(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Good evening. So I'm not out in the wilderness tonight. I'm at my desk and I have a globe simply for optics, but also to troll flat earthers because we all know that the Bible teaches that the earth is a globe that the Lord hangeth upon nothing. Anyway, so what I have here, these are the beginning of my notes on Dr. Jordan Peterson. Now, I mentioned that I was going to go through his book and dissect it and share it with any viewers that I have and the problems with it. These notes are not from the 12 rules of life. By the way, what do the 12 rules of life say? What do the New York Times say about it? They say that he's the most influential public intellectual in the Western world right now. Sounds very godly and not Antichrist at all, but I titled these notes, the problems with Dr. Jordan Peterson, and I got these from a video of a snippet of his, of a lecture that he gave and the video is entitled atheist scientists versus Christian fundamentalists on a YouTube channel called Bite Sized Philosophy. I'm basically going to read you these notes. There's a few pages and it's not going to be devoid of scripture, but it's basically just my observation of his just flawed logic and dangerous philosophy and way of thinking, especially when it comes to the Bible, that will lead young men and anyone who listens to him astray if they give ear and give heed to his words. So this is the quote. This is the first quote and my intention was to get through the entire video and basically highlight multiple quotes, which was, it was like a 10 and a half minute video and dissect those, those quotes and why there are problems with his, with his thought process. But I literally only got through three minutes and I don't want to be too long and drawn out on this issue, especially if I'm going to be harping on it for a while, which I might. So I hope you buckle up and stay tuned with me. But I think this is important because he's so influential in 2019 and I'm glad I have notes cause I'm incredibly tired. So bear with me. I'm going to read my notes. He says this at the beginning of the video, the Christian fundamentalists Peterson says in the U S make the proposition that biblical stories, we'll call them mythological stories are literal representations of the truth. And that might be true depending on what you mean by literal, but what they mean by literal or what they attempt to make literal mean is that they're in the same category as scientific facts, scientific facts. Yeah, buckle up. There's so much deceit and so many problems with that quote. In his lectures, Jordan Peterson is constantly presenting the idea of truth as something abstract and evasive that cannot be found out. An idea meant to strip you of your ideological identity so that you will adopt his, it allows him to move as an intellectual Houdini that can't be pinned down on what he's really saying and makes it impossible to hold him accountable for his teachings. It's similar to somebody who was just always sarcastic. Have you ever met somebody who's just always sarcastic and everything they say in response to you is, is sarcasm and you can't tell if they're being passive aggressive, if they're only joking or if they're truly showing you just vitriol and they're angry at you. It's quite similar because Jordan Peterson, he basically has this idea of, of words and definitions of words that are just constantly amorphous and ever changing and that he insists can be bent to the will of the speaker. So he doesn't adhere to a dictionary definition of words that as a community and that we've collectively agreed upon. He basically says, well, you know, what do you mean by literal? I know what I mean by literal. We might all mean something. Everybody knows what literal means. The word literal means something that occurred in reality. It means something that's not symbolic. I mean, I'm literally holding this paper in my hand. I'm not not holding the paper in my hand and saying that I am if I'm holding, if I, I'm literally holding this paper. It's something that we shouldn't even have to expound. And this is the problem with a lot of philosophers, but I'm getting ahead of myself. A lot of philosophers, they basically cause you to question presuppositions that shouldn't be questioned. They cause you to dwell on topics and just facts of life that we've already determined and that actually are imperative that they are determined so that we don't stay at this stalemate and so that we don't just, so we are not just, you know, just just sitting in fear and confused because we don't understand the nature of reality. But I'm getting ahead of myself. So Peterson violates the biblical principle of letting your yay be yay and your nay be nay. Even his wife said in a clip I saw, she said, oh, all his thoughts are a story. They're all long and drawn out. But, you know, she said, she says, you got to stick around until the end to, you know, to see the end of the story. This is not biblical. And this indicates deceit because I also have written down here. He also drastically violates the principle of linguistic analysis that says the shortest statement is the most reliable statement. His obfuscations of thought and word indicate deceit at worst and vain wisdom that is devoid of real substance at best. So basically the Bible teaches that, you know, what does it say? The word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword. You know, the Bible teaches us how to speak. God teaches us how to speak. He tells us what he really means and he means what he says. In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. We know exactly what that means. The Bible says in six days God created heaven and the earth and all that in there is. That's something that Jordan Peterson is staunchly against that notion. And basically, I'll get to it, but he wants the scientific method and Neil deGrasse Tyson and Stephen Hawking to be the scrutinizer of the Bible rather than allow the Bible to scrutinize the claims of men. So he wants man because of the advent of the scientific method, however, 500 or 1000 years ago to shed light on the Bible. Whereas he's got it up. That's the opposite of how we should look at things. We should look at