her a public example He's a just man. He's a good guy He doesn't want to be a big, uh jerk about it and so Mi felon aftin and not wanting her to make an example or to make a public example of evulithi he wanted to or he Was minded to or he was he wanted Vuli is where we get our word volition what you want to do, but really can also mean counsel or advice Or um, you know, so so here I think the king jane says he was minded to put her away privately So that's what he that that's the counsel that he takes with himself That's what he wants to do or desires to do. He desired latra latra means basically privately secretly evulithi latra Apolisa aftin put her away apolisa means to put away to divorce So he wanted to divorce her quietly basically privily Talk to them off to and thema tendos and thema tendos means he's basically thinking about it in his heart and means in thema tendos Thimos, it's talking about basically what's inside his spirit soul heart mind. So top of that but These things up to Entimitendos, but while he pondered these things or fought on these things or mold these things over evu behold Angelos kiryu angel of the lord the angel of the lord kat onar efani Onar means dream and efani is where we get um What kind of english words come from this because efani means basically Uh appeared unto him or manifest epiphany is the word I was thinking of we have the english word epiphany. Okay um There's got to be another example too Of words that come from this greek word That means to appear or to be made manifest So basically the angel of the lord appears to him In a dream kat onar off to to him legon saying joseph joseph Son of david me phobethes Para la vin so he says don't fear Phobethes obviously you can see that phovy Phobia right here. So this is where we get our english words for phobia like hydrophobia Acrophobia agoraphobia, so don't fear par la vin to take Do not fear to take La vin lumbano means I take let me scroll down Para la vin mariam tin yinikasu togar enarti yinithen ek pnevmatosestin Adiu So to take unto you marry Tin yinikasu your wife yinekka is wife. This is where we get the english word gynecology yinekka uh Fear not to take unto thee marry thy wife togar enarti yinithen for the in her conceived or begotten ek pnevmatosestin is of the spirit pnevmatos Adiu Adiu means holy it's of the holy spirit that which is conceived in her is of the holy Spirit now this word right here spirit or ghost Is pnevma and this is where we get our english word pneumatic, right? Pneumatic has to do with air we got hydraulic Which has to do with water and then pneumatic which has to do with air And this is because it's the breath or spirit just like we get our word respiration expire respire inspire and uh pneuma here pnevma Is the way you pronounce it in modern greek? pnevmatosestin Adiu, but this is where we get our english words that start with that Pneumonia is another great example pneumonia because it has to do with breathing So pnevmatosestin adiu So that was conceiving errors of the holy ghost Texatede yon kekalesis to onomatu isun Texatede this is the uh future She will bring forth or bear Yon a son Kekalesis another future tense you shall call to onomatu Isus you shall call his name to onomatu his name Isun Jesus right. So i e s o u n Because of the fact that uh, he's in the accusative case there. This would be isus In the nominative case isus isun. So in english, basically the i just becomes a j This becomes an e s u s right And then um, of course if you go back to 1611 the king james bible It jesus is actually spelled i e s u s but it's it's always pronounced as a j sound but the i used to be Doing double duty for the i sound and the j sound So this uh word right here texate She shall beget or bring forth a son Or give birth to a son. This is also where the really common word for child in greek comes from techno So or the children come from this Verb here, which means to bring forth to give birth. So she's going to give birth to a son And you shall call his name jesus of tosa god sosi gar means for of toes he sosi will save shall save Ton laon off to He'll save his people off to means his laon means people From the sins Of tone of them so he will save his people from their sins Tutto means this or uh this thing that we're talking about right here And but All this olon tutto because olon means all it kind of sounds like all right olon tutto all this Yeganen happened. It's a perfect verb tense ina pleurosy To rithen i poto pireo via tu profitu legondos i vu i parthenos parthenos And gastri exi What a cliffhanger right obviously we know it's going to be me soon. All right, so Let's break this down here all this happened Ina pleurosy in order that would be fulfilled pleurosy Has to do with being filled to uh, ple pleuroma is like the the fullness Okay I'm trying to think if there are any english words. I guess even just the pl of pleurosy is Sort of similar to our english word full But I guess that's kind of a stretch So in order that would be fulfilled to rithen Rithen is is the saying Or that which was spoken i poto kireu By the lord And so with rithen you could think of our word Rhetoric this is where we get our word rhetoric because rhetoric has to do with the spoken word with that which is spoken So ina pleurosy to rithen i poto kireu via tu profitu by the prophet legondos saying i vu behold i parthenos And gastri exi. So here's the thing notice here. It says That it will be fulfilled which was spoken of the lord