(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) everybody in this audience that's struggling with sin okay they're trying to keep the law and they can't and they keep on breaking it over and over and over struggling and they're on here to find out if there's more and there is there's a lot more there's perfection real perfection real salvation the kind that in church you think about you know it exists but you just don't listen because you want to keep trying to go about what is it establishing your own righteousness by the law but you're a fraud a fake and a phony why do you go against the New Testament preach Old Testament but you yourself can't even keep up with your own law you're a liar Roman 614 says we're not under law why can't you answer what that verse means why do you completely dodge it what does it mean Melvin answer the question you're just a joke bro sir thank you very that was five minutes you know you can't open door somebody that can happen like you know a real debate you could be like our buddy Joe who on Monday is gonna get trainwrecked just like you are what makes you think he's gonna spare you you little sinner it ain't gonna happen you're gonna get there and you're gonna find out that while you sit there as a false Christian trying to mix hot and cold water by saying you're a believer but yet you still sin and this is your only warning this is it right you know deep down in the pit of your stomach every time you sin you're not saved you're a liar you're a liar now you're gonna lie it was disrespectful he didn't even listen to one word of Matt's arguments and that made some very valid points if you asked me he had very good explanations for like everything welcome to the show everybody welcome to another episode of signs and wonders we have with us Matt Powell and Harry the preacher who you guys both know I'm sure I want to thank both of you guys for coming especially Matt I've been trying to give him to do a debate for a while and he's a busy guy I know Perry you're a busy guy too so thank you both and Matt you Matt actually had had a good idea for a format that he sent me so if you just want to quickly go over the format Matt I'll let you do that elbow and then I'll get it refreshed and I'll be able to keep all the time and everything I'm gonna stop watch going sure thing well as far as I know we have ten minutes a ten minute opening statements and then to five minute rebuttal well how about first you guys can do have like a two minute introduction yeah that sounds good to me yeah okay so ten minute opening statements and then five minute rebuttal rounds two about two rounds five minute rebuttals first and second and then a ten minute crossfire whatever works okay cool and then we'll do we'll save some time for Q&A and guys only ask legitimate questions please I'm not gonna I'm not gonna ask these guys any off-topic silly questions so if you guys have any legitimate questions at the end of the debate please throw them out there if there's any super chats I will address those first of course and then with any time left I'll get to all the questions I can okay guys okay so I think we'll just Matt you don't care it goes first Matt you want to go first is that does it matter okay guys so you don't need and again if you don't if you guys don't take up all your time that's fine you don't have to take the full ten minutes period or whatever you can just say I've got it and I'll stop the time so as soon as you start and get to the stop launch as soon as you start talking that are your three minute introduction will begin all right hey thanks again Nick for having me on hey guys my name is Matt Powell I run a YouTube channel just called Matt Powell official and the main thrust of my channel is just creation science I do a lot with creation versus evolution and with people like the raging atheist and as a recent I've been dealing with a lot of more popular atheists Michio Kaku Stephen Hawking a lot of the big names out there in atheism Richard Dawkins and so the goal obviously on my channel is to debunk them and to introduce people to content that is logical and rational and we live in a generation where there's not a lot of rational free thought and that's what I'm about I love free thought I love science I love the Bible and I really love self me let's get to why you can sin and be saved so with all that being said I really don't have much else to say I'm ready for the debate let's bring it on okay Perry now you can give your introduction okay you have three minutes I give your introduction about yourself and then after that we'll do the it's not about me though Nick here's I know well if you don't I mean me me what you do you know John 7 verse 18 says he that speaketh of himself seeks his own glory but he that seeketh his glory that sent him the same is true and oh no none no unrighteousness is in him I'm here to talk about Jesus and what he did I don't know about you bro but my question here and because you still have plenty of time you really do if you could just take a couple seconds and answer me do you sin it's a yes or no well number one yes or no is that your introduction no I'm not done no no no he handed over time I'm giving him the time to answer it's yes or no cuz that's what that's what Jesus is gonna ask you bro very what are you told me to say to ask you told me you would stick to format bro please be professionally you guys you're gonna have all the time for cross-examine my time I would get to ask this question or I didn't tell you that send it up you've sent me hey I do I get to ask him this and I didn't answer it why are you protecting him I know I was mad you have sent bro you're not keeping it for me it's ridiculous I'd be happy to answer you once you go ahead and answer yes or no the Bible says he that is born of God cannot sin and number one yes meter to do myself so I'm gonna say it's all about me yes or no do you sin dude be respectful please and follow the four no it's not yes or no format bro I'll actually listen I'll answer I'll answer your question you in the cross-examination that's what the cross-examination is for oh okay so so basically you're just dodging this because you know what's gonna come out of my mouth next he's being respectful I'm not protecting him dude you already know deep down that you've been lied to you're sitting there peddling the same lies people over and over and over it's the same cycle sin repent repeat why can't you stick to a format format this over to me I asked him a question to you'll have opening statements opening statement John here's my own statement John pretty poor Jesus answered them barely barely I say unto you whosoever committed sin is the servant of sin those are Jesus's words now Matt you're here to debate me in to explain to me why Jesus is lying that means that Jesus would be lying if you're saved but you're lying you're not and I am and that's what I'm here for I'm here to preach God's Word I don't care about what either one of you say the Bible really says the Bible says and you guys bet against it and you're gonna lose you're gonna lose there's no middle ground there's no lukewarm lukewarm gets you spit out of his mouth you think it's a joke it's not a joke you think you could play games with salvation and teach people that it's okay to sin just to make yourselves comfortable and you're done there is no debate Jesus said what Jesus said and he meant what he said Jesus didn't lie numbers 23 19 says God is not a man that he should lie shall he not make good on what he said if God spared not the angels that sin what makes you think he's gonna spare you you're fooling yourselves I'm here to speak the word I don't there's no debate she just said if you sin you're the servant of sin and Matt you're refusing to answer the question because you know you do and at the end of the day you're just gonna prove to yourself that what Jesus said is true you yield to sin you are its servant and it is your master and you will bow the next time it calls on you because you're a fraud and the same goes for you Nick I'm tired of playing sugarcoat with you I love you to death but the reality of it is by your own standards you're not saved by your own standards by your own standards you're not saved and then you still call it sin you don't trust in Christ neither one of you do I'm ashamed to be doing this why are you the same token Jesus said what he said and he meant what said and Matt's here to call him a liar and I want to hear what his excuses as to why he thinks it doesn't apply to him and that's my inch okay well that was the intro yes so Matt as soon as you start talking I will be in the clock and you have 10 minutes for your opening statement all right so first off I just want to say salvation is simple the Bible says in 2nd Corinthians 11 3 but I fear lest by any means as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety so your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ so the Bible clearly tells us that there's simplicity in salvation there's simplicity in Christ and so salvation is not a complicated matter it's actually very simple the Bible just simply says believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and the Bible also says these things have I written unto them that believe on the name of his Son of God that they may know that you have eternal life and that you believe on the name of the Son of God so you can know for sure that you're going to heaven I know for sure I'm going to heaven when I die now interestingly enough there were many people in the New and Old Testament and I'm willing to go into this debate with half my brain half the over half the Bible three-quarters of the Bible tied behind my back I don't even need to use any Old Testament I could just use the New Testament to demonstrate that a Christian can sin that we can't do wrong that he that thinketh he standeth let him take heed lest he fall that's 1st Corinthians so you ought to think about that when you come into something like this when you come in and say Matt do you sin do you sin him that think if he standeth let him take heed lest he fall the Bible says there's not a just man upon earth that doeth good and sin if not just man a justified man so nobody on this world is perfect and so the Bible says for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God as it is written there's none righteous no not one I'm not righteous you're not righteous the only thing that gets made righteous once we're saved is the Spirit the Bible says that that which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit and so you know when Jesus was talking about salvation he made a clear distinction between the flesh and the Spirit and so you know once our spirit gets born again the Bible says that which is born of God cannot sin for his seed remaineth in him the Spirit and he cannot sin because he's born of God and so the seed of the Lord Jesus Christ is in me his spirit and so therefore my spirit has been made perfect now if we were perfect in the flesh if our flesh was made perfect then why would Paul say in the New Testament that we wait for the redemption of our body Paul says we wait to with the redemption of our body hey if I was sinless I wouldn't have to wait for the redemption of my body if I was sinless my body would live on forever because the Bible says that by one man sin entered and death by sin and so if my body has sin in it it's gonna die and obviously everybody's gonna die at some point everybody's flesh but the Spirit will live forever the flesh has not yet been made perfected otherwise why would Jesus give us a new body at his appearing so old and New Testament the plan of salvation has always been the same and I find it interesting