everything and every claim of man through the magnifying glass and the fine tooth comb of the Bible. So he creates all these word salads. He creates these big web of words that they basically lead you to believe that, well, the reason I can't follow what he's saying is because my IQ is not nearly as high as his. He's a genius. He's a professor at the University of Toronto. When in fact, somebody who is linguistically intelligent or even wise and intelligent, they know how to communicate and they know how to condescend to men of lower estate. So the mark of a wise man is not that you can understand what he says or that you can't understand what he says and that all of his words are so just magnificent and verbose. His thoughts, a good teacher, someone who's apt to teach and somebody who's intelligent should be able to take a complicated idea and break it down into bite sized pieces that are understandable for the listener. For example, so yeah, so this method or this way of speaking and thinking, it indicates deceit or vain wisdom that's devoid of real substance. For example, his long drawn out answers on whether or not he believes in God. You know Jordan Peterson, there's a clip of him when he's asked if whether or not he believes in God, he basically says, I can't answer that question because I would need so much time to answer that question. Okay, that is, that's retarded. That is stupidity. It's utter stupidity and it's obviously foolishness. And just ask yourself, I mean, I don't even have to go into detail on why that's stupidity, but ask yourself if you as a Christian, if that's somebody you should be listening to. And there's, I have so many more thoughts on Peterson, but these are just my thoughts on his, on two quotes of his. As I've said previously, Peterson is incredibly verbose and highfalutin in his language, creating a chaotic multidimensional web of words that make his stream of thought impossible to follow as a logical train. This ultimately leaves the listeners who aren't aware of what he is doing left to believe by faith that they are hearing wise words from a credible authority on psychology and philosophy. For example, like he says in the above mentioned quote, what is a literal representation of the truth? And again, this is just an example of him bending words, twisting words and, and convoluted two ideas that are in contrast to one another. So he says, what is, you know, he says a literal representation of the truth or what we as Christians think is a literal representation of the truth. Okay, here's the thing. There is the literal and then there is that which is symbolic of the literal, which is a representation. He convoluted these two, these two ideas. Moses, for example, literally parted the Red Sea and the children of Israel literally crossed to the other side. This event we learn in the New Testament is a symbol or representation of baptism by water. Peterson makes it clear, however, that he believes taking a literal interpretation of miraculous accounts in scripture is problematic and that he believes them to be myths. He utilizes the Bible in the same way he utilizes stories like the Lion King or Pinocchio in his lectures. A plain reading of the Bible dictates that there is a primary application of the texts and then multiple sub applications. In Peterson's vain efforts to teach the Bible, he misses or perhaps intentionally evades the primary application of the text that the existing biblical commentary already offers. Such is the case in his teachings on Cain and Abel and the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. For example, he'll never say that the Lord Jesus Christ died and rose again and that the resurrection is literal and he'll never refer to the scripture that talks about there being 500 plus eyewitnesses to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, to the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ. But when he teaches, and it's even worse when he teaches Old Testament stories like Cain and Abel without the magnifying glass of the New Testament, you know, for example, just look on my channel. There's a video entitled, I'm going to get there in a second, but, you know, he basically teaches, he'll never teach that Cain and Abel, you know, that Cain represents the devil and his children and that Abel represents saved Christians and the Lord Jesus Christ. He'll never teach what the Bible teaches that Abel was a saved Christian who offered the blood of the lamb to atone for his sins and that Cain brought the produce of his own labor and that, you know, the tillage of his own ground, of his ground and offered it to the Lord that represents a workspace salvation on Cain's end versus a faith based salvation in Jesus Christ on Abel's end. And he'll teach these, you know, these secondary and third applications and that sound good, but he misses the mark completely and it's not the truth. And it's, we as Christians, it's alluring initially because there's this popular psychologist who the world touts is this, you know, the most influential, the most influential public intellectual in the West right now. And he's like teaching the Bible, but he's not teaching the Bible. What he's doing is twisting the Bible and he wants you to receive it. So it's more subtle in many ways than even someone like, you know, a false prophet like John MacArthur or Joel Osteen, because we are, we are already keen on being leery of those people and we already look at them cockeyed and we know what they're about. However, Jordan Peterson is somebody who can slip under the radar because, oh yeah, but he's just a psychologist and he's, you know, it's, it's no big deal, but it is a big deal because once you start going into the territory of, of the Bible, you are teetering on the edge of false prophet. In the short clip on my channel entitled entitled Jordan Peterson sees a sexually aroused feline in the story of Cain and Abel. He plainly states that God in Genesis 4 is synonymous with reality and downplays the fact that he is a literal person who spoke the words that are written down in the Bible. Peterson takes no qualm in dethroning the biblical character of God and imposing his abstract and impersonal imagination of who God is or should be in his mind. In this