(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Then I wanted to touch on something else that you hear a lot. People say, oh, King James only is a cult. That's a cult. Somebody said that to me today. That's a cult-like doctrine to be King James only. I wanted to address a couple of things about that is that, first of all, they don't even know the definition of the word cult, because a cult is when you're following one person. You're wrapped up in a cult of personality around a person. We think of Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union, that's called a cult of personality. Or you think of the Mormons, it was a cult around Joseph Smith. It's a cult around Brigham Young. You think of the Seventh-day Adventists, it's a cult around Ellen G. White. You think of the Branch Davidians, it's a cult following David Koresh. That's a cult. Then there's the biggest cult in the world, which is following the Pope, basically. It's that he's somehow the final authority. But there are cults around people. There could be a cult following of a rock star or a politician or- Or even a film. They'll use that term for films, like there's a cult film because it's- Yeah, a cult classic. Yeah. But there's a Trump cult, if you think about it. People worshiping Trump. Really going berserk for Trump. That's a cult following. This is what's so stupid to say that about the King James, is that no one does that with King James. I've been around King James churches my entire life. I've never seen anybody say, we got to get our doctrine from King James, or well, what did King James believe about that? I've never seen anybody even care what King James thought about it, number 1. Number 2, if you look at cults, they have these other texts that are unique to them, like the Book of Mormon is unique to Mormons. The Seventh-day Adventists have the writings of LNG White. The Jehovah's Witnesses have the New World Translation. That's a cult because they're the only ones who do it. The King James is the number 1 best-selling book in the history of mankind. It's the best-selling Bible translation in the history of mankind overall, and it's the most read Bible version today in 2021. It's the most preached Bible version in 2021. How is that a cult thing? It's the main Bible. It's the number 1 Bible, and so we're just saying, stick with it. Don't get off on these other goofball translations. How could that be a cult? Who are we following in this King James only cult? Who's our guy? Who is it? Is it King James? Because I don't think any of us care what King James believed. I've never heard anybody invoke him as any kind of an authority on any of our beliefs. Have you? I've just heard people try to tear him down to somehow legitimize the Bible, but that's about it. I've never seen anybody have a cult following around him. If we're being accused of having a cult following around the Word of God, well, we're guilty because it's a cult of Jesus. Jesus is our cult leader then. It's like, think about how stupid that sounds. Because you can't point to any other person that we're following besides Jesus and his word. So how is that a cult? You're basically calling Christianity a cult. I think a lot of times people who will say that, like KJV onlys are just, they're a cult. They're actually using like Ruckmanism as an example. Then obviously we wouldn't consider them to be KJV onlys because they have this weird interpretation, but they probably see something like that, which that would be considered kind of like a cult because they follow the writings and teachings of Peter Ruckman and his interpretation of the King James Bible. That's probably what they're looking at when they say that or judging us based upon the Ruckmanites.