that the Bible says who is a liar but he that deny it that Jesus is the Christ and you know people come on here and they cheat and they do foolish things like steal the first opening statement which I technically was supposed to have but I'm fine with it like I said I'll go into this debate with half the Bible and half my brain tied behind my back and we will see in the end you gave it what the truth is about salvation hey you said you wouldn't interrupt the thought of foolishness is sin the Bible says clearly that once we are saved to flee fornication Paul told the church in Corinthians he says flee fornication every sin that a man do with is without the body but he that committed fornication sin if against his own body so when you commit fornication you're sinning against your own flesh he's talking to saved people in fact Paul kicked somebody out of the church for the sin of fornication he said let him be delivered unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh that his spirit may be saved in the day of judgment so the Bible says that his flesh was destroyed in our flesh dwell if no good thing but his spirit was saved Paul said I am carnal but God's law is spiritual he says I know that the law is spiritual but I am carnal sold under sin so when you said in John 834 where Jesus said he that committed sin is servant of sin Paul literally said I with my mind with my spirit serve the law of God but with the flesh I serve the law of sin present tense so do you think you're better than the Apostle Paul Paul literally said that with his flesh he served the law of sin now he didn't want to why else would Paul say I die daily what about that Paul literally said I die daily he had to die to his flesh every single day hey folks we need the grace of God every single day you know to just I believe in eternal security don't get me wrong the spirit has been perfected there's nothing you can do to lose your salvation but the Bible does say whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth so if you get received of the Lord the Bible says he's gonna chasten you he's gonna punish you and it's a continual process not a one-time thing the Bible says that as us as a father chasteneth his son continuously so shall the Lord your God chasten thee so in the same way that a father chastens this their child is the same way that God's gonna chase in us God is not gonna chase in somebody that doesn't commit sin so I think this debate is already done I think this is already over this the scriptures nail this home the scriptures put this doctrine where it belongs I find it funny you want it to hell and I find it interesting that you just continuously interrupt and cheat the Bible says that people that do that are are sinning so you're sinning right now the thought of foolishness is sin so don't cut into my time I'm gonna be respectful and I won't come cut into your mat sorry but this program allows people to unmute themselves right now so I have to keep continuously muting him if he tries to cut in no problem if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us talking to Christians we deceive ourselves so you've deceived yourself my friend and I'm here to unconfuse you God is not the author of confusion he's he's not given us the spirit of fear either but of power and of love and of a sound mind you don't have a sound mind if you're gonna come on here and cause trouble and mess with Nick who's the moderator he's you're not even supposed to debate him and then number two he's given us the word of power power doesn't mean bullying people power means speaking with authority and so if we're gonna have a debate we need to stick to the format and at the end of the day if you don't stick to the format you're only deceiving yourself because the viewers that are listening to this live know better and so Nick how much time do I have left you have two and a half minutes left I'll give you a 30-second warning okay okay sounds good notice how he still in hasn't answered the question I said that in my flash I sin I sin every day the Bible says the thought of follow you sin have you hold on hold on okay it's not your turn yet my first so good Bible says in Galatians 5 16 it says for the spirit lusteth against the flesh and the spirit in the flesh against the spirit and these are contrary the one to the other so you cannot do the things that you would as a Christian think about that ladies and gentlemen if we were made perfect why aren't we living on forever if we've been actually physically made perfect Paul says in my flesh dwelleth no good thing as it is written there's none righteous no not one the scripture destroys this false doctrine why in acts 15 if you say there's no law in the New Testament why in acts 15 when the Gentiles got saved did Paul and the Apostles tell them why would Paul tell him to do that all these believers new believers in Christ and so you have to ask these questions if Saul King Saul did wrong and Saul the Bible says he turned his back on the Lord the Lord became his enemy but the Bible says that Saul's in heaven right now Samuel looked at Saul and said tomorrow you and your sons will be with me Saul committed suicide you can take your flesh you can do horrible things in the flesh but the spirit is what gets saved so my spirit cannot sin Paul said in Romans 7 24 he says Oh wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from the body of this death now sinless perfectionists will say well he's talking about what it was like when he was a Pharisee no Paul said wretched he didn't go Oh wretched man that I was Paul said Oh wretched man that I am 30 second flesh of Lori in his presence and when these guys say you're not under the law but under grace if I got pulled over by an officer and I broke the law the first thing that he's gonna tell me is you are under the law in other words I'm under the penalty of the law it doesn't mean that the law doesn't apply it doesn't mean that the law is not there so when it comes to this doctrine it's important to rightly divide the word in the last verse I have is that we should rightly divide the word of truth study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needed not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth thank you thank you Matt that was pretty much ten minutes exactly okay Perry as soon as you start talking I'll start your ten minute time for your first opening I'm excited so Matt you're you're free to chip in when you want to because the reality of it is you're a liar you don't even know if you're saved every time you sin you doubt your salvation you're a fraud you stand in front of everybody you just admitted that you sin and Jesus said if you sin you're the servant of sin what makes you think he was joking you're lying you're a liar and you lie to everybody and you yoke them to the same law that you yourself don't keep you're what Jesus called a hypocrite he said you appear righteous outside but on the inside you're full of hypocrisy and iniquity and as of right now verse John 3 8 says he that committed sin is of the devil you said you sin guess what that makes you up bro that makes you of the devil whether you feel comfortable about it or not you're a liar Romans 6 16 says no you not that to whom you yield yourself servants to obey his servants you are to whom you obey whether of sin unto death or of obedience under righteousness so the next time you sin Matt the next time you try so hard not to and then you do and it's only so little and small to you you will have proven to yourself that you only serve sin shut up Trump now I would also like you to point out Ephesians 2 15 so you say there's that you're still under law you sound like Melvin but I let me guess because you are what are you Pentecostal or what are you whatever you're you're just not under the 603 ordinances you're only under the Ten Commandments so let's look at Ephesians 2 15 that says having abolished what does abolished me it means gone decimated destroyed having a box in his flesh not Matt plus in his flesh the enmity even the law of commandments that's the ten contained in ordinances that's the 603 other ones that Melvin likes for to make him himself of twain one new man so making peace the laws of curse Galatians 3 10 tells you that the laws of curse because if you think you're under law and you don't keep the whole thing and you break one James 2 10 says whosoever shall keep the whole law and yet offending one point he is guilty of all so if in your mind tonight tonight just in your mind you break a law you are guilty of all because you're still putting yourself under you don't trust what Jesus did you're a fraud you're a liar you're getting you're telling everybody to keep laws that you don't keep he calls you a hypocrite first John 3 8 says he that committed sin is of the devil now you could be like our buddy Joe who on Monday is gonna get trainwrecked just like you are right who says oh but it means practices in the Greek right practice so if I practice basketball once a week or once a month or once a year it doesn't matter it's still practicing so if you sin again Jesus said you are the servant of sin now Hebrews 10 26 says for if we sin willfully after that means after you thought you got saved I'm just telling you the verses mean what they say it says if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth there remains no more sacrifice for sin after you thought you got saved and willful sin man I mean we're not stupid let's just not let's not call the this let's not call blue sky red all sin is willful sin you yield to it every time you bow you you fight it fight it fight it and then you do I notice you got a wedding ring on how's your wife feel when she catches you watching I don't want to hear about it the truth is you're a liar and you're a sinner never watched I've actually never watched you're a liar you're a liar now you're gonna lie how you gonna lie but I'm here to confess my sins to you this doesn't matter just let him do his thing no it's good I heard him I hear him he's just making you'll have everybody coming up he's lying so and if even if it's not born it's something else he sins he practices in every day he does something that it's into him and then he sinned repent repeats but first John 1 9 you don't want to confess your sin that's fine but first John 1 9 says you have to and he'll cleanse you from all unrighteousness but you don't want to be cleansed from all you want to continue sinning until the day you die you are literally choosing to sin unto death Jesus said if you sin you are the servant of sin the second Peter let's go to second Peter real quick second Peter says I love second Peter it's a good book I love Peter all together it's a great book to do do we got Titus we're going to second Peter he says in second Peter chapter 2 verse 3 or 2 verse 4 there we go 2 verse 4 for if God spit not the angels that sinned but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness to be reserved unto judgment and spared not the old word because he didn't and he didn't spare the angels that sinned either so what makes you think he's gonna spare you you little sinner it ain't gonna happen you're gonna get there and you're gonna find out that while you sit there as a false Christian trying to mix hot and cold water by saying you're a believer but yet you still sin that if you mix hot and cold water you can't keep them separate from each other you get warm water and revelation 3 16 right and now this is all scripture so you can say whatever it's just scripture I'm just telling you it means what it says but revelation 3 16 says so then because thou art lukewarm because that's what you get when you mix hot and cold water is warm water and neither