case, he equates God with the nature of being or reality. So he also says this in the above mentioned quote, he says, depends what you mean by literal and depends what you mean by believe he has said in other clips. So basically, he takes words that we already have a common understanding of as English speaking people. We can open the dictionary and read the definition of these words and even better, we can open the Bible and see how the Bible defines these words. But the Bible is clear on what it means to believe. Because when asked if he believes in God or if he believes in Christ, he says this all the time. He'll say, well, it depends on what you mean by believe. Well, what do you mean by believe? What do I mean by believe? What does anybody mean by believe? Who really knows what the word believe means? We don't know anything. Therefore, let's just worship the God of chaos and order. That's Jordan Peterson's God. He's so obsessed with chaos and order. That's his worldview. Two things that the Bible do not emphasize in that way that he emphasizes them. The Bible emphasizes the light and the darkness and emphasizes the good and evil. It emphasizes the truth and lies, but it doesn't emphasize chaos and order in the way that he emphasizes it. The Bible is clear what it means to believe when it comes to God. Unlike Jordan Peterson wants you to, he wants to lead you to believe that we can't really know what believe even means. Thankfully, the Bible tells us what believe means. It means to be persuaded. It means to place your trust in, and it means to place your faith in the promises of the Bible and the account of the gospel. This is a dangerous philosophy that like many ancient philosophers and vain thinkers of the Greek and Roman ancients, strips man of basic presuppositions and understandings that they've accumulated through basic day to day tasks. In its worst forms, it causes one to question the existence of the world around him and his very being itself. It causes one to betray the definitions of words that have been collectively agreed upon and confirmed in the dictionary. It causes the listener to become confused between presuppositions that should be challenged, such as adherence to a false religion passed down by tradition or the efficacy of false medical advice and basic logic that causes us to be stifled in our daily lives if perpetually questioned and pondered. It causes man to forsake a pure understanding of language and reality that his senses and upbringing have correctly instructed him to believe. Ultimately, it causes the unstable to question basic statements of fact in the Bible. That's what's so bad about this philosophy. You know, this philosophy like these, you know, these ancient philosophers who they're not even worth naming, that basically say, you know, am I even, what is being, you know, how do I know that I'm even real? And this isn't all just a dream. Maybe I'm the only thing that's real and you're not real. Maybe nothing is real. Maybe we all don't even exist at all. That line of thinking and that line of thinking takes you nowhere. That philosophy of this world, it's vain and it basically strips mankind of, and people who are prone to, you know, to, you know, test out those waters. It, you know, it basically causes them to not know anything. It causes them to just to be unbelieving when it comes to everything. They basically don't trust their eyes. They don't trust any of their senses. They don't trust basic tenants of reality that we've learned, such as that you need oxygen to breathe or it can, who knows where it can lead this weird philosophy of what do you believe? But, you know, even, you know, what is being or what are we or is anything even real? That line of thinking will always, if somebody stays in that thought process or in that frame of thought, it will always cause them, it'll never cause them to have faith in the Bible. It'll cause them to doubt the Bible and even just doubt basic, basic tenants of reality that we all know are real. You know, we all know that mankind exists. We all know that consciousness exists. We all know that the world exists and that we're not just some in some dream. Ultimately, it causes the unstable to question basic statements of fact in the Bible, such as Christ died for our sins, according to scriptures, was buried, and that he rose again the third day, according to scriptures. You know, it causes them to think, well, maybe that's not what it really means. What does it really mean? Instead of understanding that it means what it really means, it means that Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose again, literally, and then after you understand that, then you search for the secondary application, not before. Ultimately, this doubt will cause the damnation of a man's soul if he retains doubt in the Bible's plain statements that are made to be taken literally, such as in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, such as, you know, the plain statements in Noah's Ark, and the story of Noah's Ark, and Tower of Babel, Cain and Abel. Those stories literally happened, and we don't need a scientific method to prove it. He says this, he says, or what they attempt to make literal mean, talking about Christians. So this shows that Peterson believes that the definition of words are elastic and amorphous, and can be forcibly bent at the will of the speaker. Look, I don't attempt to make literal mean anything. We all know what literal means. It means that something happened in reality. It means that it's not symbolic or a metaphor. This shows, it doesn't show that Christians are attempting to make anything mean anything, and of course some people twist the Bible. But if, you know, God is not the author of confusion, seek and ye shall find. He that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest that they're wrought in God. You can know the truth, and God can lead you into all truth. He's not just going to send you in circles, but his words betray him, and show that he, he's the one that thinks he can make the word literal, and the word believe mean, mean something that they don't really mean. He's the one doing that, not Christians. The fundamental, he also says this, the fundamental philosophical axioms of the