By the prophet through the prophet saying behold the virgin virgin parthenos Now a lot of people will try to say that in isaiah 7 14. It doesn't really say virgin It really should just say a young woman there. That's what a lot of the liberal bible translations will do That's what a lot of liberal theologians will do because they're being judaized, you know, because obviously the jews don't want to admit That there are all these prophecies in the old testament pointing us to the lord jesus christ And so they'll try to say oh, you know, if you go back to the hebrew That word actually just means a young woman but here it's being quoted in the new testament And this word right here to quote it, you know behold a virgin shall conceive e parthenos This is clearly the word for virgin. In fact, there's a really famous building called the parthenon And why is it called the parthenon it's because they're worshiping their fake virgin goddess In the parthenon because a parthenos is a virgin so e parthenos the virgin And gastri exe and this is that expression that we talked about again. She shall this is future tense shall have In gastri she'll have in her belly or in her womb, right? The virgin is going to be pregnant or have something in her womb or belly Remember the english word gastric and gas three exe texada And she shall bring forth or give birth to yon a son Okay kalesucy And they shall call right third person plural future Kalesucy to onomatopo and they shall call his name. Jesus. Let me scroll down one last time All right, so I jumped the gun on isu and isu comes up all the way down here they shall call his name Emanuwiel, right? They're going to call his name emmanuel And that's just a transliteration of the hebrew word. That's not a greek word Emanuwiel That's why we have to give a an interpretation now oesti methermine vomenon, so this is uh being interpreted right oesti methermine vomenon methermine otheos God with us. Okay. So this is kind of a long word, right? methermine vomenon methermine vomenon and and This word right here. If you get rid of the meth at the beginning, which is the meta prefix and you just have Ermine vomenon ermine vomenon This is where the the english word comes from hermeneutics, right Ermine vomenon Hermeneutic is where that comes from and hermeneutics has to do with how someone interprets scripture well this is interpreting this foreign word emmanuel oesti methermine vomenon, which is being interpreted methemon with us God the god with us. That's what emmanuel means god with us, right? All right, so what's this saying it's saying uh and joseph the This is he's being raised up or or uh, he's getting up out of sleep, right? He's being gotten up and joseph being raised up Apotu apnu from the sleep And apnu Is where we get our word hypnosis because hypnosis is like putting someone into a trance like you're making someone go to sleep, right? so basically and joseph Being raised up from sleep or out of sleep At peace and he did from the verb pao This is the heiress past tense at peace and boss as like or as Proseptice and he was commanded Off to o angelos kiryu. So proseptice is he commanded and who's the one who commanded? It was Angelos kiryu the angel of the lord commanded to him so being raised up out of sleep joseph did as Commanded him the angel of the lord And he took this again from lambano he took teen yenneka off to his wife He took his wife Alongside him because elave means he took para means Along side of or beside so basically he took unto him or he took to his side teen yenneka off to his wife Excuse me He did not know her so yinosko means I know in greek and in spanish you have almost the exact same word Konosko and it means the same thing konosko yinosko Both mean the same thing to know as in Be familiar with be not knowing facts, but like knowing a person Okay, ook a yinoskin and did not know her a yinoskin a teen Until When etika Means, uh, you know gave birth, right? We already talked about that word where techno comes from So who etika when? She gave birth tone Yonati's to her son and then here's an important phrase here Make sure you're reading the king james bible, right tone pro toto cone, right? The firstborn so a lot of the modern versions are going to delete this word right here Firstborn i'm sure the catholics are going to love it because the catholics want to believe that mary only had one Son that she only but the bible records her having many other children she had at least eight children because it gives us the names of Four of jesus's brothers and then it says his sisters are they not all with us and all would be at least three So you had at least seven siblings three Sisters four brothers and they're his half siblings because they're the children of mary and joseph and he's obviously only biologically of mary so she brought forth you can see the similarity between etika she gave birth to and then Toto cone you can see the tk right there is the giving birth aspect proto Is the first one right like a prototype? So the pro toto cone is the first born right pro toto cone that's what that means proto first tokon born So tonyo naftis ton pro toto cone So she brought forth her firstborn son k at kalissa and called to onomatu His name obto means his onomam means name Isun and of course this looks different because it's in all capital letters A lot of times names in the bible will just be put in all caps because the name so that's chapter one of matthew in the greek texas receptus