cold nor hot I will spew thee out of my mouth you are going to get rejected Hebrew 6 8 which I love I love it to death because every one of them little sins you think you're not going to be held accountable for Hebrew 6 8 says but that which beareth thorns and briars is rejected and is near unto cursing whose end is to be burned that's for then what's gonna happen when you keep sinning is you're gonna remember my words because I'm warning you and this is your only warning this is it right you know deep down in the pit of your stomach every time you sin you're not saved first John 3 6 tells you it tells you right here says whosoever abideth in him sinneth not that means you don't sin but if you do that means you sin that means right here whosoever sinneth have not seen him neither known him you're a fraud your parents lied to you your pastors lied to you your friends lied to you and you butter it up with them and you enjoy their presence because you rejoice in iniquity and you're gonna get destroyed there's no ifs answer buts Jesus didn't lie he said if you sin you are the servant of sin I don't care who you are I don't care how much money or where you're from or nothing the reality of it is the next time you sin you will have only proven to yourself that you are the servant of sin because if you could have stopped you would have and you know what second Peter 2 14 says here's what's funny there's a first Peter 2 14 no yeah it's first 2 14 no second second Peter chapter 2 verse 14 says having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin well God's word is pure he doesn't lie so it's talking about you and if it says you cannot cease from sin and you haven't seized from sin obviously somewhere there's a way to cease from sin and I know what that way is and it's through Jesus but you're not listening he says having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin beguiling unstable souls which is what you do at heart they have exercised with covetous practices cursed children as of right now man the next time you sin you will have proven to yourself you are a cursed child nothing more nothing less and when you're ready to break and you want to get saved I'll be the guy you call otherwise when you miss what's about to happen I'll still be the guy you look for because I'm telling you the truth you cannot sin and be saved I don't know what planet you on that on but it doesn't exist Jesus said so and if you won't bet against him be my guest bro you're more than welcome to sin unto death and die in your sin 30 seconds very is what it is makes no difference Jesus said if you sin you're the servant of sin nothing him nothing he says is ever gonna top that and if you think you could just sin every now and then no homie that still makes you the servant of sin okay well I guess you ten seconds so we'll just call that time thank you very much Perry for the first rebuttal we're gonna do two rounds each of five minute rebuttals so soon as you start talking I'll start your time for your first rebuttal first off he says all sin is willful sin well in the Old Testament there was a offering that was given for willful sin and for sin that was done in ignorance so when he says well all sin is willful a basic Bible study will show you that not all sin is willful there is some sins that are done in ignorance and that's why it required a ignorant sacrifice instead of sacrifice for willful sin so when you said all sin is willful that's just blatantly incorrect number one and then you say will you rejoice in iniquity you don't rejoice in the truth well the Bible says thy law is the truth thy word is truth thy law is the truth so I rejoice in that I rejoice in his commandments for you to say that they no longer apply and that I'm somehow under the law and that you're under this so-called grace which you can't have grace without a law the Bible says where sin doth abound grace doth much more bound well we need his grace every day and so in order for grace to be applied there has to be a law broken in order for grace to be given so it doesn't make any sense what you're saying it's completely incoherent it's inconsistent with the scriptures it's inconsistent with logic reason scriptures everything and so you say well he that is born of God sin if not yeah the spirit is what gets born again one of God Jesus said that which is born of flesh is flesh that which is born of the spirit is spirit Jesus didn't say that which is born of flesh is spirit he didn't say that he said that which is born of the flesh is flesh the flesh hath no good thing in it and that which is born of the spirit is spirit and so it's important to remember that when you read a Bible Paul makes a distinguish a distinction between the flesh and the spirit he says that they are contrary one to the other so that you cannot do the things that you would as a Christian and so if you're perfect like I said earlier you should live forever starting right now if physically if your body was perfect but we wait for the redemption of our body again this is this is part of the New Testament it's basic doctrine this is very basic and so you know Paul said for we know that the law is spiritual but I am carnal present tense sold under sin so when Jesus said that these Pharisees were the servants of sin what he said Paul literally came along and said the same thing he says my flesh serves the law of sin he literally said that in Romans 7 but with the spirit with my mind he says now I serve the law of God with my spirit but with my flesh the law of sin so once again there's a distinction between the flesh and the spirit I don't know what Bible you're reading but that's clearly what the Bible says and you know the viewers can definitely pull a Bible off their shelf and view for themselves and you know I want to reiterate you know just accusing me of looking at pornography which I I've actually never done I'm probably I understand that most guys have done that that is something I've never done but this is not a confessional booth this isn't the Catholic Church this isn't a place where I'm going to go and confess my sins unto you so this is a debate this is a discussion this is where we we go to be professional you know do you think it Peter committed sin when he denied Christ three times after his death do you think that was a sin do you think it was a sin when Abraham or when lots the Bible says just lot vexed his righteous all with the sins of Sodom do you think that was sin he that think if he standeth let him take heed lest he fall and the viewers are not going to be deceived the only person you're deceiving here tonight you're just my friend see things on you by yourself you're like oh listen hold on you're cutting into my time I said I wasn't gonna cut into your time so the flesh if the flesh was made perfect and sinless like I said it would live forever and love has always been a commandment a common thing that you like to say is well love is the fulfilling of the law the Bible says thou shalt not covet thou shalt not commit adultery thou shalt not steal and if there be any other commandment it is briefly comprehended in this saying thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself so if you love somebody you're not gonna cheat on their cheat with their wife you're not gonna steal from them you're not gonna do things to harm the commandments of God Thank You Nick and so Paul said in the present he says I am the chief of sinners he didn't say I was and you've twisted this in the past and I've caught you doing it you said well Roman 7 is what Paul was saying when he was a Pharisee Paul Paul speaking in the present tense he says I am the chief of sinners so are you better than the Apostle Paul we ought not to think of ourselves more highly than we ought and if a man think himself to know anything thank you my friend that's your five minutes and Perry as soon as you start talking you have your first five minute rebuttal I find it funny that you're really gonna get on Nick's channel lie right you're a liar you're tweaking out now you're starting to get mad because I called you on it and you're a liar right you're getting on here and you're lying because you have your subscribers are probably watching this and the reality of it is you you're telling them they're all under law well Romans 7 4 he says that wherefore my brethren you also become dead to the law by the body of Christ dead to the law and then if you go down to Romans 7 7 he tells you what law you're dead to because he says what shall we say then as a law sin God forbid nay I had not known sin but by the law because once you're under the law then it tells you you're sinning and then you keep sinning and that's what you've been doing that and then you're getting on you're lying because your wife's watching that's what this is for I had not known lost except the law here's the law he was talking about it said thou shalt not covet well those are the that's number 10 and those ones written in stone that he just said that you're due because Jesus fulfilled it and you can't and you don't and you're on here and you're lying and what's funny dude is I don't care what this looks like to everybody else tomorrow in your private time when your wife's not around and you do what you do you're gonna know that you're the servant of sin because you're gonna fall to it you always have and then you're gonna know just in your private life and then maybe you'll contact me privately and then we'll actually talk about getting you saved you say Paul sin Paul never sinned as a believer no he did not Roman 618 says being then made free from sin not free from the punishment no no because the wages of sin is death he said being then made free from sin you became the servants of righteousness free from sin if you still sin you're not free from it Roman 7 is talking about Paul's struggle with the law which is the same struggle that you have because you keep trying to keep it and you can't and you keep falling and you keep sending and you keep saying God I'll stop and you keep lying to God you're a liar and you're of your father the devil first John 3 8 says he that committed sin is of the devil it doesn't say he that committed sin once a month or he that only committed little sin no it says he that committed sin is of the devil and I'm King James only by the way just so you understand and that that's really just all it boils down to Paul said Roman 616 know you not that to whom you yield yourself servants will be all sin is willful now you struggle and you struggle and you struggle but then you yield to it that's what Paul's telling you right there you yield to it you bow to your master right and that's what you do because you do you did fully admit that you still sin so this is what you do you yield to your master he said no you not that to whom you yield yourself servants to obey Paul called you the servant of sin his servants you are not might be not up if you just say you believe you won't be no his servants you are to whom you obey whether of sin unto death or of obedience unto righteousness now you can call Paul a liar all you want you can even call Jesus a liar the problem you're gonna have now is that I know that you're the liar because Jesus said whosoever come into sin is a servant of sin revelation says that if you're lukewarm he's gonna spit you out right now let's do Matthew 7 23 Matthew 7 23 because I know you're just a baby right and you've looked at this verse your whole life and it scares you I know it does because it used to scare me too till I figured out that it means what it says Matthew chapter 7 verse we'll do 22 and 23 says many will say to me in that day Lord Lord this is you he's talking about many and many shall