scientific method weren't developed until Descartes, Bacon, etc. You could argue about when science emerged, but it certainly emerged within its articulated form within the last thousand years. And if you look, look at it in its context, what he's talking about is how Christianity and us being fundamentally, us fundamentally believing the Bible, meaning that we believe what it literally says, that when Christ, that we believe Christ literally took the sins of the world upon him. He has a, he has a metaphorical, symbolic definition for every single thing, including the sin, the crucifixion, the resurrection, everything in the Bible. He's trying to, this persuasion cometh not of him that calleth you. He's trying to take you away. He's trying to, he's trying to strip your understanding of the Bible. He's not enlightening you at all, and I don't care if he gives you, you know, clean your room. Oh, clean your room. Okay, everybody knows to clean your room since you're nine years old. Your mom told you that, you know, he says, um, what else does he, does he say? Well, you know, you better have your room and life in order before you criticize everyone else. Okay, my life's not in perfect order, but I'm still going to criticize you, Dr. Jordan Peterson. I think you're just trying to protect yourself from being called out on your garbage. And I'm sure this book is filled with just as much garbage. I'm only about 10, 12 pages in, and it's, it's already just like every single, but it's just, it's just this affectation of wisdom. It's the world's wisdom. So basically what he's talking about is how we, as Christians, we should be, um, attaining into the council of the scientific method and Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes to look at the Bible and interpret it through their lens of understanding instead of taking the Bible to examine and scrutinize the claims of men and scientists. So he has it backwards. This thinking should immediately be seen as flawed to any Bible believing Christian and also understood to be blasphemous toward God. The clear insinuation is that men should revert to discoveries of science and men like Rene Descartes and Francis Bacon to confirm which claims of the Bible are true. This is flawed logic considering the impeccability of the Bible. The Bible is what conducts the scrutiny of the claims of scientists and philosophers to determine the veracity and not the other way around. Again, we don't need science. The Bible isn't a science book. Obviously the God of this universe can violate and change whenever he wants the laws of physics by, you know, by rising again from the dead or by parting the Red Sea or whatever it is. If he wants to momentarily change the laws of physics he can do those things and we don't need, obviously, to look through the lens of a scientist or philosopher to determine what is true in the Bible and what's not. What we need to do is look at the Bible to determine what these men who are trying to teach us something, if what they're saying is true and the way we do that is by looking through the lens of the Bible. I don't need Descartes or Bacon or Plato or Aristotle or anybody or Socrates to determine what is true in the Bible and I especially don't need Jordan Peterson. I'm glad that I have the Bible to show me what is not true according to his words because it's all just so vain and it's not nearly as wise and full of good understanding as he will try to lead you to believe. Just I'm gonna leave you with a couple scriptures on the wisdom of this world. The Bible says, for the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written he taketh the wise in their own craftiness. Look Jordan Peterson is very crafty in his speaking. It's all calculated. It's all an affectation. It's all feigned and again the Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise that they are vain. God knows Jordan Peterson's thoughts that they're vain and hopefully you get to a point where you can see through that and a lot of people can but you know he's basically taking Jordan Peterson is taking you know there's a lot of guys in my generation that you know we didn't have some we didn't have a good father figure and there they want to latch on to people like Jordan Peterson and what they should be doing is latching on and trusting and and just grabbing the hem of Christ's garment and just latching on to Christ and following him and making him their father figure Christ should be the father figure of Millennials Jordan Peterson is not the ultimate father figure the father is the Lord Jesus Christ is the Holy Spirit is therefore let no man glory and men for all things are yours it says that in 1st Corinthians 3 it says in 1st Corinthians 1 for the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness but unto us which are saved it is the power of God for it is written I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent where is the wise where is the scribe where is the disputer of this world hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world and Jordan Peterson's words are truly foolish if you really examine them for after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God but Jordan Peterson is with his wisdom is keeping people from God it's bad and I'm not saying he's reprobate or evil maybe he is quite possibly is but what he's doing is Antichrist and he's taking the place of Christ because people look to him literally as a Savior the wisdom but it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe for the Jews require a sign and the Greeks seek after wisdom Jordan Peterson but we preach Christ crucified under the Jews a stumbling block and under the Greeks foolishness but unto them which are called both Jews and Greeks Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God because the foolishness of God is wiser than men and the weakness of God is stronger than men now what is it saying there in that last verse it's not saying that God has any foolishness it's not saying that God has any weakness at all what it is saying is that what the world sees as foolishness and what the world sees as weakness when it comes to Bible doctrine is incredible eternal strength praise God for the Bible so that's the beginning of my Jordan Peterson thing