say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name have and in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name done many wonderful works and then I will profess unto them I never I want you to watch this work I never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity was iniquity iniquity is sin so if you still sin you're still working iniquity now let's look at first John 3 6 let's see if you how you know you don't know him this is how you know you don't know him first John 3 6 says whosoever abideth in him sinneth not that means if you sin you don't buy to him whosoever sinneth hath not seen them neither known him neither known him oh because you still sin and you've never known him so he says that I never knew you because you still sin depart for me you worker of iniquity you're a fraud bro you're a fake and you didn't know you were fake but you are first John 3 says he to commit a sin is of the devil Isaiah 128 says he's going to destroy all the transgressors and sinners that forsake the Lord that's literally what it says Isaiah 128 check this out and it's what's coming this hasn't happened yet and it's coming and you're one of them you're jumping off the bridge because your idiot pastor who sins himself convinced you to follow him to death Isaiah chapter 1 verse 28 says and the destruction of the transgressors and of the what of the sinners shall be together and they that forsake the Lord shall be consumed every time you sin you forsake him you turn your back on him and you choose sin I don't care how much you struggled you willfully choose it in fact I pulled up the definition of willful just in case so he so Hebrews doesn't confuse you has it hasn't it's over five minutes oh no he really doesn't like this he really doesn't like it because it says after okay said that's Ted or done will just want to have a good time yes I have your lies with the truth why can't you hear it you can balance out your lies with the truth finish finish you what you gotta say or done deliberately what how am I balancing lies I'm telling you the Bible means exactly what it says and you're too stupid to see it that's not my fault thank you you sin you're the servant of sin okay Matt you can now do your second five minute rebuttal okay as soon as you start talking I'll give you an extra minute you because I gave Perry an extra minute okay advocating for sin are you dumb okay go ahead I'll try to mark alright thank you alright so number one ad hominems are not arguments when you do a debate you're supposed to actually pitch an argument ad hominem attacks don't do you any good oh just a word of advice well Satan Satan is the great accuser right so when somebody says well I think you're doing this the Bible says to be innocent of evil Satan is the accuser of the brethren so when you come on here and say oh I know you're doing such and such and such a thing only Jesus knows the heart only Jesus knows all things so you're actually claiming all knowledge when you do that number number two and then number three you say Paul did not sin I'm quoting you you said Paul did not sin after he got saved no he says my flesh in my flesh well if no good thing and that his flesh was the servant of sin he says with my mind I serve the law of God but with the flesh the law of sin so you're wrong on that again and I've corrected you on this three times nope so being made free from sin you say well we've been made free yeah all free from sin so that's why hold on hold on hold on I didn't cut into your time you're not supposed to go to mine you sin you're not safe you're not supposed to cut into mine okay Nick do you want to put the I'm trying yeah I know yeah I'm trying to beat him I'll give you an extra minute the Bible says the spirit of the subject of the prophets is subject of the prophets so your spirit you should be able to control yourself the spirit of the prophets is subject to the prophets control yourself please alright thank you so you say he that committed sin is of the devil well Jesus told Peter he said get thee behind me Satan now was Jesus literally calling Peter Satan no so Jesus was speaking in hyperbole he was talking about the flesh that Peter still had with him and you know there's the flesh and there's the spirit the Bible says that the spirit in the flesh once again that they're at war with each other and they are contrary the one to the other so that you cannot do the things that you would so and then you bring up Matthew 7 well I love Matthew 7 many will say unto me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils in thy name done many wonderful works and then Jesus will profess unto them I never knew you that's a great proof you can't lose your salvation amen but at the same token because Jesus Jesus isn't gonna say I don't know you anymore if you go to hell it's only because he never knew you so God gives us eternal salvation the Bible says in Psalm 89 if his children forsake my law and walk not on my judgment so if they commit sin if they break my statutes and keep not my commandments then will I visit their transgression with the rod and their iniquity with stripes so God will punish those who sin as a father chasing at his son so shall the Lord your God chasing you if you be without chastisement then you are bastards and not sons so you if you're not getting chasin by God then you're not a son of God if you think there's no such thing as sin you can't even be saved no I'm not I'm not accusing you of having that position but what I am saying is when you say that the law is done away okay yeah some things were done away Hebrews 7 14 or 7 12 says for the priesthood being changed there is made of necessity a change also of the law so of course there is a change also with the law it doesn't say with the priesthood being changed the law is done away no let's rightly divide the word here and then you say he that abideth sin sin if not well what isn't what is seated in heavenly places with Christ Matt Powell the flesh or Matt Powell the spirit Matt Powell the spirit my spirit is seated in heavenly places with Christ so my spirit cannot sin and so when you say he that abideth in him sin if not yes my spirit is with the Lord he sealed me to the day of redemption and the Bible even says grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption if you're sealed to the day of redemption why would he say grieve not the Holy Spirit of God if it was impossible to grieve the Spirit of God it's it is possible to grieve his spirit and all sin will grieve the Spirit of God that's what made him groan upon the cross when he died was he was bearing the sins of all mankind so don't be deceived ladies and gentlemen you know I don't know who else watching this I was not expecting this curveball here tonight but I'm more than happy to deal with this and we'll go as long as we need I have a max of an hour and a half and so we have 45 more minutes to hash this thing out and listen Perry you need to take all of scripture into consideration and not take scriptures out of context and twist them the Apostle Peter said that people would take Paul's writings now context and twist them to their own destruction and they would go into the error of iniquity or lawlessness you say there is no law the Bible says where there is no law there is no transgression Paul said I myself serve the law of God but with the flesh the law of sin you think you're better than the Apostle Paul you're only deceiving yourself he that say if he is without sin is a liar and the truth is not in him if we say that we have no sin so you're telling me that your flesh is perfected so we are seated in heavenly places with Jesus of course he knows us but if your spirit has not been redeemed and your spirit still has sin in it then of course it's of the devil the Bible says that Satan have blinded the minds of them which believe not so take that into consideration Nick how much time do I have left just about ten seconds coming up on six minutes Jesus was tempted at all points like as we are yet without sin Jesus said there is none good but one that is God none good but one that is God and that was Jesus so you're not good I'm not good that was six minutes and Perry it's time for your second five-minute rebuttal since you start talking bro also your time I think you muted yourself so I'm good no we're good so if you say that Paul preached walk right well then why'd they kill him if he preached law like you bro but you don't keep law you study break it you're like Melvin and then you sin and because you sin Jesus said you're the servant of sin Paul when they accused him and they were getting ready to kill him in Acts chapter 18 verse 13 if you say Paul preached law let me tell you what they accused Paul of it said saying this fellow persuadeth men to worship God contrary to the law so the Bible says that Paul preached contrary to law that's actually what got him killed and you know what else it got Stefan killed to Acts chapter 6 verse 4 13 and 14 it says for Stefan when he got when he got killed said Acts chapter 6 verse 13 and set up false witnesses which said this man ceaseth not to speak blasphemous words against this holy place in a law now verse 14 here's what's funny for we have heard him say that false witnesses said that no no no no no you are the false witness verse 14 says for we have heard him say oh it says Jesus of Nazareth shall destroy this place and shall change the cost which Moses delivered us now you said the devil accuses you know what the angels actually don't accuse Paul Peters very clear about that he said not even the angels bring railing accusations against sinners right but here's here's who does accuse and let me show you because since you're under that law and you don't keep it and you demand everybody else does you're what Jesus called a hypocrite you're a Pharisee I know you don't like it but it is what it is because you sin and you got on here and you're lying that's what makes me sick to my stomach I know about you bro I know more about you than you could ever imagine because that gift that Paul talks about in 1st Corinthians chapter 14 I have it you're a liar you're a fraud a phony a fake somebody who gets up here and pretends but you don't even know if you're saved so anyway we're gonna go to John chapter 5 verse 45 he says do not think this is Jesus's words he says do not think that I will accuse you to the Father there is one that accuses you even Moses in whom you trust now you trust in your law but the law is the one that accuses you the law is the one that tells you you sin and you do you serve sin because you trying to keep that law that's self righteousness now Philippians 3 9 right and let's we're not even gonna go back to it Ephesians 2 15 how you just write that verse off apparently somehow that's not scripture but Philippians chapter 3 verse 9 says and be found in him in who in Christ be found in him not having my own righteousness which is of the law which is what you have that's what you think you got and you're a failure at it and you're you're a sinner you're gonna you're gonna die in your sin you're you're like brain dead I don't understand you're gonna die in your sin so and be found in him not having my own righteousness which is of the law but that which is through the faith of Christ the righteousness which is of God by faith now let's go back to Romans real quick let's talk about righteousness oh do I love righteousness see you ain't made righteous because you still sin you still serve unrighteousness in fact real quick before we do this one in Romans let's go to 1st John chapter 3 verses 8 through 10 and I'll give you the short version 3 8 says he that committed sin is of the devil that is you Matt because you sin verse 9 says whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin so every time you sin you prove that you're not born of God verse 10 says in this the children of God are manifest and the children of the devil that's you Matt whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God now every time you sin you do with not righteousness you're a liar okay so let's go to Romans where he says that many shall be made righteous that means made righteous in him be found in him not having my own righteousness which is of the law which is what you're trying to accomplish but just you fail I'm really appalled that you actually lied to everybody I expected better out of you dude I really did so Romans chapter by verse 19 says for as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one second shall many be made righteous now I'm made righteous because of his sacrifice not because of anything I do but you're not you sure ain't gonna catch me sitting up here lying to everybody and you did and I'm ashamed of you I really am I really thought you had more guts than you do that's your time very much serving of sin the Bible okay so now it's time for the cross-examination met you have five minutes we'll do couple rounds each okay so ten minutes each in total so you have five minutes to ask Perry questions and I would really like it if you would try to stick to the format so you ask the questions and then Perry answers and then it will be reversed Perry will be able to ask you questions and he and the you'll have to answer we'll try our best to get the format stuck to you but as soon as you start your questioning I will start your time when Paul said that he died daily what did he mean in the flesh if his flesh had to die daily what does that mean that's just perfect did you hear that very I did so Jesus debts Jesus said deny yourself and become his little children deny yourself meant deny you had anything to do with it and just trust him and everything you haven't done that yet Matt Paul had to die to himself daily he literally had to deny himself every morning acts and I would like to answer this with scripture acts chapter 24 verse 16 Paul says and herein do I exercise myself to have always a conscience not flesh a conscience void of offense towards God and man that's because Paul didn't sin so he exercised himself he had to die to himself every day because just like just like Matt here Paul used to be a Pharisee so if Matt were to actually get saved he would had it he would have to die to himself daily and just trust that Jesus did it all but Matt doesn't do that Matt hides his works from Jesus calls them sin and because he said he only has a few I'll let you kind of direct the time because you got only so many minutes to answer questions so the Bible says that we wait for the redemption of our body to wait but you're not gonna be redeemed hold on the Bible says we wait for the redemption of our body so if our flesh has been made you perfect number one why aren't we living forever in our flesh right now and then number two because wait for the redemption of our body if we are sinless because first Corinthians 15 says corruption first Corinthians chapter 15 says now this I say brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God neither does corruption inherit in corruption right so because you're admitting that we're corrupt in the flesh right you have to be a sinner to get saved Matt as you sit there right now you're saying you're not right but we wait for that that's what that you're not saying you're not saying that's what I'm trying to tell you Jesus said you're not question Jesus said just throwing ad hominem attack it okay that's good you're the great here and I'm showing the devil if you don't want to hear it why would you ask if you accuse people you're just a Satan no Bible says there's no you're a liar on earth that you've set up not what he said that you're like 2,000 people tonight hold on my question is and I know it is what I know for a fact you like Paul said that shit that makes me sick Perry you think you're not my question to you is if Paul said I am the chief of sinners present tense in the Bible says he was not a man that doeth good and sin it yeah and I am respond to that what 15 years dude if you knew what I've been through what I've done you would understand honest no I don't wait are you the chief of sin are you I am the chief of sinners I probably made Paul present tense yeah present tense so you're a sinner right that's not what Paul said no that's that is that's not Paul said no no that's not the book of Acts okay well here let's just go back to Jesus right the book you bring up reverse and she's sin if the viewers can research this you're the service can research this and they can see that everything this guy okay they can why okay why would the Apostles kick a man that was saved out of the church for fornication but he was saved wasn't he because he was puffed up he was proud about it look at the verse was that a sin and you're right he was saved they called it a deed they called it a deed no no it doesn't you're a liar the Bible chapter 5 where it was where is it first Corinthians chapter 5 verse 1 I know we don't have a lot of time no I'll say I'll quote the verse for you do you want me to quote it for you first Corinthians chapter 5 verse 2 we listen Paul said no no no no you're talking about the dude that slept with his father's wife no go back to first Corinthians chapter 5 verse 2 and let's review your liars dude you're interrupting me this is supposed to be my question time you're lying you're lying you don't want I'm gonna quote the verse right now what does the Bible says flee fornication every sin referring to that situation that a man do with is without the body but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body you're not even reading first verse first Corinthians chapter first two I don't need to read it I hit his word in my heart oh you don't need yeah you're a liar it's what you are I've exposed shall not live by bread alone but by chapter 5 verse 2 out of the mouth of God yeah every word that proceeded out the mouth of God guess what proceeded out his mouth he said if you sin you're the servant of sin that's what came out Paul said he was Paul said I am the servant of so you're saying Paul is not saved he never said he was a servant or ad hominem attacks dude Romans 8 to said thank I I'm free from the law of sin and death you're just throwing ad hominems no you're just recording the by making excuses for your sin first Corinthians chapter 5 verse 2 you just said that the Bible called it a sin I'm about to prove you a liar first Corinthians chapter 5 verse 2 and you are puffed up that's why I got thrown out for being proud about it and have not rather mourned that he that had done this deed it doesn't say sin it says deed well right the Bible says in that same chapter all right I'm gonna encourage the viewers listen closely listen go pick up you'll see that he is lying right now I'm gonna bring it up I just read the verse chapter 5 verse 2 yep first Corinthians 5 2 and you here let me bring it up here I'll pause the time for everybody any translation I don't even care it's still not gonna call it sin any T is a good translation I believe it's pretty okay whatever it is let's see here so let's start at the top so chapter 5 verse 1 can you guys see the screen is actually reported that sexual immorality exists among you the kind of immorality that is not permitted even among the Gentiles so that someone is coal cohabitating with his father's wife you are so proud shouldn't you have been deeply sorrowful instead and remove the one who did this from among you and I have already judged the one who did this just as though I were present and when you gather together in the name of the Lord Jesus I am with you in spirit along with the power of the Lord Jesus Perry you you just listen the viewers you just got beat here this scripture I just you to be a low you can accuse me to be a liar all day yes in first Corinthians that we're where does it say that that was a sin where whoa show me you can't know the Bible says in Corinthians it doesn't save a book it says you're a liar hold on you got it I memorize the whole Bible what are you out of your mind right now listen you're you're literally this was you're literally arguing against this was this was a piece of cake tonight here the Bible says in that same verse because the Bible destroys it you don't have to be a genius with the scriptures that the flea fornication in first Corinthians says to flee fornication every sin that a man doeth is without the body but he that committed fornication sinneth sinneth against his own body so you're gonna say oh it wasn't a sin here but Paul said it was a sin over here are you kidding me he said flee fornication he says anybody that's an extortioner drunkard fornicator know not to eat so well not enter the kingdom of heaven yeah is that the but yeah and the Bible says such were some of you so we've been cleansed of those things of course but the law still applies the Bible says where I give you good doctrine forsake ye not my law he will turn it the way his ear from hearing the law even his prayer shall be an abomination now we'll try we'll try I'll start Perry's five minutes so he can ask you questions okay Perry you got five minutes to cross examine Matt so when you start asking beautiful okay she's been keeping quiet I have our vendor and I I own that so next time I see you Matt I want to see your right eye plucked out and I'm gonna see your hand cut off because Jesus said if you look at a woman with lost you've committed adultery in your heart and you've sinned and because you sin you're the servant of sin so if you intend on getting in by law you better pluck out your right eye and cut off your right hand because if you don't know it doesn't matter I'll be back you say the law oh you believe that but here didn't Jesus say it so Jesus can see how the laws filled in all of us all of us who believe Matthew 5 45 Matthew chapter 5 verse 45 Jesus said be ye therefore perfect even as your father in heaven is perfect so if you still sin guess what you're not being you're not perfect you're a sin question and because you sin you're the servant of sin you already know it dude I tried getting a hold of you before this to avoid the embarrassment bro tomorrow when you sin you're gonna know that you are absolutely beyond any shadow about you are the servant of sin I am say period I cannot sin questions he's got one for you right you got one for you I got one for you Romans 6 18 Romans 6 shall not have didn't person don't cut me off see there's where you screw up 6 18 says being then made free from sin you became the servants of righteousness if you still sin that are you free from sin like I said earlier my spirit cannot sin it's the spirit that no no it's yes the Bible says the Bible says that God have to Jesus Christ have to know our sins everybody just let him answer then you can ask doing is quoting scripture why are you accusing me of lying when I'm just quoting the Bible to you your lies the Bible a lie no lies of the truth you can be both a saint and a sinner at the same time show me Paul said that now with my mind I serve the law of God but with the flash the law of sin he says I am the chief of sinners I'll give you ten verses where is that verse by the way it is not are you chapter 7 and Titus the Bible says how many verses do you want I can give you 10 verses right now you're a liar I just quoted scripture yes you can't be lukewarm he's gonna are you out of your mouth out of his mouth that's what he said I would love to I would love to go into that passage with you where he says I'm good let's do it because there's lukewarm or cold that means you're asked question why don't you ask him what that verse means I want to make that your question to him ask him what that let's do this let's do this let's look at John 834 go ahead look at that tell Jesus he's a liar let's hear you do it I have answered that four times now no this said Johnny Jesus said the servant of sin is right yep yes I reach in again Bible says that with listen Paul said the Bible says there's not a just man Jesus said if you sin you're the servant of sin Paul said I myself serve the law of God with the mind but with the flash of the law of sin but you're talking about Paul talking about as a Pharisee no I'm asking you Jesus if you sin currently you're the servant of sin so if you sin again was that make you Jesus said it dude my if you sin again what does that make you listen my spirit cannot sin because it is the year you're you're lying that's you're a liar I'm a sinner like race you choose to sin every time it's you that chooses to sin not your I'm answering your questions you're just accusing me of being a liar naturally but you're lying yeah you're lying give me water literally lied in this debate give me one instance well you said you don't watch porn you're a liar how do you know that you just want to admit it I just do trust me I do he knows I know he knows I know and it's gonna kill him tomorrow well there's not gonna be able to supposedly it's somebody lied to everybody 86% of males that do that you know not every man in the world watch porn 86 well this guy's one of them I promise he's not every man does that he's one of the ones just because you are perverted I already know just because you're perverted in your mind I already know unbelieving is nothing pure I believe her is getting mad her his wife can't find out about it and you know what I bet she has found out about it and I bet I'm not willing to say he's a liar you have another question for him this is kind of this is kind of intriguing I you know it's funny when I jump on these debates and people you want to talk about Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul you're getting crushed by the scripture ready it's not my words these are the words of Christ I guess if you want to try again Matt you have a second round of five minute cross-examination so you can try to ask well here Paul said no you not the tomb you yield yourself servants to obey his servants ye are that means Matt the next time you sin you've yielded yourself the servant just say hey so Perry he's got one round left and then you have one round left so let him try and try to answer your questions and then you can ask some questions okay bro so let's try our best okay okay Matt you got five minutes to ask very questions go I need a good one okay so if all sin is willful why was there sins it is sin offerings for ignorant sins and then sin offerings for willful sins in the Bible why if all sin is willful did you hear take your time he did sounds like there's a bunch of people or something somewhere I just didn't know he was done I thought he did you hear his question bro or do you need to ask does he need to ask it again no I heard him but all sin is willful sin and he knows it as he knows he chooses that every time every time it beckons his call he bows to his master he knows he does I don't I didn't ask what I do I didn't I it doesn't matter of course what I asked was what I asked was accountability for your why is there a sin offering for willful sin and for ignorant sin right but aren't you an old testament that was back before you know that's Old Testament I've got the verse written on you said also I know what you're talking about you said but there's only one law yeah so if you break that law all sin is willful sin you choose it every time okay well the viewer can see that it's the viewer the viewer the viewer chooses sin every time you are seized clearly your viewer chooses sin every time you think they choose you're actually you fight it fight it here James 4 17 says to him that no it's good to do right and do with it not to him at his sin so every time you sin you prove yourself to be the servant of sin because you know to do right and you do wrong it doesn't matter what it is I've answered you on that five times okay yeah you can keep coming up with all that yeah we're guilty of all I understand I'm not arguing that listen I'm not arguing that he paid for all of our sins that's not what I'm arguing yes if you are one sin you're guilty of Jesus is the Christ I'm not arguing that you don't what I don't believe these guys because you said whosoever listen Jesus said Jesus said whosoever committed sin so ever is the servant of sin that's what hold on hold on this is my question Jesus said whosoever shall break the least of these Commandments and teach men to do so like you do and that's you shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven why why don't teach anybody how to break Commandments I teach them how to keep them perfectly you're lying against the Commandments not to keep them oh wait but that's what they accused Paul of remember when they said this man ceases now yeah they were falsely accusing you guys that verse you quoted no they were sorry sorry guys I just muted you both for a second we've had a couple requests from the audience to um actually try to follow the formats and actually if Perry could try and answer the questions Matt was asking I just want to say that because the audience is kind of I'm asking so if you guys can try your best to stick to that that'd be great thanks was okay can I answer the question my question is Paul oh wait you can't you can't you can't understand the fact that you just accused me of the same thing they accused all of that's what you do what was the question that what was the question here's my question if the apostle if Jesus Christ was falsely accused and crucified and they tried to do this yeah same thing to Paul why would you say if they falsely accused Jesus but they were not falsely accusing Paul you said they weren't false I never said they possibly anybody falsely accused the scripture said for Stefan that's what the Stefan was the only one that said they set up false accusers against Stefan now with Paul it doesn't say that with Paul verse X chapter 18 verse 12 says and when go go Galio was deputy of a kale the Jews made insurrection with one accord against Paul and brought him to the judgment seat saying verse 13 saying this fellow persuadeth men to worship God contrary to law they weren't lying because Paul was preaching the same thing I'm preaching and you're me of the same thing they accused Paul of making you the fraud and not me and Mitch's makes me in Paul's shoes which is fine with me it ain't no problem for me I'm called the devil today you hate me and Jesus told me that that would have Paul taught against the Pharisaical law Paul taught against the Pharisaical law period falsely accused all the law God no he did not he says I myself God Roman Paul said the law is spiritual said you are a man that's just a lonely good listen I give you good doctor and forsake not my law so here I'll let you that's what he said go ahead Matt go ahead let's your scripture Paul said I give me the law I am the Bible says I want to hear it I give you good doctrine if you want good doctrine forsake your doctor where's the Bible says tell me where it says you gotta go up so I was a just listen to people all it says the opposite this is this is crazy can you keep I'm just gonna mute are you gonna mute the person who's who's gonna not be talking so you ask the question I will meet him and unmute him okay so go ahead well are you saying that for we know that the law is spiritual Roman 714 but I am carnal present tense sold under sin so he kicked out four indicators he said to be careful to maintain good works yeah let me ask you this if you are perfect why in heaven are there going to be rewards and you can lose rewards if you're perfect how could you lose rewards okay now I will unmute him and Perry please answer his question how long do I have I'll give you two minutes to answer each question yeah so Roman 74 Paul says you are dead to the law by the body of Christ dead to the law Romans 7 7 he says that he had not known sin but by the law but he had not known lust except the law had said thou shalt not covet which is number 10 and 10 Commandments which means that he was saying we're dead to the Ten Commandments Romans 7 4 Ephesians 2 15 says Jesus abolished in his flesh even the law of commandments contained in ordinances Romans 10 4 says for Christ is the end of the law for righteousness for all those who believe and then here let's go over here you talk about not being perfect you talk about oh you're perfect this and this and this well Hebrews 10 14 said well you know to Hebrews 10 10 just so we can get it clear said Hebrews 10 10 says by the which will we are sanctified that means it's done are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all once for all what it's all mean all now let's let's drop down to verse 14 where it says for by one offering he hath perfected what does perfected mean that means made perfect he has perfected forever them that are sanctified I'm just one of the ones that are sanctified and this guy still sins this guy's still a sinner this guy still serves sin this guy got on your channel and lied to the entire world tonight this guy is a joke it's a joke you cannot sin and be saved Jesus said if you commit sin you are the servant of sin now he ended that statement with a period that's John 834 he ended it with a period so the next time that mr. Matt Powell sins he's going to know who he serves now Paul who he keeps arguing about on seven but Roman seven was to them that knew law because he was describing the struggle with law which is why both of you find so much in common with it because you're both still trying to keep the law Roman seven one says that's two minutes Thank You Perry yeah I'll unmute Matt now because I'm being fair to both of you and I'll meet you and now you can respond for two minutes we'll just do it back and forth Matt until you have to go or whatever okay that sounds good to me so okay a couple things you said that he abolished in his flesh the enemy even the law of commandments contained in ordinances yes Ephesians 1 15 the they were contained in ordinances and have broken down the middle wall of partition between us so the sacrificial system is what that passage is talking about the sacrifice is that's why I said the middle wall of partition is broken well it means exactly number one okay come on I'm not interrupting you I didn't interrupt you can you behave yourself please so and you also say Christ is the end of the law well the Bible does say in Romans 10 for it says for Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth so when it says he's the end that means the goal Jesus is the goal of the loss the goalpost to be like Christ so you're twisting the words of Paul when you say oh it's the end which means there's no more law that's ridiculous the end means the goal Jesus Christ is ridiculous so the Bible clearly says that the end of the commandment is love charity peace so the goal of the commandments are peace just as the goal of the commandment is to follow Christ so don't conflate don't take these scriptures out of context because you I mean if you're not confronted with people that know the Bible they're gonna be deceived by false doctrine like this and I don't want people to be deceived that's why I came on here tonight to demonstrate this doctrine is a fraud this doctrine is a lie straight from the pits of hell and folks if you noticed all my opponent did during this debate because I know we're nearing the end was throw ad hominems at me and take scriptures out of context and I corrected him many times and I'm done correcting you Perry or I say they mean what they say okay Perry you have two minutes and then we'll do the closing statements and trying to ask a couple Romans 10 for says for Christ is the end of the law what does end mean that it means end end of the law for righteousness I just explore all those who's the goal no no no you're twisting it it means exactly what it says you twisted it you're putting your own interpretation on I'm telling you it means exactly what it says do you see where we have a problem the problem is that he means exactly what I quoted validate now sorry to 15 says he abolished abolished in his flesh even the law of commandments even the law of commandments contained in ordinances so 10 in 603 to make in himself of Twain one new man so making peace he abolished them for the believer Galatians 5 18 says if you were led by the Spirit you are not under the law Romans 6 14 says sin shall not have dominion over you for you are not under the law but under grace you're choosing to be under the law and because you're under the law you fail it you call it sin you're the servant of sin you're a fraud okay Romans 7 4 says we are dead to the law what does dead mean man it means dead dead to the law by the body of Christ you sir are still alive to the law and guess what you're still doing you're still sinning and what's great is okay I know all the sinners are gonna sign up with you because because they're sinners and they rejoice in iniquity but the reality of it is you sir tomorrow when you sin you will have only proven Jesus to be right that you serve sin you're a liar to your wife you're a liar to your church or whoever you belong to you're a hypocrite you tell everybody to keep laws that you don't keep you're a fraud Jesus said you appear righteous outside but inside you're full of hypocrisy and iniquity and the next time you sin you will have proved it to be true I don't care what people think about this you're gonna know who you serve bro that's great okay now we're gonna do five minute closings and I'll do your closing first and then pair you can have your five minute closing and then we'll just take a few questions from the audience before you go is that okay man I'll just do like three questions each or something okay so Matt had prepared a closing statement in video form so I will it's exactly five minutes long I'll bring it up and share my screen and then we'll let Perry have his five minute closing closing hey guys this is Matt Powell I hope that you enjoyed this debate but more importantly than that I hope you see the truth behind the Word of God and behind his laws behind his commandments behind his statutes and the importance of living for God as a Christian if it was true that our flesh was perfect and that we had no sin after believing in Jesus as our Savior then Paul wouldn't have kicked out the fornicator in the church in the New Testament in Corinthians you know certain things wouldn't have taken place that took place all throughout the New Testament when Paul was dealing with sin and remember our flesh is someday going to die which means that sin is still in our members Paul said I know that the law is spiritual but I am carnal sold under sin and so Paul daily dealt with sin he says I die daily and so to say that you don't sin is to say that you're better than the Apostle Paul one thing to always remember is that all throughout the Bible we see the chastening hand of the Lord and the Bible says whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth so if you're a son of God you're gonna enter chastening if you were perfect he wouldn't have to enter chastening because God is not gonna punish somebody that doesn't do anything wrong he will only punish those who do wrong and the Bible says clearly to flee sin the Bible even says in the New Testament Paul told the church flee fornication every sin that a man doeth is without the body but he that comitteth fornication sinneth against his own body so if you commit fornication and you're saved you sin against your own body that means that a Christian can sin and that in your flesh dwelleth no good thing the Bible says there is not a just man upon earth that doeth good and sinneth not the Bible says just lot vexed his righteous soul with the sins of Sodom so I don't condone sin I think that sin should be dealt with but we can't just pretend that once you're saved there's no such thing as sin and what so whatever you do in faith is okay with God that is not what the Bible teaches the Bible teaches the exact opposite Paul said do we make void the law through faith God forbid the Bible also says for where sin doth abound grace doth much more abound we wouldn't need the grace of God every day if we were sinless we need his grace every day folks and so where sin doth abound grace doth much more abound and if there's no law there's no transgression which means that there would be no need for grace if we need his grace every day which we do and there is no law then there would be no grace given because there has to be a law that's broken in order for the grace to apply so you take away law you take away grace so there's a balance that Paul gives us in the New Testament Romans and Corinthians and elsewhere about law and grace and so don't be deceived by teachers like this man I just debated here tonight read the Bible read the truth Jesus said I'm the way the truth in the life no man cometh unto the Father but by me the Bible says in Psalm 89 if his children forsake my law and walk not in my judgments if they break my statutes and keep not my commandments then will I visit their transgression with the rod and their iniquity with stripes nevertheless my loving kindness will I not utterly take from him nor suffer my faithfulness to fail my covenant will I not break nor alter the thing that has gone out of my lips so God clearly says that if you break his commandments and do the things that displease him you are gonna be punished in heaven you could lose rewards if you were perfect and if you were sinless you would not have rewards because you've already accomplished everything that there is to accomplish the Bible says that Jesus Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth and meaning the goal he's the goal of the law you want to be like Christ if you reach the end you're reaching your destination and so Christ is the end of the law he's the goal the goal is Christ the Bible says that we should walk in his steps that he ought to walk also as he walked that's why Jesus said that which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit my spirit cannot sin but my flesh and that's in that flesh of mine dwelleth no good thing if you want healing in your life you need to turn from your sins and do as Paul said die to your flesh daily cool that was a good video that's good isn't he's gonna mean matter gonna be doing a collaboration project together do I have the same amount of time you sure do you Perry you have five minutes as soon as you start talking beautiful start your time so Romans Romans chapter 3 verse 20 and 21 says therefore by the deeds of the law which is what Matt's trying to accomplish by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight for by the laws knowledge of sin so because you're under that law you know you sin verse 21 but now the righteousness of God without the law it's manifested being witnessed by the law and the prophets that means the righteousness of God without the law so Matt is trying to get the righteousness by the law but Philippians 3 9 says be found in him not having my own righteousness which is by the law which is what Matt's attempting and failing every day first John 3 8 says he that committed sin is of the devil so Matt said he sins it's obvious who you're up right and tomorrow when you sin again you're gonna know that Jesus wasn't lying that you serve sin because you continue sinning you just keep doing it you can't stop have you stopped sinning yet Matt can he answer the question just yes or no if he wants to Matt you can answer if you want wrote Perry's time so it's your time here have you stopped sinning Roman says yes or no so I think his answer is no my spirit cannot sin I think his answer is no to my spirit cannot stop sinning can and guess what the next time you sin Matt first John 3 6 says whosoever abideth in him sinneth not that means you don't sin whosoever sinneth hath not seen him neither known him see I don't sin I'm born of God I'm actually saved you met you sin you've never seen him or known him the Bible says so you're using as an excuse you're using strip what video said I would pause your time his video was only five minutes so like you keep bringing up first done all that because doesn't it say that you have to walk in the light like Christ walked in the light to have fellow right that means perfect so if you're not perfect guess what if you sin again you know there's no light in you and you know what let's wrap it up with this John chapter 11 John chapter 11 verse 9 and 10 says Jesus answered are there not 12 hours in a day if any man walk in the day he stumble if not that's me I don't like yeah because he seeth the light of this world but if any man walk in the night he stumbles but if any man walketh in the night he stumbles because there is no light in him exactly so the next time Matt sins he will have stumbled he will know that there's no light in him he's only twisting scripture to suit himself he's a fraud he's a bold-faced fraud and you know what I think you're gonna be a better debate than the other guy is but 2nd Corinthians chapter 7 verse 10 cuz I got five minutes right 2nd Corinthians chapter 7 verse 10 says for godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of but the sorrow of the world worketh death so every time Matt sins he repents of his repentance he takes it back and then he promises God oh I'll never do it again please forgive me and then he does it again you're fat look that's why you're smiling that's why you can't just admit you're broken you're a liar and you're gonna keep going and you're going to die in your sin you're gonna die a sinner dude you are literally choosing sin over Christ and what he did you don't understand because you don't want to understand all you care about is yourself but at the end of the day tomorrow you're gonna sin again and Jesus said if you sin you're the servant of sin so you're only gonna prove to yourself that you are the servant of sin because you can't stop and 2nd Peter 2 14 says and let's just use this because here's reality says having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin you don't stop you can't stop you won't stop you're choosing sin over Jesus you're a liar he says and having and that cannot cease from sin beguiling unstable souls a heart they have exercised with covetous practices cursed children you're cursed you're gonna sin till the day you die because you choose it you're rejecting Christ and you forsake him every time you sin you say you're a believer but you're a liar you're an absolute liar dude I am act like beyond deeply disappointed in you I really thought you were gonna be more of a man tonight and you're not an extra 30 seconds for me interrupting you Perry's extra 30 seconds doesn't matter Jesus said if you sin you are the servant of sin nothing he says will ever top it that's what Jesus said but Matt says different so for Matt it's different that's fine Matt can go out word but Matt's gonna sin again Matt's gonna go behind his wife's back Matt's gonna screw up and Matt's gonna call it sin and he's gonna prove that he's only the servant of sin thank you so much for your closing statement very thank you that's my closing statement and Matt I would just like to say I like your smile it's your nice smile bro I don't think it's like a cocky thing he's always smiling smile okay let's get to the questions now guys I know you guys are both busy men and you don't have all night so okay if you guys got any questions please get them out now so I don't have to scroll all the way up through the chat to look for old questions I see one here from Jesse Gilmer question how does Matt explain first on three nine and how does Perry explain ecclesiastes 720 so let's see how Perry just ended we'll let Matt answer first and how much time do you guys think you need a minute two minutes each for these questions or what just a minute okay a minute each is good so I'll start your time that when you begin yeah first John 3 9 says for whosoever is born of God doth could not commit sin for his seed remaineth in him and he cannot sin because he's born of God and so what gets born of God the spirit the spirit cannot sin but the flesh can't that's why Jesus said that which is born of flesh is flash that which is born of spirit is spirit this is the simplicity of salvation yeah that's why there's a battle between the flesh and the spirit all through the New Testament and the Bible clearly says that once you're born of God you can't commit sin once what gets born of God though the spirit not the flesh did your flesh get born again when you sin you're not born and so hey hold on hold on so when you get saved it's your spirit that gets born again that which is born of flesh is flesh that which is born of spirit of spirit marvel not that I say unto you you must be born again and so it's the spirit that quickeneth the flesh profit nothing the spirit is what gets saved not the flesh thank you yep and pair you'll have the exact same time to respond so please don't try and interrupt each other okay guys he just said he cannot sin but then like half an hour ago he said he does that's a double-minded and he's unstable all the way so pair you have one minute you can you know that's not what the Bible says spirit is unstable always dude you're a liar man you guys quoted scripture before that let's try new questions you it's my bro you choose let's try and get through the question we're waiting good so Perry you have a minute if you can answer yes you 720 yeah says there's not a just man upon earth that doeth good and it's absolutely correct that's why he said that he concluded that all are under sin right that was the whole point of Jesus dying was to conclude all under sin he leveled the playing field so he said now if you sin you're the servant of sin but if you find me now you cannot sin anymore right so the people that are actually saved first John 3 9 says whosoever born of God does not commit sin so every time this guy sins he proves he's not born of God but he says whosoever is born of God cannot commit sin if you're born of God you cannot commit sin I cannot sin it's not possible but Matt here he does sin and then he says he cannot sin and then he does say he says he does sin and then he kept his mind because he's a double-minded man okay so that was pretty much a minute thank you so much Perry next question from James Smith and Matt you can go first minute a minute and a minute each question for Perry but I'll let you guys both respond so well Perry you can do it first because the questions to Perry and then Matt will respond so question for Perry can someone commit pedophilia in faith and not have it be a sin for them am I good yes Roman 14 23 says and he that doubteth is damned if he eat because he eateth not a faith for whatsoever whatsoever what does that include whatsoever is not a faith is sin now I got another one to go with it Colossians chapter 1 verse 20 which I know Matt would never know your answer is yes your answer is yes yeah no Colossians 1 20 says and having made peace through the blood of the cross by him to reconcile all things it means all so your answer is yes by him I say whether they be things in earth or things in heaven I know I get one more 2nd Corinthians chapter 13 verse 7 it's right but it's not so no it's really not but cold okay well yes or no it away Matt yes or no do you sin you never gave me a yes or no okay so Perry's so no you said yes 13 7 says now I pray to God that you do know evil which is what I do I pray to God you do know evil not that we should appear approved because we don't have my to speak yeah it's been a minute now so you should do that which is honest though we be as reprobate you should even okay go ahead respond you have one minute so when you say whatsoever is not a thing every time you send that hold on hold on wait a minute start the timer over whatever you say whatsoever is not a faith is sin which is what the Bible says the Bible clearly says all thy commandments are faithful faithful all of his commandments are faithful and so we're to keep his commandments and there's no such thing as committing pellet why doesn't he abolish them hey hold on taking that out of context the Bible says that all of his commandments are faithful and that anybody that harms a little child Jesus said it's been better than a millstone were hung about their neck and they were drowned in the deepest sea that's what Jesus said if you harm a little child it'd be better for you to have a rock chained around your neck and you drowned in the deepest sea the Bible says that all his commandments are faithful so when you say whatsoever is not a faith is sin yeah absolutely the commandments are faithful the commandments say not to commit that and the Bible says there's no temptation taken you in the New Testament but such as is common to man pedophilia is not common to man that's only for those who are reprobates and disgusting okay so that's your minute Matt Thank You Perry this is from Melvin but I'm not gonna have you read the entire verse I'll just ask it as a question so he wants you to explain Proverbs 28 7 whosoever keepeth the law is a wise son but he that is companion of righteous men shameth his father so how do you explain that verse you have a minute when you start your when you start talking and you've muted yourself so whenever you're ready just unmute yourself and I'll start your time who so keepeth the law is a wise son yeah whoever keeps it perfectly how can I break when I'm not under see this guy Matt and Melvin they both say they're under law but neither one of them keep it so they don't keep it I don't I said claim to be under the law I've never said that you did though oh wait so you're really backwards you you're one way one minute and another the other are you under the law or no the Bible says Christ have redeemed us from the curse of the law are you longer under the penalty of sin the law right under the law the penalty is no longer have dominion over you so if sin shall no longer have dominion over you why do you sin Matt okay so this is supposed to be a question from no no no no this is this is gone let's get to this Roman 614 says no longer sin shall not have dominion over you so if it shall not have dominion over you why do you still sin man I don't well that's a minute so finally you have one minute that to respond to this question if you'd like the verse you're quoting is in Romans and it says for sin shall not have dominion over you for you're not under the law but under grace well I'm not under the law the Spirit has been freed from the curse of the law the Bible says why do you still see this from the curse of the law you're cutting me off once again very Perry what the heck man like can you can you you know I'm quoting scripture you're very unprofessional and this debate you're turning this debate into a total joke you're the cheese and you say you're safe you're a liar Matt and tomorrow when you sin you're gonna know he's without sin as a liar in the truth is not in him I said for a lot of years is not I really did I don't say I'm without I say I'm just go to the next question okay you must say you're without okay Matt we'll go to the next question because it's about will never end okay can you read Romans 8 to this is from a server it destroys your interpretation of Romans 7 25 a believer doesn't serve the law of sin the flesh profits nothing we are perfect because we abide in Christ by faith I take it this is one of Perry's friends so he's saying Romans 8 to destroys your interpretations of Romans 7 to 5 so maybe we can I don't I don't really understand this question but I will say the Bible says for the law of the Spirit of Christ Jesus have made me free from the law of sin and death so the Spirit yes the Spirit has been renewed I've been over this a million times now so how does Romans 8 to destroy how does Romans 8 to destroy your interpretation of Romans 7 25 is the question it's a ridiculous argument to say that Romans 8 who is is somehow going to debunk other scripture I thought we were supposed to agree with his idea of it no that's not what I said I just I'm putting out a straw man that's a strike and that's another add-on logical what is the propitiation that if it's not a straw man what is the propitiation what did Jesus step in to do this is a call with a so I'll do one more question and then I'm done with you okay can I do one can I just ask him a question go ahead we're done we're done asking questions I don't know what happened he must have lost himself there I'm done interacting with him I'm actually gonna upload a compilation of my channel of him failing to answer questions and actually of the scripture I quoted a million scripture I probably quoted about 200 scriptures tonight and every single time he's like you're lying you're lying you're lying look no lies of the truth Jesus said thy word is truth thy word is pure all of thy commandments are the truth all of thy commandments are spiritual and so of course it's spiritual to keep God's commandments this guy is completely off the rails no no no I'm not off the rail here it says sin shall not have dominion over you I just explained that I literally just explained that over you doesn't it my flesh well if no good thing and that's okay my spirit because Jesus said you know what he's gonna do he's gonna say depart from you that work I don't agree with the language on this question but I agree with that mess stop that is that is diverted the Bible says the gospel of Christ you are perverted in your mind well Jesus you are perverted in your mind there's Timothy think or a pedophilia is okay as long that is whoa that is a tannic temptation taking you but such as this common to man so you're twisting with the power of God nobody is gonna believe Matt you're a liar here's a question for you here's a question from Colin Anderson have you been drinking no I'm tired I've been I was at the hospital for four days then I preached for like the last I'm dead tired okay so I just want to say to the audience before I take off out of here anybody can see through the lies that were spoken on this guy's side tonight anybody can all you have to do is pick up the Bible and see it read it in context piece of cake you guys have a good night I think you have an ador that's my wife I know I know I know that's why I was saying he's a cute little guy if any for us her heart I love you honey I've seen that video on you guys made that was pretty that's pretty cool how you guys met and stuff marriage marriage was worth the weight and only perverts will say you must be in sin they accuse you of the things that they themselves are guilty of that's what the Bible says that was it he was done so thank you Perry for coming on and thank you everybody for being here you got your debate